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Table of Contents:



Arrival, September




January, February, March and Homecoming

on India Part Two page



On Thu, 15 Jul 1999 05:08:02 +0000 (GMT), Jeannie

Alvin wrote:


Hi, folks!

My mailing address is the same, but now the

letters PMB (for private

mail box) are required in front of the number:

Jeannie Alvin PMB #70

993-C S. Santa Fe Ave.

Vista, CA 92083


AND !!!!!


I made my plane reservations for my trip to

India today!!! I depart

Sept. 18, and arrive there on Sept. 21st!!! (I

lose a day.) I will

stop in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, for a rest stop

after about 23 hours of

flight, I think?!!

After some sleep in a hotel, I will fly on to

Madras, India, sleep

overnight, and fly to Bangalore, Southern India,

a very short flight.

I will depart India on Jan. 14th, and reach

L.A. on Jan. 15th.

Mom is treating me to a trip this weekend to

see Teira in San

Francisco. We are looking forward to a great


Love to all, and when will I see you?




Jeannie Alvin <> wrote:

Aug. 17, 1999

I am so excited, because one month from today I take

off for my four

month pilgrimage to see a holy man in India, Sathya

Sai Baba.


Many consider him to be the reincarnation of former

holy men such as

Jesus, Krishna, etc. I agree with all of that!!!

My phone number until I leave is at my friend

Harry E’s.

He is a friend of 9 years, and I am

staying with him.

We are enjoying great harmony.

My mailing address is Jeannie Alvin

993-C S. Santa Fe Ave.

PMB # 70

Vista, CA 92083

Here is my travel itinerary, it is a bit daunting!!!

I leave for San Francisco on Sept. 17th, where I

will be with Teira

Alvin overnight. Then I leave for LA airport at 10

am Sept. 18th,

leave LA for Kuala Lumpur at 2:40pm, a 19hour and 50

minute flight,

with one stop for gas in Tokyo.

I arrive in Kuala Lumpur at 1:30am their time, go

to a free hotel

room provided by my airlines, Malaysia Air, and

sleep a while. Then I

leave Kuala L. at 9:25pm, and fly 3h35min to Madras,

India. It will be

10:30pm there (but 10 am Denver time! They are

12h30min ahead of us on


I sleep in Madras, and take off on Indian

Airlines for Bangalore. I

will find out in Madras where Sai Baba is, because

he may be in

Bangalore for a few days. Or he may be in his

ashram, Puttaparti. It

is called Prashanti Nilayam, abode of highest peace.


If he is at his ashram, I will probably take a

cab 2-3 hours to the

ashram. Although some days a plane flies right to

the ashram. I will

figure out this part of the plan in Madras, when I

find out where Sai

Baba is.

I will be be in India until Jan 14th, when I head

back, arriving in

San Francisco Jan 15th.

I am packing my bags now!!! I will send emails

from cyber cafes in

India. Love, Jeannie




Sept. 11, 1999

Five more days until I leave for my big four month

trip to India, where

I will stay at Sai Baba's ashram (spiritual

community), or nearby.

For a sneak preview, there are some great

pictures on the web at

I am pretty much packed, just taking care of the

last few details.

I am getting a bit excited!



Sept. 20, 1999

Hello from the other side of the world!!! I had a

wonderful visit in

San Francisco, and then flew out Saturday on

Malaysia Airlines.

My first excitement came as I saw our

stewardesses, about a dozen of

them, dressed in long traditional Malaysian dresses!

They were


I flew on a huge jet, and ate 3 dinners, very

delicious food, and

slept on and off during the 20 hours of flying.

Then a man was waiting with a sign for my hotel,

the Empress, at the

Kuala L. airport. The airlines provided a beautiful

hotel room,

transportation, and 3 meals today. The meals are

very good. Plenty of

fresh fruit, cut melon, papaya, etc., and good vege

selections. I had

fruit and rice and vege curry for breakfast!

Then a young Japanese girl and I went exploring.

We got directions

to the local bus and train, and went into the city,

about an hour from

here. She wanted to stay in the city, and we took a

cab from the train

station to the shopping area. But after our taxi

driver had shown us

photos of the Buddist temple located in some caves

near the city, the

shopping did not appeal to me. I left my young

friend to shop, and I

got a taxi and went to the temple. I climbed 275

steps to the top, and

there were statues in a giant cave. It was

beautiful. Fortunately for

me, the clouds shielded the sun, and it cooled a bit

during my climb.

There were more caves and many more statues of

Krishna, Ganesh, and

many others below. Monkeys were everywhere.

I was roasting hot after my descent, and had

coconut milk from a

fresh, chilled coconut. I took a cab to the train

station, took the

train back towards the hotel, then another cab from

the train station.

I was too tired to wait for the bus at this point.

This cyber cafe is just outside the hotel.

I have to pack up, because my shuttle to the airport

leaves in 55

minutes from now, at 7 pm. Off to Madras, India. I

will change my

Malaysian ringets to Indian rupees at the airport.

Love to all,


P.S. No jet lag so far. I am feeling great!



Arrival, September

> -----Original Message-----

> From: Jeannie Alvin []

> Sent: Saturday, September 25, 1999 3:51 AM

Hello from the other side of the world!

Sept. 25, I think! I am living out of suitcases, and

haven't seen my calendar since I packed it!


I arrived at Bangalore airport on Tuesday, and

Francis P., the taxi driver, was there with my

name on a sign. We took straight off for the 3 1/2

hour trip to Puttaparti. Fortunately I had a giant

bottle of water (thanks, June) and food packets

(thanks Diane O). We stopped once on the way

for coconut milk, and once for a restroom stop behind a

building, in a corn field. Luckily I was a Girl

Scout, so I had some training in roughing it!

The last 43 kilometers was a single paved lane.

We arrived at the ashram after passing the beautiful

super specialty hospital where patients are treated

at no cost. It was very exciting to arrive. My dream

come true.

I began the sign in process, and signed in for 4

days, as I want to go out of the ashram, and come

back in at Christmas. I can stay only 30 days inside in

one year, but I can split it up.) Francis found me

two ladies to room with by the time I did a bit of


(If someone is alone, you go in a big room with many people,

so you try to pair up.) It turned out that they also signed up

for 4 days. They were Diane and Devi, from South Africa,

and they were just what I had prayed for. I had prayed for

the love and harmony and joy I had enjoyed with Jeanne M

and Jeannie M, and these two were the answer to that

prayer. There was not a moment of disharmony; lots

of laughter, and each had something that the other

needed. Precious women. Thank you, Swami. They

left today.

Now I am with 2 other women, Spanish speaking

ladies. I just moved in and have yet to unpack. I

hurried to darshan (seeing the Lord), and then

hurried to write, as I know family and friends may

be worried.

Don't worry, I am well taken care of. Life has

been too much of a swirl to find much time to come

here to type, and the other 3 times I came, elec.

was out, yahoo was out, etc.!

I saw a woman leaving darshan yesterday morning,

and her eyes were exquisitely luminous. I saw her

at dinner, and mentioned how luminous her eyes were.

She said, "Did you see what happened? " I said no. She

said, "He glanced at me!" Imagine his power, that

a glance has such an effect.

I got in token line #1 after overcoming some

inner "stuff." This means our line got to go in first,

and we got the front seats, closest to where Sai Baba

walks by. I could see Sai Baba leave his residence,

walk up the sidewalk, and come in front of me. It

was the best part of a very great day.

The letter that I brought for him comes each day,

but he has not yet taken it.

It is interesting that at home I could not sit

comfortably on the floor, but here I sit for hours,

and I am totally fine. I get up at 4 am every day,

and by about 5 am heading either for Omkar (21 oms)

or Sankirtan (walking round the ashram barefooted

singing praise songs) then go in to wait for darshan about

6:45 am, leave and get breakfast in the canteen a

good walk away, go back for bhajans (songs of praise to

the Lord), and then Swami comes out again to walk back

to where he stays, giving us another glimpse. I try to

sit in silence for 10 minutes after seeing him, as

he has said that otherwise we loose the energy he



While waiting, I read the Suprabhatham, exquisite

verses speaking to God. Also, I meditate, thanks to

a new meditation the Diane O taught me, as well as

seeing it in the Sun Meditation video at the Philosophical

Library in Escondido. It is Paramahansa

Yogananda's teachings, given to us.

After 5 days of travel, I felt in a swirl,

learning the daily schedule. I still am learning it!

This is paradise for vegetarians. There are 3

canteens, each with several choices. My favorite is

the North Indian canteen.

I have to go buy a new outfit, all mine are


I found thin cotton, my original punjabi was a

polyester mix, and too hot. I found thin cotton

ones for 100 rupees (42 rupees/dollar). And I may make

it back to bhajans.

More soon, love Jeannie




From: Jeannie Alvin []

Sent: Sunday, September 26, 1999 10:33 PM

Subject: Yearning for Divinity, within and without,

at Prashanti Niliyam


Hello again! Sept. 26th

The internet is not connected, so I am using

Notepad to write this ahead of time, then I'll copy

it to my email and mail it to you in an hour. (Half an

hour to write, perhaps that long to click all the

names on Yahoo.)

I managed that yesterday, and then rushed off to

badjans (singing and seeing Swami again), so I have

not had a chance to read anything anyone wrote to me

yet. Maybe today.

I am now rooming with two ladies from Argentina,

gracious enough to allow a third person in their


They are embodiments of tranquility and love, and

cleanliness. The bathroom and the floors shine! We

communicate in Spanish.

This is a group letter, no time to send

individual ones, so a paragraph to some of you!

I tried to email Teira, Rose and Terry from

Kuala Lumpur, but that email failed, and I have not had a

chance to fix it. I probably entered the addresses

wrong. Teira, please ask them each to email me,

then I'll just hit the "add" button and get it right. I

love you, Teira darling. Hug, hug.

Rachel O., please tell Tom thanks again for the

cushion, the backrest really makes a difference, I

use it 4 times a day. And I put June's air cushion on

top of it. Thanks, June.

Stephanie O'R. and Vickie J., thanks for all

your help getting me prepared. I was well prepared,

have everything I need. I love the Nutribiotic,

Stephanie. I use it a lot. I have it in a squirt


Harry, I got some great little pictures of

Krishna, etc. Thinking of you! I just saw a great Ganesh

wall hanging for about $6.

I was quite overwhelmed and lacked orientation

at first, but do not worry, Swami takes excellent care

of me. He has had me with totally loving roommates the

whole time so far. I have figured out where to go

and what time meals are, etc.

I can tell that the spiritual progress is

tremendously accelerated here. "Stuff" comes up and

gets processed, it is gone, and the next wave


Sitting in darshan I can feel the progress


The heat is tremendous. And we are covered from

head to foot, plus a scarf covering our chests,

necks, shoulders (for women). Now I know how Victorian

women felt! Hot! I am so glad for my very short haircut.


We are always taking off our shoes before

entering buildings, the shoes are off more than they are on.

So why even bother with them. I enjoy the free

feeling of going barefoot, which I was able to do

inside the ashram until yesterday. Now it is too

hot to go barefoot in midday, the sidewalks are burning hot.

I love seeing Swami. He is so precious. I adore

him. I have sat close , far, and in between. I

like it all.

The internet will go on in a minute!!


I retrieved emails yesterday. There is usuually

just enough time to either read or send, so today,

hopefully, will be a send day.

Mary asked via email for more stories about the

effect on people when Sai Baba looks at them. So

one day later, he already provided another story! God

heard you, Mary, and here is your answer, in one


That is a Sai story in itself!

I went to breakfast after darshan, and spoke

with a lovely lady in line. We sat together, and I

got around to asking her how her experiences had


She said that she has often gotten very near Sai

Baba, and he has looked in her eyes several times.

She said that she brought some photos of people in

need of healing, and held them up for him to bless.

He came right over to her and touched the pictures

and looked into her eyes. She said she felt immediate

total peace, and part of everything that exists.

There are so many languages here, and not

everyone understands each other, in fact, much of the time,

we don't. But there is a universal phrase that means

excuse me, please be quiet, let me by, etc., etc.

It is "Sai Ram," which means Mother/Father God (rough

translation, I am sure!) You hear Sai Ram


Love, Jeannie



On Wed, 13 Oct 1999 00:30:28 -0700 (PDT), Jeannie Alvin wrote:


Hello from the Abode of Highest Peace; Oct. 2,


There has been a big festival going on for several

days, and today I saw a procession of thousands of

people entering the temple with padugas, silver

sandals that Sai Baba put on, I was told. These are

now holy objects, and wherever they go, his presence

will be there.

Today and yesterday, with the huge crowds, I did not

get space inside the Poornachandra auditorium, but was

left with many others where we usually wait for

darshan tokens. But both days, I was sitting where I

could watch Swami walk by on his way in. Both days,

instead of walking straight in, he came over to the

little gate by where we sat, quite close to us, and

waved at us! I was so appreciative yesterday of his

thoughtfulness, as he knew we would not get in, and my

heart was very touched, and I was so happy. And today

he repeated it!

That afternoon after bhajans (singing, and seeing

Swami once again), I experienced my first monsoon

rainstorm. The rain came down so hard and fast that

it soon made 3" rivers of the sidewalks! Everyone

huddled at the side of the buildings for a long time,

but finally I decided to just go to my hotel and eat

dinner there, and just not worry about getting soaked

up to my ankles. My plastic-insole imitation

Birkenstock sandals held up, and I got to my hotel

fine. I enjoyed the experience! I ordered some

Chinese food with room service (cost about a dollar),

took a shower, and was fine.

We are organizing a little USA group, most of us came

alone and we are scattered all over, but we are having

short meetings and unifying. This is an answer to a

prayer, as I had prayed for unity.

I stayed two days in the room with the Argentine

women, then went to the Sai Towers hotel for 4 nights,

and yesterday moved into an apartment! Here is the

story on how I found the apartment.

I had been looking, and had seen one for 1500

Rs./month, but it was too dark, and had drips in the

bathroom. I knew I wanted more light, and everything

working. I was supposed to meet two women at

different times by the Ganesh statue, but with the

crowds, I missed one, and the other later told me she

had not felt well.

So I just decided to go exploring, and walked down

the rocky Bank of India Road, because I knew at least

two women had apartments on that road. I got near the

end of it, and met a Canadian man. I asked him if he

knew of an apartment, and he said yes, he knew of one,

because he had a friend living there. So he took me

to meet the watchman.

He showed me a beautiful apartment on the top

(fourth) floor with screen door and window screen,

front and back doors, back balcony with a grill all

around for security. Inside the floors are shiny

white tiles, imitation marble, I think. There is a

big living/bed room, with a bed, 2 mattresses, a

plastic chair and plastic tiny table. There is a

built in closet with hanging space above and shelves

below. There is a kitchen (no fridge or stove), and a

bathroom with a shower and a hot water heater that I

turn on when I want, with an electric switch. Elec.

included. Very cheap cost!!!! God (Swami) really

takes care of me!

I typed this before reading any of your emails.

Thanks for your letters. Please only personal

letters, no chain letters.

Teira, darling, I was sure I had your current phone

number, but that morning of my departure, I had only

Francis Monet's number! I tried finding Rose's number

in the phone book and could not find it. Love, and


Much love, Jeannie

Oct 4

I read your emails, but the computer got kicked off

the internet after I spent about 15 minutes checking

off names 10 at a time on Yahoo, and when it came back

on I would have had to start over. These are slow

computers, and I had already spent an hour reading

your emails to me, and I had enuf for the day.

Thanks, Barb and Jim, for your love! Mrs. Clark, I

have written your prayer request for healing your

sister and her daughters on the envelope that I

brought with me from the Encinitas Sai Center, and I

will keep trying to give it to Swami.

If anyone has healing or prayer requests, of

course they are known as soon as you pray, but I am

glad to write or print them out and try to give them

to Swami.

Yes, Jim M., I got your letter.

Love to Harry and Phyllis.

Phyllis, my apt. rent is $50 a month US. I thought

you might enjoy finding that out. Wink, wink!

Puttaparti was a little mud hut village before Sai

Baba got famous. It is still just a small town, with

one barely two lane road with dirt shoulders, and tiny

one lane or smaller side streets. If you have been to

Tijuana, the shops look like their shops, only there

are no radios blaring. And every shop is a Sai Baba

shop! Even the Bank of India has an alter to Sai Baba

in it, very, very beautiful, with a larger than life

size picture of our darling Sai.

Walking to my apartment, or scooting along in an

auto-rickshaw, I see pigs and piglets, roosters, and

along the main road, there is really not much traffic

at all. It is about a 5 minute walk to my apartment.

There seem to be about a dozen of the little

auto-rickshaws buzzing around, an occasional car or

bus bringing devotees, ox carts, a donkey by the side

of the main entrance to the ashram, flower and

vegetable market just outside the ashram gate. The

papayas are small, seedless, and delicious; the

bananas are tiny, and have the best flavor of any

banana I ever ate.

There is a constant cacaphony of sound on the main

street, even with so little traffic, because the way

to drive in India, whether by ox cart, rickshaw, car,

bus, or tractor, is to honk at anything that moves or

might move! (People, ox cart, rickshaw, car, bus, or

tractors, goats, etc.!!!) It is actually fun to buzz

around in the little rickshaws; I trust the drivers.

I am beginning to feel adjusted, it has taken all

this time. I have to figure out a routine to follow

now that I am in my apartment. The huge crowds that

were here for the Paduga festival have mostly gone,

and I think I am going to get up at about 3 am and try

to be one of the few that get in the original temple

for the Omkar, 21 oms. We can get in the gate at 4

am, and to make it in, I am going to have to be there

by 4am. It is supposed to be a powerful experience.

I finally had a chance to explore more of the ashram

today, and found the meditation tree where Swami used

to meditate. I enjoyed the peace and quiet, and also

noticed that people sit on the grass by the Ganesh

statue for quiet reading.

I bought a book today, written by a doctor who

volunteers at the Super Specialty Hospital here. The

doctors and staff all volunteer, there is no charge

for anything, operations or medicine or room. Sai

Baba believes that health care and education should

be free, so it is, here. There is also a general

hospital at the ashram, free of charge for anything!

The book is so cheap here, it is a gorgeous big red

book with beautiful color prints in it. It is the

doctor's story of his volunteering here, not knowing

Swami, and his interviews with Swami, and his becoming

a devotee.

I also bought a bhajan (song) book, with Sanscrit

words and English translations. (Swami is reviving it,

and teaching correct pronunciation.) I figure when I

am sitting in long waits for darshan (seeing the

Lord), I can be inspired, and also learn some

Sanscrit. I love learning languages.

Well, I am going to try again to send you this. If

not, I will just add to it next time.

Love from someone who has seen God 4 times today



Well, the computer disconnected again, so this will be

continued next chance I get!

p.s. I really appreciate the emails from home. I

love hearing from you all!

I am going to send $20 with April, who is going home

tomorrow, and a tiny shopping list. If anyone feels

like doing me a huge favor, it would involve a

purchase at Boney's, and one at Walmart or any similar

store. Then, another huge favor, please, some devotee

who is coming over, bring them to me! Thank you,

thank you!

Oct. 8th

Dear Vickie Jewell;

April brought a little list for me, and was

planning to give it to you. I am hoping someone will

be willing to get me a few things, and then send them

here with a devotee coming here. Could you ask Diane

Olive if she would be willing to get the things on the

list as she does her regular shopping? A change to

the list... no Nutribiotic needed, April gave me her

full one, and I still have mine. But, I would like to

get several pounds of pitted prunes, in 1 pound

packages (Trader Joe is cheapest), and athelete's food

medication, the kind in the tube. The cheapest brand.

Thanks, if anyone can help.

Dear Harry and Nancy Alter;

Harry, can I just send you my email letter, and you

forward it to everyone on my list? I don't think you

know how to get my list in a file, but Nancy is an

expert and I hope she will help you.

Nancy, can you show Harry how to do this?

I can probably get one email through, but

by the time I try to check all the people on my list,

I get kicked off. Or, would you be willing to do


Alternative: Will some one of my friends be

willing to do this service? I would appreciate it so

much! Thanks!


I had an interesting shift in cultural awareness in

the last two days. I was in the line to buy bread in

the ashram shopping center. A young Indian lady was

behind me, and pressed up much closer than I wished.

I put my arm up on the siderail as a barrier. Then I

thought about how loving the Indian women were in the

Indian canteens, and thought that their pressing up

close could be an indication of more comfort with

closeness and love.

So I took my arm down, and the young lady pressed up

close again. She was actually pressed up against my

back and leg. I turned and smiled at her, and we

began talking. She was very happy because she had

touched Swami's feet, that day, I think. (Her English

was not very good, so I am not sure of when this

happened.) We shared a nice interchange.

Then this morning in darshan ( seeing the Lord), I

noticed a large western woman with a lot of space

around her. We sit pretty close usually, cross-legged

on the floor on our pillows. There was about half a

space making an aisle between her and the person to

her side. A little Indian woman put her rug down

there, and the western woman picked it up and threw it

back towards where the woman had just come from.

I thought to myself, she doesn't know that she just

turned Love away.

Then a different little Indian woman (literally

little, these women are 4 feet tall!) came and

squeezed in beside me. I looked at her and smiled a

welcome, because Love came and sat very close beside

me. I felt privileged to have such a sweet being

beside me.

Uday is here with his mother. She is very young

and sweet. Uday is taking a book home to mail to my

Dad. He and his mom are here until Sunday, then he'll

spend a week at home with her and his family.

Several people who I have lived with told me in

the last year that I ought to live in a monostary. I

love living here. I love sitting in a restaurant,

looking around, and seeing people praying before they

eat. I love sitting in the giant auditorium,

surrounded by hundreds of people who love singing

songs to God. I love being surrounded by people for

whom spiritual growth is a priority.

I love walking the tiny streets of Puttaparti,

seeing pigs and piglets, donkeys, oxen; and speaking

with the Indian people.

I am overtired, and it is 8:10pm, late for someone

who gets up at 3:45 am.

I am going to try again with Yahoo.

Love from the other side of the earth.

ps The earth looks pretty much the same here as it

does there. A lot of the same plants as in

California, although there are some trees we don't

have. And I saw my first lotus flower blooming in a

pond! The earth is red in places like in Colorado.

Oct 10

I am going to try again to send this email!

I connected with a small group of people from the

USA who are connected with the I AM foundation! We

really resonate, as those of you will understand who

are familiar with book 7 on my web site, an "I AM

Devotional Service," and my friends Harry, June,

Martha, and from the Essene Church!

I had the back door and the side window screened by

carpenters. They have been in my apartment for hours

for 3 days. This was an extra challenge, but it is

through, and the extra breeze is great. In the shade

there is a breeze and it is cool, but in the sun it is

amazingly hot.

I am told the internet is connected now. Love,




Date: Fri, 05 Nov 99 16:18PM PST

From: Vickie Jewell

To: Jeannie Alvin

Subject: RE: catch-up letter from Brindavan for group




Great to hear from you Jeannie. I love all the news

from Swami's feet.

When He first left for Brindavan, I thought of you and

wondered (since you'd just gotten an apartment) if you would stay on

in Puttaparthi in your apartment or follow Swami to Bangalore. I'm happy

to hear tofollowed Him. Sounds like you are having a wonderful


I too, made the trip to Mysore and the orphanage on my

last trip and was surprised to hear that there is a "cut-off" time. I

guess we were just lucky to have arrived in time.

Well, dear one, must get back to work. (oh, I

understand that the Sandweiss's are bringing your

slippers!Hope you connect with them.)

Lots of love, Vickie

-----Original Message-----

From: Jeannie Alvin []

Sent: Sunday, October 31, 1999 12:41 AM

To: Harry Evans

Subject: catch-up letter from Brindavan for group




Oct. 31st Bangalore, India

Hello to everyone;

Sai Baba suddenly left Puttaparti on Sept. 20th to

go to his ashram in Bangalore called Brindavan, and

the thousands of devotees scrambled into taxis and

busses and followed him.

I was not feeling too well, felt I needed rest. So

I was going to stay for a while and just take it easy.

But that very afternoon, I went into my apartment,

and said to myself, "What am I doing here if Sai Baba

is not here."

I went outside and met a neighbor who lives

directly below me. His name is George L., from the

San Francisco Sathya Sai Baba Center. We decided to

share a taxi the next day, and go to Baba.

We went together to the bank, and met another

American from the San Francisco center, Steven F.

He offered to let us share his taxi the next morning

at 10:30 am.

So we all got cash from Canara Bank. I can easily

use my Visa/ATM card there. Then we went home and


I was so exhausted and hot; it took the last bit of

energy to walk back to the canteen to eat dinner at

6:30pm. Usually there was a long line, but Sai Baba

took care of me. There was no line, I walked right in

and sat down and ate. When I walked out, the normal

long line was waiting.

The next morning the cab came to George's and my

apartment. We loaded up, took some pictures with

Narayana, the watchman, and drove into the ashram to

get Stephen.

We spent the most pleasant time driving to

Bangalore. I really enjoyed both Stephen and George.

We arrived in Bangalore one day after the mobs

decended on this small suburb called Whitefield, and I

saw the name of the ashram, right on the city street,


We were very fortunate to find a room right away.

I changed to the Sai Amrut hotel the next night.

Expensive for India, but the toilet works, and the

room is beautiful.

I went to darshan (seeing a holy person) the next

morning, and appreciate the difference here from

Puttaparti. At Puttaparti, Baba walks in, walks

through the women's section, then the men's, just a

pretty quick stroll through the front.

Here He walks through most of the aisles, so most

of us get a closer look, and he is spending more time

with us.

Also, for the afternoon bhajans (singing, at

Puttaparti, he just comes out at the end, but here, he

sits in His chair up front and we have 30 minutes

contact with Him.

I can feel the difference. When he makes little

movements in the air with His hands, I can feel the

Divine energy flood the area. It is a wonderful gift

to be in His presence an extended time.

George and I became good friends very fast. We

share amazing harmony, something that has taken me a

lifetime to achieve. But now, he is the 3rd

circumstance in which I have experienced it.

First, I experienced heavenly harmony, great love, lots of

laughing and joy and nurture with Jeanne M. and

Jeannie M. (love and hugs to you!!!). Then again

with my South African first roommates at the ashram.

And now with George. What a blessing! All that

psychology, therapy, personal growth, spiritual

practices to clear negativity and negative karma!

Finally, mostly joy!

George and I wanted to go to an orphanage in

Mysore, four hours taxi ride from Bangalore. The

trucks went on strike due to an increase in gasoline

prices. We took advantage of their absence from the

highways, and the lack of pollution, horn honking and

traffic. Off we went to Mysore.

At about noon, George asked the taxi driver, who

takes many people to this orphanage, if there is a

cut-off time for entering. Luckily he asked this

question! We were told it cuts off at 2 pm (it was

actually more like 1:30pm), and the 4 hour taxi ride

would have been for nothing!

So we skipped lunch. This orphanage was started by

a former thief, who was healed by Sai Baba. Miracles

began happening. There is amrith, holy nectar, that

pours continuously from little metal pictures of

Shirdi Sai Baba (Sai Baba's previous incarnation, 8

years prior to this lifetime).

We arrived at about 1 pm, and were directed to go

inside. We went inside, and saw a door open in the

far wall. We went there, and saw an elderly man

sitting on the floor giving amrith to 2 or 3 people to

our left. Beyond them all was an alter area. There

were another couple of small groups of people.

In the alter area, there was a large picture of Sai

Baba when he was young. It spontaneously fills with

vibuti, sacred ash. It is an indication from Baba of

His presence there.

George and I tasted it. It tasted like licorice!

George and I sat down on the floor, and took out

our bottles that we brought for the amrith. We had

brought some bottles for other people, as well.

The man came and sat by us, and put a little

medallion of Shirdi Sai Baba in the palm of my hand.

My hand filled with nectar. The man took a

tablespoon, and spooned it into my other palm, and

indicated that I should drink it. I did, and

meanwhile, the amrith kept forming in my other hand.

He did this for George and I.

Then the man rejected a number of our bottles,

seeming to have clear inner guidance, filled a bottle

for me, for Gayatri, and for George, and that was all

we were to receive.

This man got up, and took a lingam, materialized

from Sai Baba, and began touching it to various points

on people's bodies. George and I observed this, and

went and lined up behind those receiving this

blessing. Soon it was my turn. The man touched

various points on my head and chest, including my

eyes, with this lingam. (It is an egg-shaped stone,

looking like quartz.) When it touched my eyes, it was

as if he touched them with an electric light. My

interpretation, days later, is that the stone is full

of God's light!

We donated some rupees, and then, at about 1:30,

the man said we were all done, and ushered us all out.

These were my first personal experiences of Sai

Baba's materializations, miracles to me!

It was a profound experience, and I needed to keep

silent about it for quite a few days. This is the

first time I have spoken of it.

The drive to and from Mysore was through exquisite,

lush country. We stopped on our way home and had

delicious coconut chutney.

On the drive, George began teaching me a few words

of Hindi! We had a lot of fun with this!

The hungry beggars have been on my mind. I bought

food for the occasional one, like the children I had

seen daily in Puttaparti, sitting quietly begging by

the path. One not very busy day, I saw the girl

looking through the garbage dump where orange peels

and coconut husks were thrown. It broke my heart.

So I have been doing much thinking about this. One

person can make so little difference, and the benefit

of one meal is so quickly gone, and the next meal is


I decided to combine doing what I could, 45 rupees

a day in food to the poorest of the poor, and a prayer


So I am praying for soup kitchens in all

neighborhoods, in all the world, milk for those who

need it, at least moms and kids.

Every time I have a spare moment, I pray for this,

and the way I pray is to lift the prayer to God,

according to His will, and then thank Him for the goal

complete, food there for the poor, now, 3 times a day,

in all neighborhoods where it is needed. I see waves

of service, person helping person, going around the


I am passing on this prayer and service project to

anyone whose heart wishes to join it.

I am hoping to inspire other Sai devotees who are

here. I am praying to see hundreds of us out with

bags of food, so that where we are, the hungry are


I had 65 rupees today, Suzanne from Atlanta added

20 rupees. I bought 9 loaves of bread. I feel a bit

like the Pied Piper, the mothers with babies know me

now, and follow me to the bakery.

I make them line up. I say, "No line, no bread,

one each." "Nahi line, nahi kana, ek kana." Then I

give them bread, one slice to kids, 3 to moms with

babies in arms, 4 to pitiful old ment.

I enjoyed doing this the first morning, and am

doing it every morning after darshan. The second

morning I did not enjoy it in the least; it was quite

frustrating. There was no order, and some got bread

more than once.

More to think about. This is not about my

feelings. It is about their hunger relief. So I go,

no matter how I feel.

So far George and Suzanne have joined me.

I need to log off soon.

Ruth, Swami is very much alive, and is soon going

to have a birthday, 74 or 75, on Nov. 26th. He says

he will live in this body til age 96, and be back soon

as Prema Sai Baba. He has shown what he will look

like, almost exactly like we think of as Jesus's face!

Love to you all, Jeannie

Dear All,

Check out this new site, put together by Bon Giovanni,

originator of Sai Net

as well. You will need to apply soon, as he is closing

it to all but members.

Many blessings,Stephanie



Date: Wed, 10 Nov 99 02:39AM PST

From: Jeannie Alvin

To: Harry Evans

Subject: re-send last letter, plus here is new letter









Dear Harry;

Do not worry about who got the emails and who did

not. A lot did not. Please skip Peter, it is a

business, and the obvious business names. There are 6

or 7 of them.

So just re-send that last letter to everyone. And

here is a new letter to send next. Thank you so much.

If you have difficulty, try calling Nancy A., or

Caroline F.-E., or Vickie J. at the Sai

Center. You can get her number from Stephanie.

Let me know how it goes, and what you do. Thanks

again!!! Much love, Jeannie

Here is the new letter, you can copy and paste it onto

a clean letter and then send it to everyone.

Nov. 7, 1999

I am typing in the midst of loud firecrackers all

around me. This was a festival day called Deepavali,

Festival of Light. It is the Hindi New Year, I am


Many of the shopkeepers are setting off fountains

and sparklers in front of their shops. But there are

many big, loud blasts. I saw one firecracker before

it blew up, and it looked like it was 2 inches by 3


Sai Baba spent quite a bit of time with all of us

during darshan, instead of going right in for

interviews. (There goes another fountain right

outside the window of this cyber shop, and some more

blasts are continuing. I just stuffed my ears with

kleenex. I hope I can concentrate enough to write

this tonight!)

Swami gave prasad (a blessed offering of food,

today it was candy) to most of the people at darshan.

The men's side all got some, and about half of the

women's side. Not me.

I saw Sharon Sandelweiss for a few minutes tonite.

She is so lovely and kind. She is giving me her

rubber bath mat for my shower. The floors are tile

and very slippery. She is bringing a few things back

to the San Diego and Encinitas centers. I hope you

like what I am sending, my dear Sai friends and

family. (Just some small things)

I am feeling very well, and very, very happy. I

enjoyed your emails, Vickie J. and Shirley C. and

Harry. Thanks for sending them. I enjoy hearing

about your lives.

On Nov. 4th, I had an amazing, incredible day. At

the end of the day, I was too excited about so many

blessings in one day, so I lay there and counted them.

There were seven blessings! And the next morning, as

if to emphasize or confirm the count of seven, I was

in token line seven for darshan!

The first blessing is that I was able to get the

apartment next to my now close friend George L. It

is on the ground floor. I realized that I was

exhausting myself climbing four stories in the heat to

get to my apartment. Sometimes I would get downstairs

and realize I forgot something, and have to go back

up. Whew!

The second blessing is that the owner of the upper

apartment pro-rated the month's rent I had already

paid, and gave me back most of the money. He said to

me that he never gives the money back. He told me

this as he was counting the rupees into my hands.

I said, "Thank you, it was Sai Baba helping me!"

I must say here, that I have had to deal with a

number of Indian businessmen to fix something that I

bought, and the apartment owners. Every one of them

has been so kind and honorable. Each of them worked

with me until the problem was solved. They are good

listeners, and have very nice temperaments. American

businessmen could learn from them.

I don't know about the rest of India, but if you

are coming to Sai Baba's ashrams, do not fear dealing

with the people here. They are wonderful.

The third blessing is that Narayana, the watchman,

handed me a letter from the owner of the new

apartment. (It is in the same building, but there is

one owner for the top floor, and another owner for the

bottom three floors.) The letter said to go to a

certain shop, and I was free to choose whatever new

cot and whatever new mattress I wanted, paid for by

the owner!

I walked over to the store right away with Narayana

and a watchman friend of his from a neighboring

building! I was asked whether I wanted a tiny single

bed or a double bed, wooden or metal; and cheap

mattress or deluxe!!!

Well, guess what I chose! I got the double bed

with the deluxe mattress! I chose a metal cot because

it has bars at the head and foot that hold a frame for

a mosquito net. That is easier than putting screen

doors in. The mosquitos get in anyhow, when I go in

and out. At least I will be able to sleep without

insect repellant.

I also got a plastic chair and a little wooden

kitchen table, very cheap and quite attractive.

Just as I was wondering how I was going to get all

this stuff home, as it was too much for an auto

rickshaw, blessing number four drove by! It was an ox

cart with a flat bed! Narayana ran out and asked him

if he would take my bed, mattress, table and chair

home. He was glad to, for 20 rupees!

Narayana and his watchman friend and I walked next

to the oxcart for the five minute walk to my house. I

had so much fun! I never moved by oxcart before!!! I

was laughing about it, and hoping I could find my

camera, as everything upstairs was packed, ready to


The fifth blessing was that I was able to find my

camera right away! I got a great shot of the oxcart,

the driver and the watchmen, and maybe George, who had

just come home.

The sixth blessing was that George had taken my

four letters to Swami to darshan, and Swami took

them!!! The first letter is the one I brought from

Encinitas, with some letters from Alicia, I believe,

and others. Also, I wrote a note to Swami on the

outside of the envelope asking for a healing for

Marie-Elizabeth Clark's sister and daughters, and for

their plight to be eased; and I asked for a healing

for Teira. Since he took the letter I am hoping this

means the healings and prayers will go forth.

The second letter was one where I wrote to Sai Baba

and said, "Please take this letter if you approve of

and bless my book 7 (the "I AM' Devotional Service).

So, yes, he blessed it!!!

My seven books are free on the web for anyone to

read, copy, print, etc. It is a way I can share the

simple practices that have helped me so much. Please

visit the website if you would like, and please sign

the guestbook, and share your opinion of the site. It

can be found at

The third letter asked if he approved of and

blessed these group letters forming book 8! Blessed

and approved!!!

The fourth letter asked if he approved of and

blessed my service project and prayers for the poor,

where I buy $1 of food a day and give it out, and say

my prayer for food kitchens in all neighborhoods for

the poor all over the world. (Did you all get the

letter where I mentioned that service project and

prayer? One group letter may be missing. It may have

only gone to Harry, Caroline, and Nancy. Caroline, it

may be the very letter where you replied and asked if

I wanted you to forward it to Joan. Can any or all of

you three send it back to me if you still have it?

The dat