LOVE SONGS TO GODvolume twoby Jeannie Alvin This is a work in progress. It will be updated as new verses are brought by the angels.
jalvin@inetworld.net your e-mail feedback is welcome! C. 1996 by Jeannie Alvin, Vista, California, USA. All rights reserved. International copyright claimed. Feel free to reproduce this material in whole or in part, provided you include this copyright notice. Commercial use prohibited without written permission of author.To write to the author: Jeannie Alvin PMB # 70 993-C S. Santa Fe Ave. Vista, CA, USA 92083 If you wish to feel God's Presence in every bit of life, be fully in each moment, be fully in the now. Appreciate each bite you eat, the sun that shines above. Be fully with your friends, appreciate their thoughts and words. Appreciate the now. Heaven is accessed through the now, by living moments fully. See the wonders every time you move your gaze. See the beauty of our world. All express God's creation. All is made from love. If you wish to feel God's Presence in every bit of life, be fully in each moment, be fully in the now.
God seeded our planet by inviting His most beautiful creations from His planets far dispersed. All of life is a gift from God and our spiritual brothers. All of life is on earth to be our teachers and our companions. The plants and the creatures give freely of their love. And if we are open, if we will listen, each form of life will gladly be our teacher. Thank You, God, and thank you, brothers, for the wonders of our world, reflections of your worlds.
All of life can be a prayer, a connection to God above. The daily chores, the talks with friends all can be a prayer. Our angels and guides live in the now. When we appreciate each moment, each word from our brothers, we will be in the now. When we appreciate and thank God for every thing in every moment, our lives will be a prayer. All of life can be a prayer, a connection to God above. Let's appreciate the now.
Each one of us is an artist, whether or not we work with paints or clay or music. We are the artists of our own lives. We create, we miscreate, we start again. The chalice of all our creativeness, our artistry, is our consciousness. What will we let this chalice contain? With faith in our Creator that He can manifest perfectly through us, the chalice of our consciousness and the temple of our being can reflect divinity. We are the artists of our own lives. Please let us be guided by You, the master artist, God, and let Your reflections be evident in our lives, our creations.
They say that the earth is a laboratory for our learning. We came to practice love in the lab. When we awaken from what is not love- anger or fear, we can pour all that is not love into God's bath of holy change. Then we can say, God, guide our day again, now that we are awake. Thank You for Your bath of love that makes all pure. They say that the earth is a laboratory for our learning. We came to practice love in the lab. Let's practice all we can.
Dear God, Every person on earth is Your instrument. We all have a different note to play in the divine symphony that will create Heaven on Earth. The instruments of an orchestra are beautiful alone, and even more beautiful when sounding in harmony with the entire orchestra. So will we, Your children, make even more beautiful sounds when we join together in groups of harmony. Each instrument in the orchestra is unique, and beautiful in its own form and song. And so it is with us, Your children. We all have our own beauty, our own form and song. Some of Your children have opened the case that holds their instrument, and learned to play their notes. Others are just now opening the case, and stand in awe of the beautiful instrument that they are. And some of Your children, God, have not discovered how to open the case. Some do not even realize that You gave this treasure. May they look within their hearts, God, and discover You within. And then may they play the divine instrument that they are, and play a heavenly song to You. And so will come Heaven on Earth.
I came once, my name was Purity. Oh, Lord, make me pure again. I came again, my name was Love, Oh, God, make me love again. I came again, my name was Light. Dear God, please make me light again. I came again, my name was Hope. Dear God, please make me hope again. I came again, my name was Faith. Dear Lord, please give me faith again. I came again, my name was Charity. Dear God, make me charity again. I came again, my name is Me, Dear God, please make me all You.
Listen to the many ways God sings to His beloved children. He sings in the songs of the birds, in the rhthym of the waves on the ocean, in the sound of the falling rain. God sings to His beloved children in the sounds of the wind blowing through the trees. God gently caresses His beloved children with the morning light, and nurtures them with pure fresh water, and the shade of the trees in the noonday sun. God pampers His beloved children with a staggering variety and amount of food, of sights to see, of opportunities to learn and grow. And then God settles His beloved children for the night. He brings the quiet and stillness of night so that His beloved children can rest. And for those who remain awake, He gives the glories of the night sky, the great expanses of the dark heavens, the stars and the moon. He enfolds our lives in a soothing rhythym of love - day, ... then night, spring, ... then summer, fall, ... then winter. Be aware of the grandeur of God's love, Be aware that you are His beloved child, and that He loves you with a love far greater than you can ever comprehend.
Dear God, Please aid us in the return of Purity to Earth. We see purity expressed in the innocent eyes of very young children. We see purity in the love of many mothers and fathers for their babies. We see purity in nature, where mankind has left it in it's pristine beauty. At each glimpse of purity, our hearts are uplifted. Please purify our hearts and minds, God, so that we may see purity bloom in our faces and in our lives. May our world grow in purity, until we see it reflected in all of life.
Angel time is now. Now is the time to think loving thoughts. Now is the time to say loving words. Now is the time to help your brother, the earth, and the sea. Now is the time to let God's love in you shine, and move and speak in love. Now is angel time.
Dear God, You are so available. Every time I lift my eyes and my thoughts and my heart to You, you answer. Every time I stretch to reach You, You reach right to wherever I am, You answer. Every time my heart expands with appreciation and love for You, You answer. Thank You, God, for being constantly available and attentive. Thank You for so much love.
Dear God, Thank You for Your faithfulness. Thank You for Your faith in me. Through the long years when I did not know You, You remained faithful to me. When I found You, You enveloped me in Your unconditional love. When I forget, and lose touch with You, in my human mires of anger or hurt or doubt or lack, You remain faithful to me. When I reach for You, again and again, You envelop me in Your arms of love. Thank You, God, for remaining faithful to me as I find my way home. Thank You for Your faithfulness.
Dear God, Thank You for making us in Your image. They say that this earth is like a pre-school for the education of our souls. You are our grand creator, we are Your little creators. We have a lot to learn. What a beautiful playground and pre-school You give us for our education. You give us a beautiful planet. You give us other people so we can practice love. You give us free will. And then You give us eternal life. You are ever so patient. You give us the freedom to learn at our own pace. You give us guidance and gentle support, with angels behind the scenes, showing us our paths. When we make mistakes, You let us try again, and again, and again. They say that You are all love, all good. Thank You, God, for making us in Your image. May we grow more and more like You.
Within you is a flame, a spark of the divine, that lights the way for others. You express the divinity within yourself, in many ways. On the 4th of July, sometimes one person stands in the center, and lights the sparklers of those gathered around. This is what you do. You, through your many works, teach us to fan the flame of the light within us. You are the catalyst for many flames lighting up like sparklers all around. Thank you for teaching us to sparkle. Within you is a flame, a spark of the divine, that lights the way for others. (inspired in admiration of Elizabeth Clare Prophet)
Dear God, I noticed that we expect others to be perfect. Then at times we excuse all that is not perfect within ourselves, and at other times are hard on ourselves. Let us remember that we all came here to learn to be loving. Let us ease up on ourselves and others, and start again. Let us expect Your love to heal ourselves and others. Let us serve You in thought, word, and deed. And let us give to You, God, all that is not of love, to transmute into good. Help us lighten up, God, as we give all that is heavy to You. Let us look to You as the grand teacher of love, and ask to be taught love in all areas of life. Let us remember that we all came here to learn to be loving.
Dear God, You are like a loving parent. A parent sets rules that all the children must follow, or pay the consequences. You create laws that we all must follow, or pay the consequences. As we learn, the path of life grows smoother. We create our tomorrows from the feelings and thoughts of today. Strong feelings generate the creation of our thoughts. Every thought is a prayer. What are we praying? Our life today is a creation of our thoughts and feelings of the past. What were we praying last year? We prayed for the life we have today. Let's guard our thoughts and feelings, giving all that is not from love to You, God. Please guide us to loving thoughts and loving feelings for one and all. With diligence and Your help, God, we can create lives of peace and love. Dear God, You are like a loving parent. Let us follow Your laws and Your example. Let us only live in love.
Dear God, I noticed that some of Your children awaken to Your Presence easily and gently, as easily as wakening to the sunshine of a new day. We know we are loved. We know we are Yours. We want others to be close to You. Some others do not awaken so easily. Sometimes it takes an illness or an accident to wake them up. Then many more of Your children discover You. You do not send us illness or accidents as a punishment, You send us only love. When we do not awaken to You, it is our own higher selves that choose these difficulties. We choose them to learn, and to wake up to You. I noticed that some of Your children awaken to Your Presence easily and gently, as easily as wakening to the sunshine of a new day. Let us pray that all of Your children awaken easily and gently.
God is sweeter and far more grand than any of His gifts. God's gifts are so many. The exquisite wonders of nature, the mind of man, the love of parents for their children, the gift of the child itself; the love between people in all its different forms, the happiness and pleasures that delight all our senses. Flowers, sunsets, spring and fall, puppies, kittens, our first romantic love... Behind all these gifts is God. And God is sweeter and far more grand than any of His gifts. So seek Him, pray to Him, spend quiet time listening for Him. Discover the giver behind all gifts. Feel this bliss, the bliss of feeling Him, hearing Him, seeing Him. His great heart is calling you home.
Dear God; Come out, come out, come out! Let me see Your face. Come out, come out, come out, Let me hear Your voice. Come out, come out, come out, Let me feel Your love. Come out, come out, come out from Your secret place. Come out, come out, come out from behind the veil. Come out, come out, come out. I, who love You, want to see Your face. I, who love You, want to hear Your voice. I, who love You, want to feel Your love. Come out, come out, come out, to Your child of love.
How can I make today holy, God? How can I make today pure? How can I make every act a sacred act? Please guide me to becoming at-one with You, so that Your divine harmony is expressed through me, in all that I think, say, and do. How can I make today holy, God? How can I make today pure?
All souls are God's holy children. All souls can shine His light. All souls can reach His Kingdom. Let's live in love and live in peace. All souls are God's holy children. All souls can shine His light.
Dear God, I realized how I can make every moment and every conversation and every act sacred. I can remember that it is You to whom I am speaking, every time I speak. It is You whom I am touching, every time I touch. It is You in the wind that touches my face. It is you in the birds that I hear. You are in all. When I remember this, all good becomes holy.
Dear God, You give us our lives, our loved ones, our beautiful world. And all You ask from us is our love. You ask us to love You with all our hearts, and love each other. You give us our food, you give us shelter, you give us rest. And all You ask from us is our love. You ask us to love You with all our hearts, and love each other. You give us our very breath, You give us each heartbeat. You give us Your love. And all You ask from us is our love. You ask us to love You with all our hearts, and love each other. Dear God, Help us to give love in all we think and do. And help us grow in our ability to love with all our heart.
Dear God, Have I told You today that I love You? Please recieve my love, God. I open my heart to You. Have I told You today that I thank You? Please recieve my thanks, God, for my breath, for my heartbeat, for my life. Have I told You, God, how much I appreciate the blue sky, the fresh wind, the sounds of nature? Dear God, Have I told You today that I love You? I love You, God, with all my heart and soul.
Dear God, I know You listen to me, You hear everything I think and say and pray. Please help me listen as well to You, please let me be attuned to You constantly, so that I feel Your guidance.
There are many masters who walk the earth, humbly serving God's children. They work quietly behind the scenes, not needing to be noticed. They are all around us, in every endeavor, from the humble to the grand. There are many masters who walk the earth, humbly serving God's children. Please bless these workers, God, for their service and love to You and Your children.
Dear God, You give all life, You give all gifts. All You ask is that we love You and magnify Your kingdom and love all others. So dear God, I give You all my love, and may my soul magnify Your radiance at all times.
Dear God, May I become ever nearer to You. May I feel Your love in all, see Your love in all, and keep eyes and mind ever turned toward You.
Dear God, I don't say Amen at the end of my prayers, because my prayers to You never end. As You give me everlasting life, I give You everlasting prayer of love and thanks and devotion.
Dear God, It's the last fight on earth. The days of the drama, the strife, and the struggle are ending. Love is emerging, peace is emerging, God's will is the victory. This is the last of the tears and the sorrows, tomorrow will only be joy. Keep your eyes on the goal, keep your consciousness high, God's will is the victory. We're all on the path to the new Golden Age, the time of the peace and the love, God's will is the victory. We all are the warriors, God's light is our shield, God's will is the victory. We are now birthing our Heaven on Earth, God's will is the victory.
Loving parents guard their little children every moment. And so God guards us, His little ones, every moment. We are, each one, surrounded by God's angels, protectors, teachers and guides in every moment, night and day, from the time of our birth until the time of our so-called death. We are the beloved, cherished children of God, attended with love at all times. Thank You, God, for Your constant, loving care.
Story of a walk-in. I came to a dark place in order to bring light, as so many others have come. A strong spirit, I came to a weak and broken body and mind. I began to heal my relationships. I began to heal my negative mental body and my shattered emotional body. I learned to love. I began to relate to others. I had a strange dream, seemingly unrelated to my life at that time. I knew it was a dream of the future. I dreamed that I was a spiritual leader. I saw myself in a white robe, glowing with light from within. I carried a white lantern. I looked down, and saw that the path under my feet was lit. I was on a hill, my path aglow from a bright light at the top of the hill. I looked behind me, down the hill, and saw the point where my path lit up. I saw beyond that point, where my path had been in darkness. I knew that the point where I came into the light was when I first experienced love from another person in my healing, and then felt loved by God. I looked around. I saw many others on their lit paths, carrying their bright lanterns, wearing their brightly lit robes. In between our paths were many unlit paths, all leading to the light. The people on those paths wore unlit white robes and carried unlit lanterns. But they had not yet reached the point on the hill where they came out of the shadows into the light. But they were on their paths! Not yet lit, but on their way! Time went on. I shared my healing with others, an inner drive. I wrote of my healing, a hundred different re-writes. How do I best share this to inspire and help others? I began to awaken spiritually. My conscious contact with the the spiritual realms began. Spirit began bringing me verses, then books, seven so far. I believe that strange dream that came long before I awakened will come true some day. I believe that many will awaken and assist in the creation of heaven on Earth, the new Golden Age.
Dear God, I dedicate every breath to Your love. I dedicate all thoughts, acts, and feelings to You. I consecrate every particle of my being to You. I stand with open heart and hands to receive Your exquisite gifts, And with open heart and hands, I offer those gifts to others. I affirm that there is only Divine perfection in all. My only desire is to serve You by serving Your children, Your beings, Your creation. Your will, not mine, Beloved of my heart. In appreciation, devotion, and love, Dear God, I dedicate every breath to Your love. I dedicate all thoughts, acts, and feelings to You. I consecrate every particle of my being to You.