C. 2000 by Jeannie Alvin, Vista, California, USA. All rights reserved. International copyright claimed. Feel free to reproduce this material in whole or in part, provided you include this copyright notice, and as long as you offer this free of charge.


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When you live in your Christ consciousness, and express yourself from that pure place within your heart, you are creating and manifesting at 10,000 times the power of normal consciousness. So before I share one way to be that, and do that, it is highly important for you to understand and have deliberately practiced how you are creating and mis-creating from your normal consciousness. That way if you make errors, they are easier to correct!!! At 10,000 times this power, you REALLY want to know what you are doing, and how to correct your inevitable mistakes!!!
While there are many ways to reach this exquisite aspect within, here is one way. It works for me, and it will work for anyone who chooses this particular path. This has been confirmed by a woman in full enlightenment, and most of it has been blessed and approved by Sathya Sai Baba. I will ask him to bless the last bit soon. However, the woman in full enlightenment confirmed it’s effectiveness, and said it is fine to put it on the internet and share it with people.
I was concerned about sharing something this powerful. She said that only the right people would be interested. And that it is fine to share this.
I call this the path of the ‘I AM THAT I AM.’ This is not associated with any religion or any spiritual path. However, religions have been created in it’s name, and God calls himself by this name in the old Testament of the Bible, as the burning bush that spoke. However, I am referring to the God within each one of us when I speak of the ‘I AM THAT I AM.’ This is the Father of whom Jesus spoke. And for Sai Baba devotees, Baba is the ‘I AM THAT I AM.’ For Muslims, Allah is the ‘I AM THAT I AM.’.
The first section below, Creating Your Life, explains how we create from our normal level of consciousness. Then decrees are explained. This is an introduction to being in your Christ consciousness, the ‘I AM THAT I AM.’ Then I share how to release and rescind those mistakes, and how to offer some service to the world with violet flame decrees. The violet flame is an aspect of God’s love that transmutes negativity. It is love, and you can send it to a newborn baby. It will remove negativity with love. Practicing violet flame decrees will help safeguard you from earthquakes, fires, etc. Finally, I share how to create from the ‘I AM THAT I AM.’
I warn you to use it with caution, and only positive. If you would like to gather a group, and invite me to go over these with you in several sessions, I will be glad to do that. I do not charge. The only condition is that I will go only where this is offered totally free of charge. If you are far from Southern California, transportation, vegan food,  and a bed would be appreciated. You can contact me with questions at


Do you have a sense of yourself as a powerful, effective person?
How would you like to become more and more effective, a master of personal power?
Did you ever think, "If I could just unlock the keys, I
could create something magnificent" ...or "I could get my life to work better" ...?
Would you like some simple keys to unleash the power within you? These keys will follow some preparatory thinking and some important concepts.
In all areas of your life, in your work, in your interpersonal relationships, in your recreation, are three basic goals. These three goals lie behind all of your positive desires, wishes, yearnings, and dreams. These three basic goals are
and growth.
We will come back to these qualities. Remember them, for they will be the foundation and the keys to your success in all your positive dreams.
Pick an area of your life either where you lack, or where you wish to increase your personal power. This may be a lack of money, a lack of love, a lack of understanding or being understood, lack of time ... or any area of your life or circumstances.
The first rule is that you cannot build a positive
foundation on lack. But identifying the lack serves as an
important pivot point for you.
To use the identifying of lack as a pivot point, use
the identified lack to know very strongly what you do not want.
Then use what you don't want to figure out what you do want.  Go from the negative pole to the positive pole.
For example:
Lack of money..................plenty of money
lack of health.................vibrant health
lack of loving relationships...loving ones
lack of career you love
REMEMBER, when something occurs that you don't like, or you
identify a lack, PIVOT! You may not know exactly what you want, but you always know what you want to feel!
The second rule is to always build your goals from a
foundation of
and growth.
Here is where those wonderful qualities that are behind all of your positive desire enter into the picture!
Now reformulate your desires, incorporating this positive
foundation, instead of lack. Here are some examples:
Enough money for freedom of movement and ease of
Enough freedom in my work so that joy and growth can
express through me.
Vibrant health so that I can grow and contribute.
Here are the keys to increasing your power in creating the life you want.    To put this into action:
1. Identify an area where you want to grow. If it is a
lack or a negative, pivot, then figure out the
positive goal that you wish.
2. Call on God's help. The way I do it is to pray,
"Heavenly Father, I am lifting this dream to your
loving heart. Please bring it to me, if it is your
will." Gaining mastery in creating our life is part of
our spiritual growth, and needed mastery of conditions
on Earth. If you like to visualize, see yourself and
your dream surrounded by a golden bubble, with green on the outside.
3. Dream a little dream of your positive goal completed, accomplished. What are you doing now that you have the money, health, relationships, or whatever you dreamed?
You may see yourself in a new job, one that fits your personality and abilities perfectly, very happy, depositing large paychecks in your bank account
... in great, loving closeness with your spouse and
children and parents ...
in love with the person of your dreams, happily
settled in your relationship ...
you have plenty of spare time to slow down,
appreciate each moment ...
you are well-known and honored for your new
creation ...
your relationships are full of love, nurture, honor, and
understanding ...
FEEL the joy, happiness, love and thankfulness for the dream you are picturing. If you have difficulty visualizing, just write down the main points in the dream, and FEEL the above mentioned emotions. Or, if you are unsure what you really want, but know you want positive change, just FEEL yourself happy, loving and thankful in that area of your life. This gives your angels room to play! They may surprise you!

In order to honor other people's free will, I don't picture specific other people in my dream. I visualize white light as the faces of the people in my 'dreams,' instead of the actual names and faces of specific people. As I dream, "Thank You, God, for the harmonious relationships in my life," I visualize blank, white faces. I don't say, "Thank You, that so-and-so gave me this money," I just thank God for the money, and avoid thinking of any particular person that might give it to me.
If I have some present relationships that I wish to harmonize, I have a specific way to do that. It is in the section following this, called Harmonizing Your Relationships.
If I am in a negative situation, to assist my mind in avoiding thoughts of that negativity, I visualize myself surrounded with white light. Then I do my 'dreaming.'
You are a beautiful, unique, and magnificent person. God
doesn't make any mistakes. You are also a very powerful person.
Emotions and imaging and/or thoughts create our future. You may be able to deduce from this that your negative thoughts and fears have generated most of the negatives in your life. The exception to this is that some negatives may be lessons you planned before you came into this incarnation.
Now you know why all great masters, from Jesus to Buddha to current leaders of success seminars stress the positive, and teach you to avoid fear.
A word of warning: NEVER use these tools for any negative reason. It will return to you in multiples.
Remember, you cannot create a positive dream from a negative feeling or thought. PIVOT, put the foundation qualities of joy, freedom and growth in your dream, FEEL the positive feelings.
The dream creates the form. The emotions generate. You must have both to create your dreams.
Think of yourself as an energy center. You send and receive energy. Every 17 seconds, according to masters, you are sending out energy based on what you were thinking and feeling and visualizing. A like energy joins it. It goes out to the end of the universe, and returns, bringing more like itself back to you, the sender.
When your thoughts and feelings go longer than 17 seconds, an even greater matching energy joins it. This continues to increase, with greater and greater matching energy, every 17 seconds. And passionate and emotional energy increase the power of this energy. Imagine what you send out when you gripe about something for half an hour!!! You are sure to get much more like it!!!! What a mis-creation!!!!
Dream your dreams of complete success. Take a few areas at a time. If you spend five minutes, three times a day at your conscious dream-time, you will succeed.
A way to magnify this is to dream your dreams all day long.
While you are working at your mundane position, be in your dream of being a supervisor, if this is your dream. While spending a dreary winter in a snow-bound locality, see palm trees and beaches instead of snow and city buildings, if this is your dream. Be the self in the dream that is feeling and seeing from INSIDE your body, not seeing yourself as you would in a video tape, from the outside.
A friend of mine and his mother used this dream technique when he was a boy. The father did not believe in this. The father had a position in an international company, but his particular job was only available in the United States.
That did not deter my friend and his mother from dreaming.
They dreamed of living in Europe, and visualized themselves on a large ship, crossing the ocean. They smelled the salty sea air, felt the ocean breezes, and felt the joy and thankfulness that they were on their way to Europe to live. They dreamed this dream together every night before bedtime.
Some time later, the father's company decided that they needed his skills in Europe, and off they went! They went on a ship, and enjoyed the salt sea air, felt the ocean breezes, and were thankful! They also knew that they co-created this with God.
Earlier, I asked if you would like to grow in your personal effectiveness, your personal power. You can raise yourself to complete mastery as you put these skills into CONSCIOUS action.
You must realize by now that you have been doing this your whole life, without knowing exactly what the ingredients were.
So you have created, and you have mis-created!
Guard your thoughts and feelings, as you are sending out energy that gets matched and magnified every 17 seconds, day and night. Create harmony in your life, as you now know what results from the negative feelings that go with disharmony.
Consider what information you allow to penetrate your mind and feelings. What do you create while you listen with horror to the nightly news? What do you create while you listen to popular music? Many of the themes are of loss and pain. When these emotions are generated in you, you are generating something in your life.
This segment teaches how to consciously create more positives in your life. But how do you correct your mistakes, and undo the negatives? Do you have to live with them? You can live through the negatives, but there are other choices. Releasing negatives is explained in the ‘I AM Devotional Service’ segment, which follows the explanation of decrees. But I suggest you learn about decrees first, so that you can let go of the negatives 10,000 times more powerfully than you have created them in your ordinary conversation.
I have been blessed with this knowledge of the Divine Technology that runs our lives. I knew it, and many times forgot it, as I engaged in the negative conversations that are the norm in our culture. It has taken much mental retraining to overcome this pull to negativity. Especially when something negative or hurtful has occurred!!!
It has helped me to listen frequently to tapes teaching this new way of training my mind. I ordered a monthly tape from, or, telephone, 1-830-755-2299. These tapes are very, very inexpensive.
Remember, the longer you go on consciously ‘dreaming,’ as I call this, the sooner your dream will show up.

Here is a model for you to begin, following the keys listed above. I suggest that you write them on a piece of paper.
1. Identify an area where you want to grow. If it is a
lack or a negative, pivot, then figure out the
positive goal that you wish.
Write down the key words expressing this area on your paper.
2. Call on God's help. The way I do it is to pray,
"Heavenly Father, I am lifting this dream to your
loving heart. Please bring it to me, if it is your
Write your prayer down. To increase the magnitude of the prayer, ask for assistance for all mankind in their prayers, as well as your own.
3. Dream a little dream of your positive goal completed,
accomplished. What are you doing now that you have the money, health, relationships, or whatever you dreamed?
On your paper, put the words "God, I AM" at the beginning of every third or fourth line. "I AM" keeps you in the now. And by putting "God" in front of your affirmation, you make it much more powerful. God is the most powerful energy-containing word that exists (all the names of God, in all languages.)
Now, finish the ‘God, I AM sentences with your positive, already completed dream:
You may see yourself in a new job, "God, I AM in a job that fits my personality and abilities perfectly, I AM happily depositing large paychecks in my bank account.
... God, I AM in great, loving closeness with my spouse and
children and parents ...
God, I AM in love with the person of my dreams, God, I AM happily
settled in this relationship ...
God, I have plenty of spare time to slow down,
God, I AM appreciating each moment ...
God, I AM well-known and honored for my new
creation ...
God, I AM in relationships that are full of love, nurture, honor, and
understanding ...
FEEL the joy , happiness, love and thankfulness for the dream you are picturing.
Write down, under each "God, I AM" statement, in those extra lines you left blank: "God, I AM" statements of thankfulness, etc.
God, I AM FEELing the joy for this dream (you can re-state your dream, repetition is fine; remember the longer you go on, the sooner you manifest your dream).
God, I AM FEELing the relief for this dream (this wonderful job, relationship, perfect health, etc.)
God, I AM FEELing the happiness for this dream.
Remember, these emotions, your passion, will help generate more powerfully.
If you have difficulty visualizing, just write down the main points in the dream, and FEEL the above
mentioned emotions. Or, if you are unsure what you really want, but know you want positive change, just FEEL yourself happy, loving and thankful in that area of your life. (God, I AM so thankful for the happiness and perfection in my relationships. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!) This gives your angels room to play! They may surprise you!
Now check your statements to see if some negativity crept in! You do not want to magnify that! If you said things like, ‘God, I so thankful that I am free of pain and suffering, change those words to the positive, else you will get more pain and suffering!!! (Something like, ‘God, I AM happy and healthy in every particle of my being now! What relief!!) If you said, ‘God, I AM thankful that I am in relationships free of resentment, change those words to the positive, else you will get more resentment! (Something like, ‘God, I am so thankful that I am in relationships where I honor them, and they all honor me. All are listened to and honored.)
This is an extra. If you have a green and yellow marker, then put a golden bubble around your statements, with green on the outside.
You can also, as an extra, collect pictures that represent your dream completed. You can paste them into a collage, or just have them around in any form to look at often.
Now, put on some happy background music (not required, just a suggestion). You can sit or stand or walk around with your ‘dream sheet.’ I like to put on the music, and walk around with my ‘dream sheet,’ saying it from beginning to end, over and over and over.
There is no limit to what you can dream. You can dream of something modest as easily as something grand. You can dream that your needs and wants are satisfied, and you are in loving Divine service in the perfect way that fits your energy and personality. Your mind is the only limit.
A thought, though. Spiritual masters suggest that we put a ceiling on our desires. Why is this? They say wealth is like shoes. If they are too small, they hurt. If they are too big, it makes going forward difficult. If they are just right, you can enjoy your walk without paying much attention to your feet.
After some practice, you may realize that you can create anything and everything you want. You may clear away all that stresses you, all the negativity in your relationships and all the bills and obligations. Then what? When you know you can create what you want, you may not want to burden yourself with extras, because when you do want them, you will know how to get them. Too many belongings and too much money can become another burden; it can start owning you. Just the right amount of money will leave you free.
Blessings and happy dreams!


You can harmonize relationships that are lacking in perfection. Here is how.
1. Think of at least two positive qualities of the person, some things you truly appreciate about him or her.
2. Ask God to send Divine Love to that person during this entire process.
3. Visualize their face and body permeated and surrounded with pastel pink for at least 17 seconds, longer if you wish.
4. Then, speak to them in the present tense, as if they were with you in person. Speak of those positive qualities, and of how much you appreciate this person. Go on and on, repeating if necessary, for one to five minutes.
When you next meet this person, the energy will have shifted. Do not remind the person of the former negativity, you do not want to bring back that energy!
This creates the positive energy that you need for harmony. In addition, in the segment called Releasing and Rescinding, you can learn to release and rescind negative karma with all disharmonious relationships. With these two tools, you can create harmony throughout your relationships.


Decrees are a powerful form of communion and communication with the spirit world of God. In addition to the basics of prayer and meditation, decrees form a third and very special function.
The special function that decrees offer is that you are at-one with God the Father, your ‘I AM Presence.   All decrees begin with an invocation from your heart, such as ‘Beloved Mighty I AM Presence." Of course, this is more powerful than praying from your lower self.
The Divine Mother is nurture, nature, and creation.
This is what was taught to Jesus by spirit during his preparation for his ministry. Decrees always begin with ‘I AM,’ and many of Jesus’s statements begin that way.
A special quality that some decrees offer is a calling of the sacred violet flame of the Holy Spirit. This flame clears negative karma, both for individual people, families, and larger groups.
Most importantly, perhaps, decrees can help transmute the negative energy surrounding our entire planet.
This is a special dispensation brought to our planet by St. Germain, an ascended master. St. Germain went before the Lords of Karma and pleaded for this dispensation. He wanted to aid Mother Earth and those incarnated make a positive transition into the golden age of peace that began in the late 1990's .
Decrees used in this manner, then, are a new gift to humanity and Mother Earth, brought to us in this century. A test group was given these decrees by the ascended masters in the early years of this century. This was a test to see if these decrees would be used well.
The decrees, by this special dispensation, are 10,000 times more powerful than prayer, when spoken by only one person. They are multiples of that power when spoken in unity in a group.
The test was passed with the original I AM group, who call themselves the St. Germain Foundation. Then more I AM decrees were channeled to Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet in more recent years. Many books channeled by the Prophets tell of the blessings of these decrees.
Now this gift from God is available to the wider world, to those who are receptive and ready for this gift. ‘I AM’ decrees are now found in many, many books, from many, many sources.
For those people who wish to aid their progress toward spiritual ascension, these decrees are especially valuable. In order to ascend, we must complete the lessons that we came to learn in this live, balance our karma from all of our lives, and raise ourselves spiritually to the 11th dimension.
But every time we think a negative thought, or judge another person, we create new negative karma. I believe that chanting the violet flame decrees for ten minutes a day will erase that karma.
These decrees are extremely powerful. Saying them out loud, alone, will offer great benefit and upliftment for each individual.
Even more powerful is chanting these decrees with other people.
The power of these decrees increases with each additional person chanting. If three people are chanting, the power will be 10,000 times 10,000 times 10,000.
Imagine the world karma that can be erased by the regular chanting in groups. The spirit world would appreciate people setting regular times and places to chant, so that they can create a spiritual vortex above the chanting.
Decrees must be given from the heart, as are prayers. They must be given with an understanding that this decree is from our highest self, the I AM Presence within each of us, the God within. We must understand that we are presenting ourselves as our highest self, our I AM Presence, as a vessel of purity through which God's power can flow. We ourselves, our lower selves, do not have this power.
This power can be used not only to help the world, but to assist you in clearing the negativity that you have created. Since it is in the form of a decree, it will clear you of negativity at a rate 10,000 times more powerfully than you created it in your normal conversations! So you can clear many years of negative outpouring in some months or years of using a releasing and rescinding decree!
The divine power is so great that when you begin to use these violet flame decrees, you may find yourself only able to speak a few of them out loud.  You will have to continue in silence.   As you become accustomed to saying them, your voice may last longer!
You can read a very short explanation of the ‘I AM Presence,’ in a nutshell, in a segment of the ‘I AM Devotional Service  which follows.


1. Releasing and Rescinding of negativity and karma, all darkness within, negative ego and imperfections; an ongoing discipline. I also add to my spiritual prayer list, that my I AM Presence constantly take these from me. And whenever I notice myself coming from my negative ego, I ask my I AM Presence to take it from me right then.
2. Balancing of karma and spiritual ascension.
3. Ask your I AM Presence for first three blessings when the time is right for you. They will lead to you healing those around you just by your presence, and finally, becoming Christed, then, perhaps, fully enlightened.
4. Relinquishing the lower self and living to do the will of the I AM Presence.

I suggest reading at least the first three books of the 14 volume series, and more if you wish further mastery. You can learn the basics of decrees, and an understanding of your I AM Presence. These books are available to borrow in St. Germain Foundation reading rooms all over the world, free, or can be ordered directly from St. Germain Press, Inc.;1120 Stonehenge Dr.; Schaumburg, Illinois, USA 60194.
DECREE BOOKLETS Also from St. Germain Press. Handy collection of decrees for your daily spiritual practices.
1. daily prayers and protections (see below)
2. violet flame decrees, three per day
3. ask for more spiritual light (ask Archangel Metatron )
4. releasing and rescinding weekly, more frequently as desired.
5. learn to re-charge decrees and prayers as shortcut to long spiritual practices. You do this by giving your decrees and prayers a name, and then ask your I AM Presence to re-charge them. Then remain in silence a while as your I AM Presence does this for you.   This is knowledge from the I AM Discourses.
FOLLOW YOUR HEART!!! Follow your path. There are NO "shoulds." You may need none of this. You may suddenly be opened by spirit and taught what you need to do by an ascended master. There are many variations of reaching the Christ consciousness.
But if you wish to make efforts that specifically will lead directly to your approaching and entering your Christ consciousness, do the steps above. This is spiritual work and discipline; it will be effective. These are the necessary steps, this has been confirmed by a woman who is fully enlightened, and approved and blessed by Sathya Sai Baba.


This is the most powerful way to call God. You are much more than the personality that you know yourself to be in this third dimensional world. You actually are a powerful, multi-dimensional being. The very highest aspect of yourself is your individualized I AM Presence, located above your Holy Christ self (sometimes called your higher consciousness).
When you speak decrees, you invoke your I AM Presence, and you are speaking from your highest aspect, your I AM Presence, rather than your lower self.
If you are not comfortable calling God your I AM Presence, substitute the name of God that you are most comfortable using. However, that will diminish the power of your statements tremendously.
I was cautious about invoking this great power. I studied the I AM DISCOURCES, using the decrees just as they were given by the masters until I gained confidence in creating my own decrees. Needless to say, tremendous negative karma is accrued due to any misuse of this power. That is why I always include, "if it is my I AM Presence's wisdom" when I create decrees.
Decrees when spoken alone are 10,000 times more powerful than prayer. When spoken in unison in a group, that power increased geometrically. This offers a tremendous power for good, as people come together to offer these decrees.


This is a gift given to us to overcome all negativity and karma, so that we can spiritually ascend, and enter into our Christ consciousness.
It is fine to release your karma instead of living it. As you grow in the spiritual light and energy within you, you will do the earth and mankind great service. Your work will make it easier for those next doing what you did.
After years of using  spiritual protections, and needing to stay patient with the constant repetition and interruption of my activities to put them in place, I am able to do something more simple.
I do not use any protections at all. I just affirm, "I AM Love, I AM Service, wherever I AM, I AM safe and all is well." If I feel any negativity, I say, I AM sending all negativity in any particle of my being into Mother Earth. I focus on the love in my heart, and focus on sending it into every particle of my being. I am thereby thinking of what is going out from me, not what is coming into me. At various times in the day I look at my feet, and become aware of my connection to the Earth. I say, "I am grounded, I am centered in my heart and crown and I AM one with the most high God."
This is an amazing freedom. Much appreciation and love to Jackie V. who taught me this.


Sometimes we gather at The Philosophical Library, 121 East Grand Avenue, Escondido, California, USA 92025 (telephone (760) 745-2724. Call for information. Anyone can lead this service. The entire service is written out. It is useful to do as a daily personal spiritual practice, as well. It can be done as a prayer, rather than a ceremony. You can offer it from your chair or your car! Wherever your heart is, you can offer it.
Sometimes the material in this book is offered in a class format at the Philosophical Library. Call for details, or email at


channeled from my Beloved Mighty I AM Presence
and Beloved St. Germain by Jeannie Alvin
Feel free to gather a group and give this service!!! Let me know your times and location, if you wish, and I will list it on the web so others can join you.
Note however, that it is against cosmic law to charge for or even mention money during the I AM services. A donation basket may be available for those who are moved by their heart to share and contribute, but nothing is mentioned about it. Handouts are offered at no charge. Love does not need to charge for itself!
materials needed if offered as ceremony: white candle, matches, paper, pens, something in which to burn papers
To write to the author: Jeannie Alvin PMB # 70; 993-C S. Santa Fe Ave. Vista, CA, USA 92083 or email at
To find all of Jeannie's books free to download, on the web, including this service (Book 7), look at
Blessings on your Holy Quest!
I AM DEVOTIONAL SERVICE (abbreviated version, longer version in book 7)
It is time for the lightworkers (all who live for God) to live from their Christ consciousness, their I AM Presence. This service offers the practices and steps needed to spiritually ascend while on earth, and to enter and live completely from the Christ consciousness, with the possibility of achieving full enlightenment while still in your physical body.
Note: As you call on your I AM Presence, you may feel greatly expanded. It is preferable, if you wish to remain in the physical, to ask your I AM Presence to merge with you rather than rising up to your I AM Presence. Too much rising and experiencing your expanded self may cause you to leave the physical and transition into spirit! As part of my spiritual  prayers that I re-charge morning, afternoon, and night, I ask that My I AM Presence merge with me constantly, all day and all night long. (You can re-charge any spiritual practice that you name, and just ask your I AM Presence to re-charge it while you remain in stillness. Your highest self will do it for you.)
If you are unfamiliar with God called the I AM Presence, feel free to substitute the name of God that you find comfortable, throughout the service. However, that may diminish the power of your statements greatly.
WELCOME. This is a service in which all who wish will participate as the highest aspect of self, the I AM THAT I AM. Please, at this time, ask your guides to open your hearts during this entire service. As you speak these decrees, it must be from your heart.
ALL speak in unison: "Dear I AM Presence, please open my heart during this entire service."
INVOCATION: ALL Rise and speak in unison:
Beloved Mighty I AM Presence
(and optionally, the following, or any saints and masters or names of God: Beloved Jesus the Christ, Lords of all the rays, the archangels, the angels, the ascended host, all the great ones of heavenly realms)
be with me now and forever. Guide me in magnifying the kingdom of God, as above, so below. Heal and illumine me so that I may serve in my part of the Divine Plan. Hear this prayer from my heart:
Our Father, who art in Heaven,
hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
on earth, as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us,
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For Thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory, forever.
RELEASING AND RESCINDING. This is a powerful way to let go and let God, as well as an additional way to manifest what you desire.
LEADER: I AM lighting a white candle, for purity. The flame represents the Sacred Fire of the I AM Presence.
Fold your paper in half, so it is like the two open pages of a book.
Put a - for negatives, or anything you wish to release, on the left top of your paper, and a + for positives on the right top. Write the negatives you wish to release on the - side, and the positive you wish to replace it with on the + side.
You fill the void left by the release with it's opposite, or, you can simply fill the void with Divine Love, or Jesus Christ's (or any master's) Divine consciousness. Write these down.
Here's a sample:
all darkness within me, all my negative ego, all imperfections, all negative karma
(If you eat meat, anything with a face, I suggest you release the negative karma from that. It is about 50% of your negative karma. That is because it contributes to the suffering of a sentient being.)
the rest of what is not harmonious in your life (perhaps 5 items if this is done in a group)
eg. - negative karma with X, + joy and harmony with X
- my car, + my car sold!
- all bills and debts + I am abundance, my credit card balances are zero!
-all darkness within and without + I AM 100%light within
-all negative ego + Divine consciousness
- all imperfections + I AM perfect, as my Father in heaven is perfect
- all negative karma with all beings, and all negative karma from meat eating
+ all positive karma with all beings
- all emotional problems, allergies, health problems + I AM in divinely perfect well-being
-this job I don’t like + I AM in a new job that I love
-all that blocks me spiritually + I AM full of faith and belief
-anything you can think of; you don’t have to know what it is, just say, whatever is blocking me in this area
I always add the following four items every time:
- all negative karma with all beings + joy and harmony with all beings
- all negative ego (I am less than or more than others)
+ Divine consciousness
- all imperfections  + I AM perfect, as my Father in Heaven is perfect
- all darkness within  + I AM 100% light within
Take a few moments now, and list what you wish to release and rescind on the blank paper provided. You can include all that is disharmonious or of lack in any part of your life: mental, physical, or emotional, financial, relationships, jobs, items you wish to sell, etc. There is no limit to what you can release and rescind.
Take a couple of minutes to write your list. List only 5 (for example) priorities now; at home, if you wish, you can list pages! You will use your list in the middle of the following decree.
When all have finished writing:
ALL rise: Out loud and together.
Beloved Mighty I AM Presence, as the I AM THAT I AM, I AM commanding that I AM releasing and rescinding every vow, contract, and agreement I have ever made in this lifetime or any other lifetime, or in between lives, regarding all known or unknown; the cause, core, record, and effect; within me, without me, and upon akasha; past, present and future; in all dimensions, in my conscious and in my subconscious, and all thought forms, of all on this list:

everyone, all at once, read lists out loud (read both the negative and positive sides of your paper)
Almighty I AM (repeat 3 times - 3x ).
And so it is.
Fold your lists, and put your name on it, so you can find it later. Bring it up and place your list under the candle.
(You can do this releasing and rescinding at home separately from the service. Just do as we have done to this point, leave the list under the candle for 2-3 hours, then repeat the ceremony and burn your list.  Some things release with only one time of doing this, others need repeated times.)
ALL rise for the Violet Flame decree. Visualize violet flame going out to aid all mankind as we decree from our hearts:
As the I AM THAT I AM, I AM commanding that the triple cosmic action of the Silver Violet Flame Love of the sacred fire of my I AM Presence descend into the hearts and minds and bodies of all mankind, consuming all imperfection, all lack, all greed, all darkness within and without; thereby allowing all of your children to better receive their own divine guidance.
As the I AM THAT I AM, I AM commanding that the triple cosmic action Silver Violet Flame of the sacred fire of my I AM Presence consume, consume, consume
all negative thought forms surrounding the earth, shrinking and consuming all of darkness in the atmosphere around the earth.
As the I AM THAT I AM, I AM sending the triple cosmic action of the Silver Violet Flame Love of the sacred fire of my Mighty I AM Presence, for all conditions that is my I AM Presence's wisdom, into the elemental substance of the souls preparing for incarnation.
I AM sending this action of the Silver Violet Flame Love so that these incoming souls may have strong and healthy bodies and clear minds. I AM sending the Silver Violet Flame Love to the hearts and minds and bodies of all parents preparing for conception or birth of children, so that they may more easily be in touch with the Divine assistance surrounding them. I AM sending the Silver Violet Flame Love to all of the unborn babies, so that they may have more perfect minds and bodies, according to my I AM Presence's wisdom.
As the I AM THAT I AM, I AM filling and surrounding all mankind, the atmosphere around earth, all unborn babies, and all incoming souls with Divine Love and Light.
As the I AM THAT I AM, I AM sending this action of God's love, the triple cosmic action Silver Violet Consuming Flame, forever sustained, doubling each hour, until all mankind is free of darkness and achieves ascension.
And so it is.
ALL speak in unison:
Leader: MINI-LECTURE. (Approximately 10 minutes.)

Through my life, my perceptions of God have changed. At one point I did not believe in God. And then, when I did believe in God, my belief in God expanded with each step in my spiritual growth.
For those who do not believe in God, and wish to, here is what you can do. You must be sincere and speak from your heart. To do that, say, "My intention is to speak from my heart. I am opening my heart."
Then, sincerely, say, "Please, give me faith and belief in God." And frequently, daily, from your heart, ask for more faith and belief. Then just allow time to let this unfold.
When I first believed in God, I felt loved by God as I feel warmed by the sun. I felt that God was outside of me, like the sun.
Then, after a love relationship ended, I felt pain in every cell of my body. As I drove over to my friend's house to gather my belongings, I spoke to God. I said, "I feel this pain all around me." And I visualized it as a circle of pain around me. Then I said to God, "But I know around that pain is Your love, and it is much bigger than the pain."
At that moment, I felt an energy of love enter at the back of my neck and curl around and envelope my heart!!! From that point on, I felt God within me as well as without me.
As time went on, I began to percieve God as everything that existed. I saw life as eternal, not beginning nor ending with this life. I began to see evil as something that would eventually produce good. I am in trust that in some life the good must appear.
So out of this changing perception comes my little story of creation:
Once upon a time, there was only God. And God wanted to experience him/herself and have someone to love. After all, there was only One!
So God said, "Let there be light!" And there was light. And God said the word, "AOM." And in one grand instant, (although to us, billions of years), God created all the dimensions, spiritual and physical, all the universes, all of the planets and stars, all of the plants and animals, and all of the souls.
All of this came from the very substance of God. There was only God, so from where else could it come?
And then, each soul, birthed from the womb of the Divine Mother, nurtured in total and perfect love, made perfect, in the image of God, began to grow. Each soul was a microcosm of the macrocosm.
So each soul, in reality God him/her self, descended into the dimension of matter. Each soul made an agreement to forget that he/she was really God him/herself. What would be the point of growing, if you already knew everything? So God, as soul, descended into matter. Now matter was also God. So we have God descending into God!
And the many rounds of incarnations, the life of the soul, began. Each soul ate food, God disguised as food, hunted and ate animals, God disguised as animals, and breathed air, God disguised as air.
Eve searched for Adam, each forgetting that the other was God in disguise. And as infant souls, then baby souls, then mature and old souls, they searched for God without. And what dramas they created!!!
Finally, as old souls, tired of this merry-go-round, tired of creating and spending wealth, tired of living and loving, followed by heartbreaks, they begin to detach from the material world. They begin a serious search for God.
They look within, they meditate, they pray. They want liberation, enlightenment, freedom from rebirth! And they discover that all is God. The air they breathe, the food they eat, the animals, the earth, the stars, all is God. The cosmic joke, for those who once did not believe in anything that they could not see, and did not believe in God, was that everything they saw was God!
As beloved Sathya Sai Baba says, "After long searches here and there, in temples and in churches, in earths and heavens, at long last you come back- completing the circle from where you started, to your own Soul."

ALL rise, and speak in unison, from your heart:
(Visualize violet flame filling and surrounding Mother Earth, the animal and plant life, and the elementals.) Elementals are the spirit beings for air, water, fire, and earth. They will love and assist you if you regularly help them by sending violet flame. When the elementals are overburdened, we have fires, earthquakes, and natural disasters. Fire may stop at your borders, earthquakes may happen when you are out of town, etc. These little beings held Jesus up when he walked on the water.
As the I AM THAT I AM, I AM commanding that the triple cosmic action of the Silver Violet Flame Love of the sacred fire of my I AM Presence descend into and around the earth and the elementals, consuming all negativity, thereby relieving the pressures created by mankind's ignorance.
As the I AM THAT I AM, I AM sending the triple cosmic action of the Silver Violet Flame Love to all mankind, consuming all darkness in the mental and feeling worlds of mankind that permits the misuse of God's sacred energy in mankind's treatment of the earth.
As the I AM THAT I AM, I AM sending Silver Violet Flame Love to all the plant and animal life on earth, consuming all darkness and negativity brought about by mankind's ignorance or mistreatment.
As the I AM THAT I AM, I AM sending the triple cosmic action of the Silver Violet Flame Love to all mankind, consuming all within the mental and feeling worlds of all mankind that allows for the mistreatment of plants, animals, and the environment.
As the I AM THAT I AM, I AM sending Divine Love and Light to the earth, the atmosphere around the earth, all elementals, all plants, all animals, and.all mankind.
As the I AM THAT I AM, I AM sending this action of God's love, the triple cosmic action Silver Violet Consuming Flame, forever sustained, doubling each hour, until all mankind is free of darkness and achieves ascension.
And so it is.

All rise:
(Visualize violet flame going to all mankind.)
As the I AM THAT I AM, if it is my I AM Presence's wisdom, I AM commanding that the triple cosmic action of the Silver Violet Flame Love of the sacred fire of my I AM Presence descend into the hearts, minds and bodies of all mankind, consuming all that blocks each one from their own Divine guidance.
As the I AM THAT I AM, I AM commanding, if it is my I AM Presence's wisdom, that I AM sending Silver Vilet Flame to  all that is impure within me, all limitations, all that blocks my endless supply and abundance, all that blocks my forward movement on my sacred path and Divine service, all illness and lack in my world, all darkness within and without, all of disharmony, all of my negative ego, all negative karma I have created, all imperfections within and without. What I command for myself, I command for all mankind, according to my I AM Presence's wisdom.
As the I AM THAT I AM, I AM sending Divine Love and Light and the Elohim of Purity's purity to all mankind.
As the I AM THAT I AM, I AM sending this action of God's love, the triple cosmic action Silver Violet Consuming Flame, to all mankind, forever sustained, doubling each hour, until all mankind is free of darkness and achieves ascension.
And so it is.
All: Retrieve your lists from under the candle.
ALL standing: Out loud and together, repeat the releasing and rescinding decree:
Beloved Mighty I AM Presence, as the I AM THAT I AM, I AM commanding that I AM releasing and rescinding every vow, contract, and agreement I have ever made in this lifetime or any other lifetime, or in between lives,
regarding all known or unknown; the cause, core, record, and effect; within me, without me, and upon akasha; past, present and future; in all dimensions, in my conscious and in my subconscious, and all thought forms, of all on this list:
everyone read lists, all at once, out loud
Almighty I AM (repeat 3 times).
And so it is.
LEADER:The candle is blown out, the leader saying, "I AM releasing the Sacred Fire to the Universal."

All rise and speak in unison, from your hearts:
Beloved Mighty I AM Presence, guide me strongly in the days to come, as I go forth to do Thy will. Please bless me and bless all whom I contact. Let Your love pour forth through my heart, my eyes, my touch and my energy in every moment. Let Your wisdom pour through my every thought and word. May every action of mine be something beautiful for You. May I express more and more of You every day.
And so it is. Amen.
This is the conclusion of the "I AM" Devotional Service.
We now go outside,  or to a fireplace, and burn our lists. Do not keep these lists, then you keep the negatives!!!


Beloved Mighty I AM Presence, God, Sai Baba,
My prayer is that this information go to those for whom it is Your will. And that it will be used for the spiritual growth and healing of humanity, the animal kingdom, and the earth itself. I pray that those who learn and use this do so for unselfish service for all mankind. And I pray that this information is always offered free of charge.
Recently I had a shift forward in awareness. I was aware precisely how to manifest in the ordinary level of consciousness. I was aware of how I was at cause in everything that showed up in my life, both positive and negative. I began to be sharply aware of the Divine Technology behind the scenes of ‘reality.’ Illusion, maya, is beginning to end.
This process was speeding up so fast that a thought and feeling would result in an event within 24 hours, sometimes sooner. Fortunately I had already learned how to correct my errors and miscreations!!!
I have been doing spiritual practices to release and rescind negatives for years. The more one clears the negatives, and the more one uses ‘I AM’ decrees and other spiritual practices, the higher the spiritual light within. When the percent of spiritual light within reaches the 90% level, one’s thought and word begins to manifest very quickly.
This is important to know, because the more you do decrees, the higher your percentage of spiritual light will be. And the faster your words will manifest. Jesus and Sai Baba are examples of 100% light. Their words manifest instantly. You will become very aware of what you allow to penetrate your consciousness, because if you react to it, you will include it in your consciousness, and something will manifest from it.
Partly for this reason, I watch no news reports, gave up the newspapers, all movies with violence, and most popular music. The other reason I gave these activities up is that I prefer reading devotional books, hearing devotional songs, and spending my spare time thinking about God and decreeing. The other activities lost their attractiveness for me.
For some time, my inner life has been one of living ‘I AM’ decrees. Day and night I have been decreeing silently, all day, all waking hours until I fell asleep.
Then one day it occurred to me to combine the manifesting that I did at the normal level of consciousness with the powerful decrees I had been using. I had done this sporadically before. But this time, I did this regarding my posture for 30 minutes straight. It made a big difference. I straightened up quite a bit. I have noticed that I can feel sad or depressed, and by doing this for 10 to 15 minutes, my energy is totally transformed.
A day or so after discovering this, I was visiting a friend who is about 80 years old. She said she found some small ‘I AM’ decree books in her library, and she thought they were for me.
She leaned against her kitchen counter, and said, "Jeannie, sometimes my legs just won’t go. And there is so much I want to do." She had spent time using a walker in the previous year.
I "happened" to open one of her little decree booklets right to a decree about perfection in the body. I told her that these books were for her. But I told her how to decree effectively for that perfection. This is beyond what is taught in those decree booklets.
As she already had used ‘I AM’ decrees for years, she was quickly able to follow the suggestions. Three days later she had a gathering with 27 guests, was strong, and walking with no problems.
Another friend’s badly hurt hand, so badly hurt that she could not bear to move her fingers, was healed 90% by the next morning, and 100% the following day. She felt it would have taken weeks to heal normally. Many times she is able to overcome asthma attacks by decreeing for about 30 minutes. (She is also eating a clove of fresh garlic and a bit of fresh ginger every morning, as a natural antibiotic to clear her lungs.)
Other people are finding this information of equally great value, so I am sharing this. I wanted to share this information immediately to help people, but I was concerned about doing so. What if someone ignorant, or someone of low consciousness was given this information?
I prayed about this, and very soon was able to have an interview with Anne Hughes, who is in full enlightenment. She is known as Anne Francis. She told me not to worry. I could go ahead and put it on the web and share it with others. She said only the right people would be drawn to it; the others would not be interested.
She also said that when one has dedicated their life to God, at some point it will not be necessary to do anymore spiritual practices; God will take over the rest of the transformation. Then we only need to be the witness, and at each thought or feeling of negativity or lack, say to God, "Beloved, take command."
She also said if we create in excess, we will have to pay it back. Below are two models for being in the Christ consciousness. One of them creates, and the second one is total surrender.
Being in the Christ consciousness, to me, is going within my heart during the entire process, and speaking from the I AM THAT I AM, as the I AM THAT I AM, using decrees. And the most powerful way to decree is to command.
I have come up with the following routine. It may seem to be a technique, but it is much more than that. During the time when you are offering this energy, you are BEING your Christ consciousness. It is not your lower self that decrees, but your highest self, the Father, the I AM PRESENCE.
I use great care to create only positive thoughts and feelings for myself and others, and I decree nothing that would in any way control another person. These decrees are 10,000 times more powerful than prayers, so I would not want the negative karma in that same magnitude, by any misuse of this divine power.
I never charge for anything that has to do with the 'I AM' teachings or sharing. I personally do not even charge for the cost of handouts or preparation or rent, or anything else. This is my service, and I stand all the costs. I believe it to be a violation of cosmic law to charge for this 'I AM' information. People who charge for spiritual teaching appear to me to limit the information they are receiving from spirit to a lower level than those who do not charge. And they may be binding themselves to the earth plane by charging.
Another reason that I do not charge for anything I offer, spiritual or not, is that I wish to live in a world where people freely give what they have to give, and receive what is given. So I decided to live that way, no matter what or how others do things. I began doing this several years ago. I quit doing anything commercial with friends. I didn't like how I felt, or the results. I just give them what I have to give. Since last year, much is being gifted to me free of charge.
I suggest you put a ceiling on your desires, because desires bind you to the earth plane. As you realize you can have anything you want, it may become less important to have it. Plus you begin to realize that you are everything, so what do you need?
As you grow spiritually, the desire to serve humanity will grow within you. All of the great souls, from Sathya Sai Baba, Mother Teresa, and many of the ‘Godmen’ such as Vivekenanda, serve the poorest of the poor, the sick, the weak, the poor, the orphans.
In this process, you are going to affirm perfection in all areas, ignoring totally the so called fact that they are seemingly imperfect still in your physical world. Your speaking and decreeing of perfection in those areas will go out as powerful energy, and in time, return to you in the perfection that you are decreeing.
You must BE your goal complete, in the now, not in the future, as you speak. Otherwise what you speak will always be in the future and never arrive! Spirit time is in the now.
Do not question when or how this perfection will show up, that slows the manifesting. Avoid speaking of the imperfect condition to anyone, this also slows this down. Avoid sharing the specifics of what you are doing to anyone, that slows this down as well. Just continue doing this, the longer at any one time the better. A minute is better than nothing. Five minutes is powerful. Five minutes several times a day is more powerful. Fifteen minutes is very powerful. Thirty minutes is extremely powerful. So if something is very urgent, spend the most time that you can doing this regarding your urgent issue.
I walk around with this in my hand, with my particular details, speaking this from my heart for as long as I wish. Sometimes I put positive music on as background.
In the positive affirming, add all your positive goals. You can make a separate list of your particulars, then hold them in one hand, and this routine in the other. Read the routine, adding your particulars, over and over and over. You will notice that the bottom section is just repeating the upper section, with joy and happiness and gratitude and appreciation. These emotions generate powerfully what you are speaking. You are adding the power of the written word and the spoken word to this.
In order to make a pattern, or model, that will be general and fit for everyone, this routine is very, very repetitive. The repetition is planned. It adds to the time you spend doing this, the longer you do it, the more powerful. But to modify it for yourself, you can make a list of your dreams, and write them out in story form in the 'now', the present time, with the goal already reached and perfect. You can then read that over and over, the longer the better.
Remember to use only positive words. Do not say "I am free of pain and suffering" or you will magnify the pain and suffering 10,000 times!!! Instead say something like, "Each and every particle of this body is Divine Perfection, Divine Purity, and Divine Principle." Do not say, "I am free of resentments in my relationships" or you will magnify resentments 10,000 times!!! Instead, say something like, "I am so thankful for my loving relationships, where people honor me and I honor them."
For support remembering this, you can receive wonderful, inexpensive tapes, see, or see the link on my 'Favorites' page on my website, They are the source for some of my learning, as well as the 'I AM Discourses, referred to in my Book 7, in the 'Understanding' section.
My routine:
Ask God or your guides to open your heart during this entire process.
I go into my heart, then I speak out loud (silently will work if need be, spoken is more powerful).
Beloved Mighty I AM Presence,
and as the I AM THAT I AM,
I AM commanding, according to Divine Will,
in all dimensions,
within, without, and upon the Akashic records,
past, present, and future,
all known or unknown,
cause, core, record, and effect,
in my consciousness and my subconscious,
in all thought forms,
that I AM Divine Principle, Divine Perfection, and Divine Purity,
regarding all that I AM including:
in (list all body conditions needing perfecting) (eg eyesight, teeth, hips, posture, skin conditions, health, weight; go through your body from head to toe and list the personal details in the positive.)
in all bodies, my mental body, my spiritual bodies, my emotional body,
in my inner vision, hearing, and feeling,
in all the following conditions (put anything your mind can think of here of lack or imperfection, but just list the area, not the lack or imperfection, in relationships, career, money, any spiritual step; finances, this or that condition, etc.)
and I AM so appreciative that I AM
financial abundance.
I AM so appreciative that all I manifest is for the highest and best good of all beings.
And I am so appreciative that my Divine perfect service has appeared.
I am so appreciative that this service perfectly fits my energy, time, and resources.
and I am so appreciative that I AM healthy and divine perfection, divine principle, and divine purity in (all your personal body conditions listed above). I AM so grateful that all is divine perfection, divine principle, and divine purity in (all your personal body conditions listed above). I AM so happy that all is divine perfection, divine principle, and divine purity in (all your personal body conditions listed above). I AM so relieved that all is divine perfection, divine principle, and divine purity in (all your personal body conditions listed above).
and I am so appreciative that I AM healthy and divine perfection, divine principle, and divine purity in (all your personal goals listed above). I AM so grateful that all is divine perfection, divine principle, and divine purity in (all your personal goals listed above). I AM so happy that all is divine perfection, divine principle, and divine purity in (all your personal goals listed above). I AM so relieved that all is divine perfection, divine principle, and divine purity in (all your personal goals listed above).
Repeat and repeat this, either from the very top, or where the appreciating section starts (the last three paragraphs).
Then, when you are ready to end, from your heart:
As the I AM THAT I AM, I command this manifest, manifest, manifest right now.
As the I AM THAT I AM, I demand this manifest, manifest, manifest right now.
As the I AM THAT I AM, I AM this manifest, manifest, manifest right now.
(With reverence) Almighty I AM, Almighty I AM, Almighty I AM.
And so it is.
Much love to you on your sacred path, Jeannie Alvin
Robbie's version and contribution:
This is valuable for those who wish to just surrender, be in the Christ consciousness, but allow the Divine to do all. There is no purposeful manifesting here, just surrender. This has value, because we must balance and pay back all we would manifest in excess. You can create your version, using the name of God that you prefer, as Sai Baba's name is used here.

Beloved Mighty I AM Presence,
and as the I AM THAT I AM,
I AM commanding, according to Divine Will,
in all dimensions,
within, without, and upon the Akashic records,
past, present, and future,
all known or unknown,
cause, core, record, and effect,
in my consciousness and my subconscious,
in all thought forms,
that I AM Divine Principle, Divine Perfection, and Divine Purity, and
that the Divine Blueprint/Plan for my life unfold now. I command the Mighty I AM PRESENCE to take full control of all areas of my life, past, present and future. And I command that all decisions in my life be made by my Mighty I Am Presence, (who is Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, or your preferred name of God). Under the gentle guidance, love and Grace of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, I command Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba along with the support of all the light beings needed to assist me in the unfolding of the Divine Plan of my life now. And that I AM in the Now, the dearest to God, by seeking God * in full faith and love as Life's Eternal Goal.
Whatever is needed in my unconditional surrender, I command that God's Grace make up the difference needed, so that I AM my full expression of the God Presence in the Service of the Avatar, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, for the benefit and for the fullest possible blessing of grace upon every man, woman and child, all animals, vegetation, minerals and Mother Earth Herself. (Then repeat the gratitude parts and ending.)
(*Bhagavad Gita", Chp. 12, verse 20)