TABLE OF CONTENTS for continuation of book 2SPIRITUAL LAWS.......................... 17 THE KEYS TO YOUR PERSONAL POWER......... 21 YOUR KEY (DIAGRAM)...................... 27 THE POWER OF YOUR PRAYERS............... 28 BALANCING YOUR LIFE..................... 28 LIVING A SPIRITUAL LIFE................. 28 DEVELOPING YOUR ABILITIES............... 31 MENTAL ILLNESS AND POSSESSION........... 32 ASTRAL PRAYER........................... 32 DARK SPIRITS............................ 33 SPIRITUAL PROGRESS...................... 34 A STRUGGLE FOR OTHERS................... 35 ALL DEVELOPMENT IS ETERNAL.............. 35 LEARN TO CONCENTRATE ON ONE THOUGHT..... 36 LETTING GO OF NEGATIVITY................ 37 LEARNING TO STILL YOUR MIND............. 38 MORNING PRAYER AND SPIRITUAL PROTECTION. 39 AFTERNOON OR EVENING PRAYER, HELPING PEOPLE IN SPIRIT GROW SPIRITUALLY........ 40 SPIRITUAL PROTECTION WHEN DEALING WITH ANGRY OR INSENSITIVE PEOPLE.................... 41 ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY................... 42 CHAKRAS, GATEWAYS TO THE SPIRIT WORLD.... 43 THE AURA................................. 45 DAILY MEDITATION......................... 46 LEARNING TO CONCENTRATE.................. 46 HOW TO STILL THE MIND............... 46 LEARNING TO COMMUNICATE WITH THE SPIRIT WORLD OF GOD...................... 47 THE DARK FORCES.......................... 49 THE COMING EARTH CHANGES................. 51 AND SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT................ 52 MAN'S SPIRITUAL PATH..................... 53 DECREES.................................. 57 TRANSFORMING OUR LOWER SELVES................. 59 APPENDIX: MESSAGES FROM SPIRIT.............. 62 GLOSSARY OF TERMS............................. 73 RESOURCES..................................... 76 ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................... 77 SPIRITUAL LAWSJust as it helps us to know the laws of our land and the traffic regulations so that we can decide on our behavior and it's consequences, it helps to know spiritual laws. Knowing and following spiritual laws helps both our life here on earth and our soul development, so that we can begin our life in spirit in a happy location! Following spiritual laws is the source of our personal power, ours to tap into as we wish, or to ignore and suffer the consequences. My Grandma Helen had an old saying that alluded to this law. When people did wrong, Grandma Helen would say, "The mills of the gods grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine." The highest and most powerful law in the universe is God's love. We must ask God for His love, although we are surrounded by it. As we ask daily for God's love to fill our hearts and souls, our soul begins to transform, and we grow toward being "at one" with God. This transformation of the soul with God's love is the "new birth" of which Jesus spoke. The giving and receiving of unconditional love is one of the main lessons in all of our lives. This was the main lesson Jesus taught when on earth, although this lesson and others disappeared from the sacred writings within one hundred to six hundred years of his passing into the spirit world. In The Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus, Jesus teaches again and again to pray frequently for God's love to fill us, and that this is the main and most powerful way for our sins to be forgiven (forgotten, actually, as our soul transforms), and the only way to reach his Celestial Kingdom. Love, including God's love, is much broader than we imagine it to be. In Mary's Message to the World, Mary, the mother of Jesus, tells of the many kinds of love. Then she tells us that love is an actual energy source that runs the universe. This is a fascinating book to read. Another main spiritual law is that of cause and effect. "As ye sow, so shall ye reap." As we engage in good thoughts and loving behavior, that is what will return to us. Negative thoughts and behavior draw the same back to us. The Golden Rule, "do unto others as ye would have them do unto you" states the law of cause and effect. Be kind, and you will attract kindness. Think loving thoughts of others, and others will see the love in you. The law of cause and effect is also called karma. Karma is both the positive and the negative we send out that returns. Most of the positive and negative in our present lives is our creation from this life. Some conditions can come from past lives. An automobile can be used as a metaphor that explains the interplay between karma and free will in our lives. Karma is the automobile that we have set in motion. We, as the driver, have free will. We can follow the rules of the road, and make right choices, or we can drive into ditches, off the road, or even stop the car and get out. When we make right choices we drive on the smoother road. The law of attraction, "like attracts like" is always at work, in the spirit world and here on earth. We attract people of a similar emotional and spiritual development to us. If we want more loving people around us, we need to first ask God for more love in our hearts, then send loving thoughts, prayers and actions out into the world. We are responsible for the conditions in our lives, both now and later in our lives in the spirit world. Another important spiritual law is non-interference. Interference is causing another adult to do something they wouldn't have done. Murder and war are the worst forms of interference. An important spiritual law is moderation, avoiding excess in all things. Excess is doing any one thing to the exclusion of everything else. This is a law of common sense. Too much alcohol, too much food, too much of anything is harmful, while a moderate amount can be good for us. Free will is a spiritual law. We have free will here on earth. We are free to make choices. Then we are responsible for the outcomes of our choices. Non-distraction is another spiritual law. Our behavior should not distract another from their work or pleasure. Reincarnation is a spiritual law. We do not die! We only leave behind a vehicle designed for our learning period. However, we have a spiritual body that looks like us at our prime. Crippled people and the mentally retarded and others with physical or mental handicaps have whole and complete spirit bodies and minds. That is a spirit body we will always have, eternally. In the case of babies and children who enter the spirit world, they grow in spirit until their spirit body and mind reaches their prime. They are nurtured and attended by loving beings. We have many lessons to learn in our long journey through eternity, too many for one lifetime. Just as an infant grows into a baby, then a young child, an adult, then an elder, our souls grow from infant souls to baby, young, mature, and old souls. The Message From Michael series explains this. Some people in spirit are not aware of this law, as the knowledge of it is beyond their development. We reincarnate until we ascend, as Elijah and Jesus did in the Bible. After we ascend, reincarnation is voluntary. The suffering in our world is caused by men, not God. When we break His laws and cause suffering, we will suffer in return, perhaps in another life. You can be sure that those who are responsible for polluting the beautiful planet that God gave us will be re-born and suffer in the mess they created. Those who scorn others, such as fat people or homosexuals, may be born to live a fat or difficult homosexual life, receiving the scorn that they gave. Some white supremists are re-born into black-supremist families, and vice-versa. Until they learn their lessons of loving all people, they will continue to have new opportunities to learn. Some homosexual people are making a transition from being male in one life to learning the lessons of being female, or vice-versa. Being homosexual is not a punishment. We all have been or will be homosexual in one or more lives, as we have learned femaleness and then begin to learn maleness, or the reverse. People who kill will be killed in one future life or another. People who kill themselves before their lessons are complete are taken to a hospital in the spirit world and healed, then they must quickly reincarnate to a situation that seems ten times worse than the one they abdicated, because they remember the feelings from the previous life. Pain and suffering can be a lesson that we came to learn, much as I did as a child. Perhaps it can be a way of finally receiving unconditional love, as we suffer from pain, illness, injury, or a handicap. We can learn our lessons, and be released from the pain and suffering. Or we can come back and continue learning it in another life. The spirit of a baby is usually not present at conception, but in Jesus's case, that happened. This is very rare. Usually the spirit entity enters the tiny fetal body sometime between the fourth month of gestation and birth. According to Ashtar, the spirit world does not consider the spirit to be in place in the fetus until the baby is in the birth canal, and taking it's first breaths of life. Prior to the time of birth, different spirits may enter and leave the fetus. If there is a fetus present at the time of an abortion, it is because the spirit in that fetus chose that lesson. This is because the spirit knows if an abortion is pending, and could leave the body. Before aborting a fetus, I suggest asking a licensed medium if the spirit has entered the fetus. Most first trimester abortions have no spirit present, unless the spirit entity wanted a short fetal life for the learning experience. People who have earned great wealth through learning and efforts of many lives are lent their wealth by God. What they do with it is their test of character. If they ignore the suffering around them and do not help and share, then they will live lives like the sufferers they ignored. This does not mean that we must give away all of our earnings. We can receive guidance in this area from our guardian angels. When we do major harm, major harm will return to us. Then when we have lived the more difficult life, we will have love and compassion where we had none. We would then never repeat our error. I made this error in a past life, as I learned in various readings. I was the much loved and spoiled daughter of wealthy parents. The universe had given me everything. I overlooked the suffering of children around me when I had the means to take action. My childhood in this life was to teach me just how those children suffered. I suffered greatly in my childhood, with torturous abuse from infancy. I chose my parents so that I could learn these hard lessons. I completed the lessons when I gave my unconditional love to the dysfunctional parents I chose prior to my birth for my growth in this specific area. I completed the lessons I had to learn. I have great compassion for people who suffer, and could never again be able to help and not do so. In fact, I now have difficulty because I want to help everyone and everything. To solve this dilemma, I decided to help as many as I can through my writing and teaching and prayers. In addition, in a another past life I was a healer, and learned one side of healing. My soul was very interested in learning the other side of healing, from the point of view of one needing to be healed. This life fulfilled that lesson as well. I learned of the above mentioned past life when I asked a question of an ascended master in spirit, Ashtar, who spoke with me while using the body of his medium. (The medium voluntarily leaves her body and takes a nap, and he speaks with people, using her body.) I asked Ashtar if I lived when Jesus did, and asked if I knew Him and served Him. Ashtar looked back in my Akashic records, a record of my lives through eternity, and said yes, I lived then. He said that I was a young man of about twenty-five. I was a healer, with a group of like-minded people. We had a few tents, of the Arabic style. There were many sick people that we were tending. I was giving them sips of water, sparingly, as there was a shortage of water and food. There were about a hundred people in need of healing. Jesus came, with his band of people. They brought food and water. I followed Jesus as he moved among the sick. He healed many with his vision alone. There was one old man who did not want to be healed. That confused me. Jesus turned to me and said that it was his choice. The rest were healed.
The word "sin" in Aramaic, the language spoken by Jesus, means "missing the mark." There is no condemnation or criticism implied in the word. We are here to learn. Sinning is missing the mark, as in missing the bull's eye when target shooting. Simply learn from the error, and you will do better. "Sin no more" means learn from your mistakes! The word "Satan" in Aramaic means tempter. It does not mean an evil god. All beings in the spirit world are very much under the control of the higher, brighter spirits. The dark spirits cannot rise above the level that they have earned. Brighter spirits can descend if they wish. There is only one God. He is all loving. The "evils" of our world are caused by people breaking God's laws. The idea of Satan was not taught by Jesus. When Jesus lived, there was an oral tradition. There were no secretaries taking shorthand. He channelled the books of the Bible written by his disciples years after his passing, in the same way He and other people in spirit channel books today. But as they were copied by hand by the few people who could write, errors crept in and changes were made. Old ideas of a god needing sacrifice crept back in, thus the fable of God "sacrificing" his son on the cross. Yes, Jesus was nailed to the cross. Men killed him, it was not God's doing. God did not sacrifice him! I believe that He chose to die as a sacrament, a gift of His great light, in order to balance world karma and give us the chance to follow his teachings. I believe that He chose to die to fulfill prophecies, and to prove that mankind can ascend into heavenly realms, if we follow His path.
THE KEYS TO YOUR PERSONAL POWERNow that you are aware of the simple laws that govern all of our lives, sow the seeds of your future with care. Your thoughts and emotions as well as your actions create your life. Dream of beautiful loving relationships, abundance, peace and harmony. Dream of how you wish to excel! You have unique gifts. All of your gifts can reward you personally and serve others. Plant one or two seeds for your future dreams, and begin to take action. Remember that the laws of cause and effect and the law of attraction work to your disadvantage as well as for your advantage. You have the full responsibility! In a book describing her profound near-death experience, Embraced By the Light, Betty J. Eadie describes seeing negative thoughts in action, and seeing positive thoughts and prayers. She also tells of seeing prayers ascend, and seeing that mother's prayers are like strong beacons of light. When I saw Betty Eadie in a personal appearance, she said that if we knew how powerful our negative thoughts are, we'd be much more careful to monitor our thoughts, and make sure they are positive. We are powerful beings! Let's be sure not to spill our power by thinking and saying and doing negative things. We are created as inherently powerful beings. Why then, are some people powerful at creating love or abundance in their lives, and do work that brings them great satisfaction, while others do not? Do they know a secret, a key, that eludes some of us? Following is the secret, the key, to owning and using your personal power. I suggest that you put a time on your calendar to examine a new aspect of your life on a regular basis. You can look back at how you've done, and decide on what area to focus next. This will be an extremely powerful personal growth course, because it is based on spiritual laws. The key to owning and using your personal power is in two parts. One part is the realization of the power and creation expressed by our mind and our speech, linked with our emotions. The second part of the key is the discovery that every circumstance is a lesson. We need to accept and be present to each lesson before we can pass the test and move on to other lessons! I will expand on these two key areas in the following paragraphs.
Our mind is in control of our power. When we gain control over our own mind, and know and follow the spiritual laws, we will gain as much as we desire. Our mind tends to have a mind of it's own, as Sujata says in his beautiful book, Beginning to See. We can train our mind as we train small children, step by step, and with love. There are instructions on training your mind in the last section of this book. We spill our power out of our mouths! Our speech reflects our mind; we have to think a thought before we say it. If we think of each statement (or thought) of our present situation or our future situation as a declaration for the future, and realize that we are always in the act of creating our life with our words, a reflection of our thoughts, we will realize our potential. We will begin to see where we spill our power, and begin correcting our thoughts and words. We then can do an intensive self-training course on our thoughts and our words. We can change our words and change our beliefs, and then our reality will change. Notice the following examples of thought and belief creating negative reality that can be changed: I always get a cold once every summer. I don't get sick often, but when I get sick, I really get sick. I always end up moving, starting over, and flat broke again. Notice your thoughts. Keep a notebook handy and catch your "I always" and "I never" types of thoughts. Listen to your mental conversations. We all talk to ourselves twenty-four hours a day! Catch the limiting thoughts. Decide what powerful statement you will think in their place. Positive affirmations and positive expectations can take the place of your negative, limiting thoughts. Be kind to yourself as you do this. You have years of the opposite training. Just notice, and pat yourself on the back for noticing, again and again. Thoughts linked with emotions have the most power. As you dream of your future, let yourself feel the pleasure of the dream in every cell of your body. Because thoughts linked with emotions have so much power, our thoughts linked with fear and anger create negative outcomes. We need to gain control of our emotions so that we create positive and loving lives. To gain mastery of your emotions, it is necessary for you to learn to distinguish the difference between negative thoughts and negative emotions. Negative thoughts are easily changed, while negative emotions must be processed and expressed outwardly in an appropriate manner, a manner that harms no one. Examples of negative thoughts are: I (he, she, they) can't do this. I'm (he, she, they are) not good enough. I (he, she, they) might get into a car accident. Judgmental thoughts are negative opinions: That's rude (bad, disgusting, horrible). This is the way it should be done. Emotions that we consider negative are guilt, anger and fear. Emotions are energy in motion. Since emotions are a source of power within us, we need to become the masters of that power, rather than allowing our emotions to master us. Mastery of emotions does not mean over-control, or suppressing or blocking emotions. That cuts off your life energy, your power, and much of your pleasure. Mastery of emotions is the ability to feel and express all emotions deeply, without harm to yourself or others. In my book, Get the Love You Deserve are two chapters that discuss mastery of emotions in detail. You may need tools, a coach to guide you, new tools for expression of emotions, and some emotional release work to truly master your emotions. As you learn to master your thoughts and emotions, correct yourself lovingly, over and over. Some people will learn this very quickly, others may take longer. Your pace is perfect for you. There is a second and very important aspect of gaining personal power and effectiveness in every area of life. This may be in the area of finances, career, relationships, living arrangements.... any area. I suggest doing the following mental work in one area at a time, so that you thoroughly master each one. This part of growth is paradoxical. These instructions may seem like a contradiction. You may need to read and test this a number of times to understand the concept. We keep what we resist! Accepting is the opposite of resisting. To eliminate a troublesome situation from our life, we must accept it! That is the paradox, the apparent contradiction! If you have a low income, for example, you must find perfection in your low income for the moment. You can consider this low income as a perfect lesson, and know that the moment you learn the lesson, you will move on. Find all the aspects of your low income that you can appreciate. This is one I am mastering as I write, so I can share my thinking with you. For example: 1. I live abundantly on the income I have. I may only have three dollars extra a week for spending money, and I appreciate the abundance of being able to have a meal plus water to drink in a fast food restaurant or small lunch counter. If I have no spending money, I am glad that I have everything I need. 2. I am a frugal shopper. I can make dollars go farther than many people. 3. Most of what I need or want shows up free, perhaps gifts from friends (their used clothing) and other ways. Then I enjoy the pleasure of my friends' gifts. Also, I am helping the earth by recycling things. 4. My income is plenty. I have everything I need. I thank God for everything I have, including my income. You can substitute your situation of choice in place of "low income" in the example above. The reason this acceptance works is that all in life is a lesson and a test of character. Allowing yourself to be in the presence of your situation as a test allows you to pass the test! In a nutshell, be in the presence of your situation of choice as a lesson, accept the test for the beauty and perfection it is, and use the power of your mind, mouth, and emotions to create your new life. For example, after accepting my low income as stated above, I now carefully avoid statements like: I'm broke. I can't afford that. I can't do that on my income. Instead, I say things like: I have abundance. My finances are all allocated for now. Can I trade something I can do for you for your class (tape, service, anything you want)? When I forget, and say "I'm broke," then I say, "Let me say that another way. My finances are distributed in other areas. Can we find another way for me to have that?" We grow up in a largely negative culture. Listen to the conversations around you, the evening news, the entertainment, and gain an awareness of the negativity. It then takes training and diligent practice to overcome negative thinking and conversation. Be patient with yourself as you learn. When we forget and look at another with criticism, it is not only a negative thought that will return to us in the form of criticism from others, but we waste time that we could be using to go forward in our own growth. Instead of criticizing, we could better use our time by sowing seeds for our future or giving to others. Pat yourself on the back for noticing your slips as you mentally or verbally criticize others, because you are learning. Believe me, it takes time and attention! I have been working diligently at this for over two years, and I still allow many negative thoughts to slip in! This is not to say that we should ignore or be in denial of something negative or inharmonious in our lives. I can notice a troublesome area, do what is in my power to solve the problem, or step around the problem if the problem belongs to other people. It is important to see the whole picture, which includes the positive and any negative. Both need to be included for wholeness to be present. Here is an example. Imagine a pie, with one small piece cut, but remaining in the pie pan. The small cut piece represents the negative aspect of a situation. The rest of the pie represents the positive aspects. If you only look at the positive section, and ignore the negative, that is denial. Or, if you only look at the negative piece and ignore the positive, you are in denial. Even if you take the cut piece away, the rest of the pie isn't whole. That piece is still missing. When you ignore an aspect of a situation, or deny it to your conscious mind, wholeness is not present. In order to pass the test for your lesson, you need to see the whole picture. My suggestion is to examine all aspects of a situation objectively, then expect a positive resolution. Look at the negative to become aware of it, do the necessary problem-solving, but don't focus on this negative area. Simply include it as part of your solution, and know you will solve your problem. As you look at the negative aspect of the situation you have chosen to overcome, do your best to avoid fear, anger, or guilt. Use your positive expectations that you will solve this, learn what you need, and move on to help you avoid these negative emotions. These emotions distorts our perceptions, and we see less clearly. If you wish some "homework" to utilize this information, here are some suggestions: 1. Write down your dreams for the future. 2. Plant one or two seeds for the future. Take a step or two in the direction of your dreams. 3. As you think of your future, fill yourself with love. To practice filling yourself with love, think of something you love, such as chocolate fudge, or a crunchy apple. Notice the feeling in your body. Then imagine that you are served a meal in a fancy restaurant. The waiter brings you a covered dish. You remove the cover, and on your plate is a smelly, salty fish. Now notice the feeling in your body. You may notice that your heart opened in the example with the chocolate, and closed with the fish example. The good feeling of the chocolate or your object of pleasure is the one you want to generate while you dream your dreams! 4. "I AM" is one of the most powerful phrases in our vocabulary, because it calls in our highest aspect of self, that spark of God within each of us. So create powerful affirmations for yourself. Put them on your mirror. I am abundance. I am capable. I am a beautiful child of God. Avoid saying "I AM" when you feel fear, anger, or guilt. You will experience more power by saying, "Fear (anger, guilt) is present; I am able to handle this situation with ease and grace." 5. Create positive expectations in difficult areas of your life. I know I will find a job I love. I will reach financial stability. I will find someone who will love me and treat me lovingly. 6. List areas of problems or lesser power in your life. See each one for the perfect test it is. Write out all the aspects of each problem that you can appreciate. Remember, you will keep what you resist, and overcome what you can appreciate! Ask your angels for help with this if you need it. 7. Notice negative areas in your life that you voluntarily allow. Write them all down. Decide if you want to keep them. Here are some that I thought about, then discontinued. Television news broadcasts Newspapers Violent movies People who criticize you Gossip 8. What provides rest for you? Is it gardening, reading, looking at nature? What provides simple pleasures? A walk after dinner? Beautiful flowers in a pot or vase? A candlelit bath with fragrant oils added to the water? Discover your areas of rest and pleasure, and put them in your life. 9. Simplify your life. Create balance of work, rest and pleasure. 10. Remember to ask for guidance from your angels in all areas, and put your problems in their hands. They will guide your steps as you move forward. In her beautiful lyrics from the song "A Matter of Choice," Donna Marie Cary expresses just these thoughts:
"What I give is what I get, Love or fear, which will I hear? I choose to hear Love's voice. It's a matter of choice."
"I choose to dance myself back to the garden, the angel voices sing me on my way. I'm heading home where God's arms are open, to welcome back this Holy Child to stay."
THE KEY TO YOUR PERSONAL POWER (DIAGRAM)Note: You can print this page and draw a giant key around it.1. Words (thoughts) about the present or the future are a declaration for the future. When thoughts are linked to emotions they are especially powerful. 2. Everything in life is a lesson, and a test of character. Accept all situations as lessons. Find perfection in all.
THE POWER OF YOUR PRAYERSPrayers from your heart are heard, and are effective. When you see a sad situation, even on the television, there is something you can do. Send a prayer that help and healing will come to the ones you see suffering. Daily prayers are important as well. If you are not inclined to pray, substitute positive statements on a regular basis, instead of prayers. Prayers or positive statements must always be in earnest and from your heart to be effective. If you wish, you can use my prayers as an outline to create your own positive statements or prayers. My prayer list grew as I learned spiritual lessons. My daily prayers are in the section called MORNING PRAYER AND SELF PROTECTION. Clarity is important when you ask for assistance from the spirit world. A friend, Reverend Mary Russell, reminded the congregation recently to be specific and clear when we pray. She had asked spirit to bring her more creativity. She began to paint beautiful pictures. Then she told spirit, "I want to paint bigger and more beautiful things." She is now painting apartments! If you wish an angel's help to transmute feelings that trouble you, you can have that. You must ask with sincerity and from your heart. Call on Archangel Michael by name, and ask him to transmute the uncomfortable feeling in your body. He loves helping us. In addition, call on Archangel Michael twice a day during your prayers. Ask him to liberate you from that which is holding you back. In the book The Crystal Stair, Archangel Michael defines devotion. He says that devotion is the desire of the heart to be with The Beloved. We see our problems with our limited human viewpoint. To allow your angels and spirit teachers and guides more power to assist you, put the solution to your problems in their hands. It is not a cop-out to ask for divine assistance. It is a sign of spiritual growth.
BALANCING YOUR LIFESpirit teachers and angels often guide us to simplify our lives, and leave times for quiet reflection and meditation, simple pleasures and rest. Rest for me might be gardening, while for another it might be a quiet canoe trip. Pay attention to what brings you pleasure and what brings you rest. Put these things in your life. Create a balance.
LIVING A SPIRITUAL LIFEService and cooperation are some of the guiding principles for our angels and the beings of light who protect, guide, and teach us. They spend our entire lives near us, devoted to our spiritual progress and happiness. They take care of our loved ones and pets, and go all over the universe in aid of those in need. There are chemists in spirit who apply healing balms to those unjustly accused as they suffer in their trials. They can help all of us when we suffer, if we ask for their help. If we want to grow spiritually here on earth, one of the major ways to grow is to serve others. Service is a synonym for religion. If you want to be religious, serve those in your life who have a need. Love God first, love and take care of yourself second, then give what you can to others. Strive to give your love unconditionally. Assistance from spirit teachers and angels provide protection, inspiration, and guidance. This guidance, as well as our positive expectations, can be compared to the roof of the metaphorical house that we are building as we build our life anew. It is up to us to furnish the rooms with positive thoughts, loving thoughts, and beautiful dreams of our future. It is also up to us to take actions of sowing seeds for our future, actions of service, actions of love and sharing. It is our choice if we furnish the rooms with self nurture, the care of our mind, body, and spiritual growth. It is also our choice to furnish our rooms with honesty and integrity, keeping our word, and taking responsibility for all we do and think. We can ask for angel help to fill empty emotional building blocks of love and trust if we desire. We can ask for more faith and belief if we desire. We can balance and simplify our lives if we choose. We can achieve soul growth, if we wish, by asking for God to fill us constantly with His love. It is also our choice not to include these things, and to furnish our rooms with the opposite. We can create a mansion under our roof of many rooms, lovingly furnished, or not. It is our free will if we lovingly furnish our metaphorical home, the life God has given us, and share His bounty, or not. If we would rather go out and splash in the mud puddles of life, we can. When we are done with the muddles (short for mud puddles), and clean up the mud, we can then create our home of peace and harmony. As we grow in spiritual development and awareness, and raise our spiritual development to a higher dimension, the workings of more powerful laws become available to us. According to Ashtar, we can ascend in our spiritual development while we are in our present lifetime, from one spiritual dimension to the next. In The Crystal Stair, The Inner Door, and The Complete Ascension Manual, volume one, lessons on how to ascend to each new spiritual level are offered. We will have a choice upon becoming ascended masters if we wish to remain on earth, or go on to other work elsewhere. Ninety percent of those ascending are choosing to remain on earth, as these are exciting and special times. In our lifetime we are going to see many people who reach the eleventh dimension, and become ascended masters. It is possible for all, if we wish. We are reaching the end of an epoch, and great changes are coming. We will begin to see more and more people developing highly, as Jesus did. They may have the healing powers that Jesus showed, healing with their vision and their touch, among other skills that they will have. This will be the precursor to an epoch of peace and harmony on earth. What an exciting time to live! If you wish to develop and grow spiritually, this is an ideal time to do so. I asked my spirit teacher Manachuk for a message from spirit for the readers of this book, and this is what was offered. "Loving spirits are around you, working in many ways to help you. Whether you are in a black tunnel of despair, or happy, they are beside you, wanting to help you live the most rewarding life that you can. They must strictly follow the spiritual laws. There is one of non-interference. You must ask for the help you want and need for spirit to be able to give it. Knock and the doors will open."
DEVELOPING YOUR ABILITIESDo you want to communicate with the spirit world of God yourself? Would you like to reach your friends and relatives in the spirit world? Would you like to speak with the great immortals who have contributed so much to our world? Many of them would love to share their knowledge and help the earth. Even if they are reincarnated now, their higher self remains in the spiritual realms and can communicate with you. Do you wish to have direct guidance from your angels, protectors, guides and teachers? They will never tell you what to do, but they will suggest things to think about, and offer comfort, guidance and healing. They are not fairy godparents who can wave a magic wand and remove your problems. But they will guide you to take the steps you need to solve your own problems. Do you want to make a difference in the lives of other people, plants, and animals, with spirit help? Would you like to help heal the planet, with assistance from the angels? Do you want to open the windows of your soul, so that you are aware of the multitudinous life that teems around the earth? You can have all, or part of these wishes, at your pace. Your free will is the determining factor. You will always be in control, because of the spiritual law of free will. Communication with spirit is inborn, built in, within all humans. First you must know it is possible, then desire these gifts of the Holy Spirit. Young children under age seven often hear and see spirits, until our culture tells them that there are no ghosts or imaginary friends. Most imaginary friends are spirit teachers in the shape of children, helping, protecting and guiding the child. You may remember an experience from your early life when you saw angels, spirit teachers, or spirit children.
You must ask your guides and angels to allow you to receive these beautiful abilities, talents, and powers. They will give them to you, as they deem appropriate. Intention and motivation are seen by the spirit world. Make sure you use your gifts for the highest and best good for you and others. Perhaps a talented medium loses the gifts. Because they have lost their means of making a living, they may make things up. This accounts for the rare but occasional fraud. Perhaps their guides want them to express another area of growth and learning. When you begin to develop your gifts, trust yourself. I strongly suggest that you verify your progress. The way to verify is to ask for feedback on your experiences of spirit from someone highly developed and accurate, such as a licensed medium, or a teacher who can hear, see and feel spirit, or from a channelled guide or teacher. That way you can judge the accuracy of your reception from spirit. Even if you become quite accurate, it is a good idea to verify and double-check your data from another clear receiver of spirit every so often. This is especially important when your emotions become involved. As a teacher of mine says, our minds and emotions can take us down the garden path. In other words, we can think some information we received from spirit is clear, but it could be our own mind's invention. If you do not verify that what you see or feel or hear is from spirit, it may be a creation of your mind. The key to clear reception is a still mind. Your conscious mind rests, and leaves space for spirit to communicate. Trust and verify are the operative words here. Your mind can imitate any touch of an angel, any sight or word that you think is from spirit. I periodically seek feedback from Ashtar on my progress and accuracy. In my first few months of development, my mind created a beautiful pink swirl of energy that I saw dance across the room. Our minds are amazing, and do not wish to relinquish control! I verify all important information, and I seek teachers who verify. Giving someone a message from spirit is a big responsibility. It could change the course of their life. You could create negative karma by giving messages from your mind, thinking they are from guides or angels. Trust yourself, and verify. When you have developed accuracy, then give others messages when they are requested. As your mastery grows, the information you can receive and the powers you manifest can be increased. Your angels, teachers and guides will let you know how much is appropriate for you to ask from them. Mine told me in a message to stop begging daily to see and hear them. After months of this I suppose they got tired of hearing it! However, I appreciate that I can feel them. Due to my early childhood of abuse and lack of nurture, they are willing to be with me constantly, answering questions and taking care of me in a way that is not needed for most adults. They said that my inner child is very young. Spirit teachers are constantly present when the need is there. This is true for other people with a high level of need, such as the chronically mentally ill or handicapped, and small children.
MENTAL ILLNESS AND POSSESSIONA wonderful minister whom I know, a very talented and accurate medium, told of a story regarding the mentally ill. This woman is often called to consult in hospitals where she is known to help when ordinary methods fail. She was called to a residential hospital for the mentally ill by the head psychiatrist. An elderly woman was talking to herself all day long, making no sense, and appeared out of touch with reality. This gentle minister sat with her. Her talents from spirit include the ability to see and hear people in spirit as well as you and I see people in the flesh. She saw the woman speaking to her husband, who was in spirit. They were simply chatting. The minister asked the guides what was going on. They filled her in on the situation. The minister simply began repeating the words of the husband in spirit. The woman's conversation then made sense to the head psychiatrist sitting nearby. The psychiatrist asked what he should do. The minister told him to just keep taking care of the woman, as she was happy and comfortable. Nothing was wrong. The angels told him that she would pass on within a certain period of time, and this communication was her preparation for leaving the earth life and moving to the world of spirit.
ASTRAL PRAYERThere are some people with so-called mental problems who may be speaking with people in spirit, or be possessed. Those they are speaking to might be angels or guides, or they might be lower, less educated beings. Yes, it can happen! No, it need not happen to you. That is why I emphasize saying prayers of protection daily. If you have had episodes of alcohol or drugs, abuse, or were severely depressed or fearful, you may have picked up some undesirable company. Like attracts like. Here is a prayer taught by Ashtar to help these unwanted beings leave us and be guided into the light. Due to our negative culture, it is a good idea to say this prayer once a week. It is called the Astral Prayer. Dear ones, you are healed and forgiven. You are one with your own higher nature. You are filled and surrounded with the Christ love. You are filled and surrounded with the Christ light. You are free from fear, pain, and from the earth vibrations. I ask all the ascended masters to take you to your right place. Go in peace. Go now.
In times of great spiritual growth your guides may allow lower spirits to visit you to teach you discernment. I have experienced this frequently. I say the astral prayer again and again. I also burn sage, available in metaphysical stores. Dark spirits do not like the smell, and leave. I light the sage and say one final astral prayer.
DARK SPIRITSNot all mediums know the process of helping these lower spirits leave your company and go to the light. Someone who has high soul development, who channels Jesus or one of the ascended masters could help in these cases. Ask your angels for guidance to find these highly developed mediums if you feel you need it. Those who are severely depressed or fearful can invite lower spirits unintentionally. Extreme negativity or fear magnetically attracts the lower spirits. As you progress in spiritual development, the light of your soul development that people in spirit can see gets brighter and brighter. Just as your eyes are bothered by going from a dark room to a bright room, darker spirits, as they are called, are uncomfortable around bright spirits. The same thing is true in your earth life, if you will notice. How many drug addicts and criminals have been attracted to you? None, most likely. That is the law of attraction in operation. The law of attraction holds true in our earth life as well as in the spirit world. We attract people of similar emotional and spiritual development to our own. As you grow spiritually and emotionally, you may outgrow those around you, and move on to new friends. You may move on to new church and devotional gatherings. There are many levels of spiritual growth, all of them fine, but you may outgrow the one you are in. If you are severely depressed, and have many negative thoughts, you may clear yourself of lower spirits, and then attract more by your next negative thoughts. This is a very difficult situation to be in. Say your prayers of protection again as suggested earlier in the book. I suggest having spiritual verses and tapes available to read or hear immediately after saying the Astral prayer, and to pray often to God to fill you constantly with His love. It wouldn't hurt for you to do this sequence several times a day until you are out of your depression, and more easily able to think positive thoughts. I suggest going to functions that are positive, such as positive church or temple services and meetings, and devotional singing. You can take classes or volunteer in order to help you focus more on the positive. Avoid isolation, as depression worsens in isolation. Keep yourself busy, and with people, even if you do not feel like it. Isolation undermines recovery from depression. Depression and other emotional problems respond to psychotherapy, if you do not remain isolated. Anti-depressant drugs can help take the edge off of severe depression for many people, and are fine to use until you feel better. Consult your physician. If you prefer a holistic approach, oriental forms of healing are available. Depression and many other conditions can be treated. Acupuncture or acupressure, and herbal remedies can help with many conditions. Herbs do not have toxic side effects, as do many drugs. Nor do herbs interfere with spirit communication, as do many drugs. The AMA is beginning to accept the validity of this ancient wisdom. Thirty-one states now license oriental practitioners. I have been told by Ashtar that it is better to call these dark spirits mischievous, rather than evil. It gives them less power. This does not mean that they are not doing wrong or evil acts. But we don't want to encourage them, or emotionally feed them. It is the same with the schoolyard bully. Fear enlarges his sense of power. Calling him mischievous cuts him down to size.
SPIRITUAL PROGRESSThe angels, masters and guides can see the beauty in the soul in the darkest of spirits. Beings that do evil are out of touch with their souls. Their souls are very moral, and may be crying in agony as the being hurts others. The spirit teachers see no evil, only lessons to be learned. Of course, this is difficult to for us to see, with our view of only this earth life. Many lifetimes ago, many of us learned respect for the lives of others. We are still learning this lesson, on many levels! Quite a number of people try to control the lives of other adults by dominating in one form or another. Some of this domination is subtle. We dominate when we think we are right. We need to remember that our opinions are variations of the truth. Our opinions are true for us because we have lived our life. The next person's opinion is true for him. We dominate others when we judge others wrong, and ourselves right. Or we reverse it, and allow domination by judging ourselves as wrong, and others right. In the environment that most of us are raised, judgment (negative opinion) is a constant factor. The recognition that another's life has value, and should not be taken is a lesson we all have to learn at some point, in some life. Once we learn this lesson, it is ours forever. This broader perspective, of people learning lessons in many lifetimes, is a point of view that humans are not fallen creatures, but in eternal evolution. We will all eventually reach the highest of soul growth. There will always be some people who are further developed than others. Some people are just beginning their soul's growth, as they begin their incarnations. No place is better than another. In this broader perspective, we are each exactly in the place that we need to be to learn our lessons, as are the wrongdoers and the ascended masters. As souls grow, they can see the entire picture, while we on earth can see just the veiled portion of reality. Those souls in spirit who can see all, because of their higher development, say that God's law is perfect. This is difficult for us to comprehend, especially when we see great harm and suffering. Yet we must remember that there is a veil that exists for our benefit, so that we can focus on this life and learn our lessons.
WHY LIFE IS EASY FOR SOME, A STRUGGLE FOR OTHERSWhy do some people waltz through life, while others suffer and struggle? There are several reasons. One is that our souls must learn all sides of experiences. Our souls must learn love and the absence of love. Our souls want to know God and exist without the knowledge of God. Our souls want to know pain and suffering, and healing. Being the healer who relieves pain and suffering is another lesson for our soul. It takes many lives for our souls to experience this duality, the two sides of the coin. In addition, we must suffer if we caused others to suffer. The law of karma takes care of that. One might be blind in this life who took away another's sight in a previous life. We have cycles of lives, and every so many lives we get a rest life, where everything works out pretty well. Also, by effort in many lives, we can earn a life of love and prosperity and the manifestation of talents. Does this mean that we have pre-planned our entire life before we were born? We didn't plan every minute. We planned something like a blueprint, with certain windows of opportunity. As we live our lives, we have free choice. We can choose to follow our blueprint through our inner guidance, and take advantage of the windows of opportunity that come our way if we wish. We always have free will. If we developed a talent in another life, or developed our mind, we will be more talented or intelligent than someone just beginning to develop. Mozart, for example, had many lives as a musician. We choose our parents to select the culture and environment that will most help us learn the three to four lessons that we pick to learn in this life. However, we can learn as many extra lessons as we want.
ALL DEVELOPMENT IS ETERNALSpiritual development is an act of the highest relevance for your soul growth. When you expand your consciousness to the spirit world of God, you may be in awe and wonder in every moment. You will discover the never-ending beauty, understanding, love, wisdom, and dedicated service to you and your highest and best good by God's Divine Instruments. You will know that your guides and spirit teachers and angels are always with you, twenty-four hours a day. This loving devotion may have you in constant appreciation, thankfulness and reverence. You may feel like you are beginning a new life in this lifetime, as I feel. In this new life, I consider all that is negative a lesson. As soon as I remember that I attracted it to learn a bit more, I realize that it really is not negative. I used to think I was simply an unlucky person, since if anything bad could happen to me, it did. Then, with my discovery of psychotherapy, I realized that it was not luck. I simply lacked every known problem-solving tool! So I gathered the tools. Thanks to psychotherapy I then began a new life. I went from a totally miserable, joyless and loveless life to one that included successful relationships, love, and joy. I invested much time, money and reflective thinking on myself. It was a good investment. I will never lose a bit of it! We take our spiritual and emotional growth with us into the spirit world when we pass on. If your life sounds anything like my life of "bad luck," then I highly recommend that you combine psychotherapy as an adjunct to spiritual development for your growth. If your life is pretty good, having all the tools for relationships and communication makes a pretty good life even better. You may have many, but not all of |