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by  Jeannie Alvin

C. 1997 by  Jeannie Alvin, Vista, California, USA. All rights reserved. Commercial use prohibited without written permission from the author. International copyright claimed. Feel free to reproduce this material in whole or in part, provided you include this copyright notice.

To write to the author:

Jeannie Alvin    PMB # 70    993-C S. Santa Fe Ave.

Vista, CA, USA 92083




I have been feeling my angels for about four years now, and for about three years they have brought me beautiful verses. I have been feeling God, My Heavenly Father, and Divine Mother, for a couple of years.

These verses began after I attended a workshop by the author of Conversations With God, Neale Donald Walsch (published by G.P.Putman's Sons, 200 Madison Ave, New York, New York, USA, 10016).

The workshop was the book, in a nutshell, and some of these verses are the workshop, in a nutshell. Some of the verses were inspired by the singer at the workshop, Cathy Bolton, and her tape cassette, "In the Garden."

The address on the cassette tape is CB Music, P.O. Box 275, Stephenson, MI, USA, 49887.

The other verses are inspired by life.



My beloved,

I have heard your heart's yearning,

I have heard every prayer,

I have felt every tear.

I am calling you home, child,

to my heart of love and forgiveness.

I am in the stillness,

I am in the soft breeze.

Look in your heart,

and follow it home.

Slow down, beloved,

so you can hear my calls

to your beautiful heart.

Each moment has a gift from Me.

Slow down, savor My blessings.

Slow down in your pain,

feel it fully,

and you'll find Me there,

sharing your pain,

understanding you.

Slow down in your joy,

and you will find Me there with you.

I never leave you, my beloved.

I am calling you home.

I have heard your heart's yearning,

I am calling you home.



My beloved child,

You asked me why I created pain.

I didn't.

I create only perfection.

You say,

but she hurt me,

he did me in.

You forget, beautiful one,

that you asked to experience forgiveness.

I said, fine.

But you looked around,

and there were only perfect souls,

angels of exquisite beauty like yourself.

So how, God, you asked,

am I going to experience forgiveness,

with all this perfection?

So I said,

I'll create an illusion.

This is your illusory world,

and you are in it.

But God, you said,

I am alone.

Then soul after beautiful soul,

angel after angel,

stepped forward.

They said,

I'll help you with this illusion,

so that you can have your wish,

and experience forgiveness.

But you must remember, they said,

when I do some illusory act of imperfection,

a true horror fantasy-

in that very moment,

you must remember who I really am.

Because if you forget, I will forget.

My beloved child,

I have sent you only angels.



My beloved child,

You try so hard to find Me,

you long to become at-one with Me.

You pray, you meditate,

you study, you sing

in your long, long quest for Me.

Beloved, you have never been lost from Me-

only hard of hearing.

Others paths to Me are perfect for them,

but for you, dear one,

is your very own path to Me.

Slow down,

and notice what makes your heart sing,

because, my love,

I am in your heart.

Listen, dear one.

I am here, within.

I created you,

but I did not make you separate from Me.

I hear every thought,

feel every feeling,

and I live within your heart.

Slow down,

and notice what makes your heart sing.

Is it the forest,

quiet, still and ancient,

that opens your heart?

Is it the stars at night,

or the rising of the sun?

Is it a child's face,

or a kitten's playful jumping?

Slow down,

and notice what makes your heart sing.

That is your very own path to Me.

And I already know that you'll find Me.

Your seeking draws you closer to Me,

my beloved child.

Keep melting my heart

with your seeking of Me, my child,

and I will melt your heart

with My love.



My beloved child,

You honor me by seeing My magnificence,

My great beauty, my great heart.

But you forget, dear one,

how exquisite you are,

and that I honor and thrill

to your magnificence.

For you can only perceive

what is in you.

You see, eons ago,

eons of eons ago-

there was only Me,

contemplating All That I Am.

I wanted to experience my beauty

and wonder and growth,

and share it.

So in one grand instant,

I created All of Creation,

all of my children,

all universes, all opposites,

and many fragments of myself.

Then this fragment of myself

could look at that fragment of myself,

each a miniature wonder,

and be in awe.

And so you began.

But you are Me, you see.

And how can I,

the Creator of All,

create anything less than magnificence?

So never, beloved, feel unworthy, or undeserving.

My beloved child,

You honor me by seeing My magnificence,

My great beauty, my great heart.

But you forget, dear one,

how exquisite you are,

and that I honor and thrill

to your magnificence.



My beloved child,

I am calling all my children home to Me.

If you feel a yearning,

deep within your heart,

to re-unite and come back home to Me,

I am calling all my children home to Me.

Ask for your ascension,

I will light the flame,

the sacred fire

that is deep within your heart.

I am calling all my children home to Me.

Go within, my dear one,

go within your heart.

There you'll find the outline

to your path.

I am calling all my children home to Me.

My kingdom lies within you.

Follow your heart's desire,

love lies in your future,

come to Me.

I am calling all my children home to Me.



My beloved child,

you are not here on this earth

to work a 40-hour a week job,

and to pay your bills.

Nobody is.

You are here,

every blessed one of you,

for your soul's growth.

It is the sole reason,

the soul reason

why you are here.

Many were in line

to come to earth, dear one,

but you entreated Me,

you so desired,

with all your beautiful heart,

to go to earth and expand My kingdom.

So I gave you a special assignment

to do My work.

So you came,

and with the usual earth amnesia,

you forgot your divine assignment.

Now you are beginning to awaken,

the stirrings in your heart

are tugging you.

Listen to your heart, dear one,

listen to your heart,

for that is where your contract with Me lies.

My beloved child,

you are not here on this earth

to work a 40-hour a week job,

and to pay your bills.

Nobody is.

You are here,

every blessed one of you,

for your soul's growth.

It is the sole reason,

the soul reason

why you are here.

Follow My guidance, dear one.

I placed it in your heart.



My Beloved Children,

Honor the children,

and listen to their wisdom,

for I have sent many masters and angels

to be among you at this time.

In the lifetime of the little ones born now

will come Heaven on Earth.

Honor the children,

and listen to their wisdom.

And do not think that all

will be born in homes of beauty and love,

although some will.

Some strong ones have chosen life

in dark places.

They have chosen to be injured

so that as they heal they may bring healing to many,

and bring light to the darkest corners.

Honor the children, and listen to their wisdom.

Each one of them, and each one of you,

has a christ within.

Jesus said he was the Christ,

but he did not say he was the only one.

He said, "Ye are gods."

Honor the children, and listen to their wisdom.

I have sent with them blueprints, nay, goldprints,

of how to build Heaven on Earth.

Honor the children, and listen to their wisdom.

You are all my children,

and I adore you, every one.

Honor and listen to each other,

and help bring in Heaven on Earth.



Bless you, my children,

and rest and dream in My arms.

I am with you always.

Call to Me to hold you,

call to Me for love.

Bless you, my children,

come and rest in my arms.



My beloved children,

There is so much you cannot know

in your third dimensional world.

Let go of your belief systems.

Let go of your thoughts

that are so often in the future.

Let go of your emotions,

so often in the past.

Be in the now, in the present moment.

That is where you and I will blend,

more and more.

Your breath is in the present.

That is why many forms of meditation

begin with attention on the breath.

For your physical self and your breath

are in the now.

You will find My presence in the present,

in the silence.

Quiet your thoughts, focus on your breath,

and stay in the now.

I am with you.



My beloved children;

I have sent you with a special song,

a beautiful note to play.

I sent one with each of my beautiful children.

You must honor the notes of others,

honor your own note,

and be in the now.

Send My love before you,

my dear ones,

before beginning any task

or any encounter.

You will find my love

smoothing all the edges,

lighting all the darkness,

creating peace among you.

Send my love before you,

My dear ones,

before you start your day.

Ask that I fill you

and all that you do

and all of your moments

with My love.


My beloved children;

I have given you a world of contrasts.

Do you understand and appreciate these contrasts?

What if everything were the same color,

and you could not distinguish by color?

What if all were yellow...

your clothes, your skin, your furniture, the earth?

If all you felt was happy,

how could you appreciate sadness?

You are beings of exquisite light,

My dear ones.

But to truly understand light,

as you wanted,

you must understand darkness.

You can look at all the contrasts this way.

To understand abundance, you must understand poverty.

When you truly understand, you will have compassion.

My beloved children;

I have given you a world of contrasts.

Do you understand and appreciate these contrasts?



My beloved Child,

I am giving you a gift,

a vision of your future.

I am seeing the beautiful earth,

your lovely planet,

restored to it's pristine beauty.

I am seeing skies of deep blue

with no trace of impurity.

I am seeing forests restored,

green ferns and crystal clear bubbling brooks,

the songs of many birds,

the sight of ladybugs and butterflies,

deer and raccoons and chipmunks.

I am seeing my beautiful children,

all with hearts so full of love

that they can give nothing else.

I am seeing peace and harmony

as each child honors the others.

I am seeing the gifts I hid in your hearts

become unveiled in their beauty.

I am seeing your awe and wonder

at the variety and magnitude of these gifts,

different in each one.

I am seeing all of my children

coming very close to Me.

I am seeing order come from chaos,

I am seeing the complicated become simple.

I am seeing balance in your lives.

I am seeing Heaven on Earth.

Dream that this is here,

my little ones,

dream this every morning before you start your day,

and you shall draw it to you sooner.

And so it is.

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