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by  Jeannie Alvin

This is a work in progress.

It will be updated periodically. 

c.1997 by  Jeannie Alvin,  Vista, California, USA. All rights reserved. International copyright claimed. Feel free to reproduce this material in whole or in part, provided you include this copyright notice. Commercial use prohibited without written permission of author.

To write to the author:

Jeannie Alvin      PMB # 70       993-C S. Santa Fe Ave

Vista, CA, USA 92083





1.   REMEMBER WHY YOU CAME..................................3

2.   Why do we have difficult lives, or hard times?.........4

3.   Powerful Prayers for Spiritual and Personal Growth.....6

4. MAN'S SPIRITUAL PATH..................................9

5. DECREES..............................................14

6. Twenty Ways We Avoid Doing God's Will................16



9. QUICK TIPS FOR HEALING AND GROWTH....................28

Updated Sept. 14, 1999

10.     CREATING YOUR LIFE...................................32

11.     OCTAVES OF THOUGHT...................................35






17.  OUR WOUNDEDNESS......................................49

18.  GIFTS FROM SPIRIT ...................................50

19.  WE ARE EQUAL ........................................52


21.  EXPERIENCING THE VOID  added march 1999
22.  FULL SURRENDER  added march 1999
23.  ‘I AM ‘ AFFIRMATIONS   added Aug. 20, 1999


I am here to speak to you today about your spiritual growth. It is the most important subject in my world. Is your spiritual growth the most important priority in your world?

Have you forgotten that you came on a special mission to do some work for God?

You probably have forgotten, that's the way it usually is in our earth lives.

It is urgent for you to attend to your spiritual growth now. Why? Have you heard of the End Times? We are in the End Times, the end of a cycle. Do not be frightened.

This just means the end of a period of learning. Following the End Times is coming a New Time, called the next Golden Age.

But time is short. Have you noticed how fast time is passing? You must put your spiritual growth as top priority in your life.

How many of you pray every day? And if you pray every day, what do you pray? Is it a want list? I want money, health, happiness?

What about the most important prayer of all? Do you ask God, Your Heavenly Father, to fill your heart and soul with His love?

This is the most important prayer you can pray. It will do more for your spiritual growth than any other prayer. To juice it up, ask for this love of God to continue to fill your heart and soul day and night. Do this when you wake up and before bed. Ask for more of this love at any time in between, as you think of it.

Then, straighten up your lives. Let go of disharmonious relationships, unless both wish to harmonize. Simplify your life so that you have time for spiritual practices.

Slow down, smell the roses. God gave them to us to enjoy, not just to fly by on our way to the next busy-ness we have created.

Take a look at the events that compose your week. Decide if they still have relevance in your life. Prioritize the events that have meaning for you. Make yourself the first priority. If you don't take care of yourself, and give to yourself, you have an ever-emptier vessel to give to others.

Before deciding on something new or something old, look in your heart. How do you feel in your heart about going there, doing that?

Let go of "shoulds." Don't "should" on yourself.

As you continue to let go of shoulds, look into your heart for guidance on what to do. Pray for guidance and illumination.


Why do we have difficult lives, or hard times?

Many people chose very difficult lives. Others chose easier lives with some very difficult periods. Many of us are wounded warriors. Why, since we create our lives, did we choose such difficult lives or such difficult periods in our lives?

The answers are many. Here are several of the many possible reasons.

Every several lives we have a "catch up on negative karma" life. We reap the pain we have given others.

My life is an example of this. I suffered a childhood of torturous abuse. Among other vile acts, when I was a toddler, my mother burned me with cigarettes to teach me not to touch things. It was a game to her. I nearly died from the abuse at times. From our limited point of view, it would seem that my mother would be accumulating terrible karma for herself. But we should not judge.

In a past life, my mother, like others gifted with spiritual gifts, was burned to death. This was in the times when "witches" were being burned and drowned. I was one who disapproved of her spiritual gifts, and approved of her death.

Another reason we pick difficult lives is to bring light into the darkest areas. When we heal from childhood torture and abuse, from cancer, from terrible physical or emotional wounds, we add spiritual light to our own bodies. That additional light has a positive effect on ourselves and on those around us.

Sometimes we suffer more than our own karma requires in order to alleviate world karma. I am told by spirit that aprroximately 60% of the negative karma I experienced was my own, and 40% was to aid in diminishing world karma. Jesus suffered on the cross for three days in order to lessen world karma.

Then, perhaps most important of all, we are all healers and teachers. Each one of us, in our own way, has something unique to teach, and a unique way to heal others.

While some of us may become traditional healers, such as doctors and nurses, others may become powerful spiritual healers. Some healers may work with herbs. And others may be healers as they go about the vast myriad of tasks in our world. Yet they quietly heal many others as they work.

We do not need to share our knowledge of how to heal with others. We can simply heal ourselves and go play in this big, beautiful world. We have free will. But I believe that there is a risk to this self-centered choice. I will explain why this may be very risky, in this life perhaps more than in any past life.

Each of us contracted, when we first became individualized, to expand God's light. If we heal simply for ourselves, we may partially fail the test we set for ourselves when we chose our lives. We then may need to re-incarnate in another difficult, dark situation, and heal again. We may need to repeat this painful lesson many times, in embodiment after embodiment. Then, when we finally realize that we must share our knowledge so that others can heal, and make efforts to do so, we may pass our tests.

The greatest risk of not sharing our knowledge is due to the times we live in. We are at the end of several cycles. Spiritual growth is easy now. All aid is being given to us. We can find channeled books from many ascended masters in metaphysical bookstores. We can find trance channels who channel the ascended masters. The "I AM" Discourses are available in libraries, metaphysical bookstores, and St. Germain Foundation Reading Rooms around the world. All these resources teach us to develop our own mastery so that we can ascend, and end our involuntary round of embodiments.

After the close of this cycle, which is near at hand, those who must re-incarnate will not find it so easy to gain light and find the answers they seek. The spiritual progress now possible to gain in months or a few short years will again take many lifetimes.

So if we learn our lessons and teach them to others, if we heal and share our knowledge with others, we are much more likely to ascend in this lifetime or in the very next lifetime. If we remain self-centered, heal for only our own sake, and play the rest of our lives away, we risk missing the grandest opportunity in millions of years. We risk not ascending to lives in the spirit world of love and light, and the end of pain, suffering, and lack.

The end of the cycles and the closing of this present gate of opportunity is very well documented in the Complete Ascension Manual, by Dr. Joshua David Stone. Many other books with information on this limited opportunity is available from the Ascended Masters in the spirit world, channeled to many receptive people.

We are here to do God's work. Here are the Ascended Master Jesus the Christ's words to me regarding my healing, and my need to get to work to heal and teach others. Jesus spoke directly to me through a trance channel. I asked to speak to Him, and asked Him, "How am I doing? And please give me a message for my highest and best good."

He responded, "You're doing very well, my child.......... You've come a long distance. You've grown and your world has become more light. Your healing has accelerated. ..... Acknowledge it. Trust. Love. And set your feet firm on the earth and do God's work. You are my sister. Do the work. And so it is."


Powerful Prayers for Spiritual and Personal Growth

These prayers are very powerful, and will transform your life. Before praying, protect yourself with the white light of Christ, and a mirrored shield to send all negativity back to the sender. For example, you can say:

Dear God,

Please fill and surround me with the white light of Christ.

Please place a mirrored shield around me.

Then, a very, very powerful prayer is to ask God to fill your heart and soul with His love. This will begin to act in your heart as yeast acts in bread, filling more and more of you upon your requests as time goes by.

Here are some additional prayers, if you wish to add them to your daily prayer list. You can ask for God's peace to fill you, and for more faith and devotion.

Ask to do God's will, not yours. God wants you to have all your desires, so you lose nothing by asking for His will to be done. You gain much spiritual growth by striving to follow God's will, and will encourage more guidance and assistance from angels, spirit teachers and guides. As you become more spiritual, more of God's helpers in the spirit world are attracted to you, to assist you.

Ask to be in service to God this day. This can be as simple as a smile or kind word to another of God's beloved children.

Ask God to heal you and all people on earth for all conditions that are His wisdom.

Ask that all ill effects from the past be transmuted. After you ask for this daily, your angels and guides will bring thoughts, feelings and memories to your mind. This is so you can take a very honest look at these, and take responsibility for all that you can. This can be a very short process of acknowledging "Yes, I did that."

Ask that these prayers continue through the 24 hours.

In addition, here are some extra prayers, if you wish to help in a worldwide prayer project. Mother Mary has asked us to pray for love, peace and hope for all people on earth. You can do these as a part of your daily prayers, or do them at odd moments, such as when you are waiting in line at the grocery store, or as you go for your daily walk.

I suggest praying daily, two times a day. If you can only manage once a day, I suggest praying first thing in the morning. On the next page is a prayer list that you can keep handy. Your list may evolve and change as time goes by.

Prayers of forgiveness are very, very powerful for your spiritual and personal growth. In addition, they clear your communication channel to God and His angels, teachers and guides. I have included forgiveness work guidelines on the last page. I suggest creating a project of forgiveness work. You can set aside time to do this. This will advance you tremendously.

I suggest asking for forgiveness daily. Saying the Lord's prayer daily includes a request for forgiveness, or you can add a line to your daily prayer list.

Daily prayers

Dear God,

Please fill and surround me with the white light of Christ.

Please place a mirrored shield around me.

Please fill my heart and soul with Your love.

May I do Your will, not mine.

May I be in service to You this day.

Please heal me and all people on earth for all conditions

that are Your wisdom.

Please forgive me for all harm I have done to others,

intentionally or unintentionally.

Please transmute all ill effects from the past.

Please continue these prayers through the 24 hours.

Thank You, God.


Additional prayers:

Dear God,

Please fill me with Your peace.

May I have more faith and devotion.

Please send Your love to all people on earth.

Please send Your peace to all people on earth.

Please send Your hope to all people on earth.

Thank You, God.




Forgiveness work:

I suggest doing this work for one person at a time who has ever been in your life. You might start with those closest to you now. Then do your family of origin. Remember to forgive yourself! Then think of all the people you can whom you have contacted. If the people are unknown to you by name, you can do them as a group.

For example, a friend of mine had traveled widely. She had given skimpy tips or no tips to waiters and waitresses around the world. She had been rude and unkind to many.

When she did this work for the group of waiters and waitresses in her life, she had the impression of several thousand shadowy figures. After that, most were released, but she was aware of five in particular to whom she had been especially unkind. She did them separately.

I remembered some specific children who hurt me deeply as a child, and said this specifically for them. Then I did general forgiveness work for all children who had hurt me when I was a child.

To include a group, you can say, for example, "All the children who hurt me when I was a child," or "All the waiters and waitresses who served me," instead of "Dear Sandy Smith."


Dear __________ (one person's name, or the group's name),

I forgive you for all harm you did to me

in this life and all other lifetimes,

intentionally or unintentionally,

__________ (one person's name, or the group's name),

I forgive you.

Dear __________ (one person's name, or the group's name),

Please forgive me for all harm I did to you,

in this life and all other lifetimes,

intentionally or unintentionally,

__________ (one person's name, or the group's name),

Please forgive me.


The Astral Prayer

The following prayer sends spirit beings around us into God's light for a healing. Then they are taken to their right place. These may be relatives or friends who have not reached God's light. They may return to you later as a teacher once they have reached the light. Or, they may be dark spirits who are attracted by negative thoughts and feelings.

It is suggested to all to say this at least once a week. During times of depression or strong upset feelings, you can say it more frequently.

Dear Ones,

You are healed and forgiven.

You are at-one with your own higher nature.

You are filled and surrounded with the Christ light.

You are filled and surrounded with the Christ love.

You are free from fear, pain, and the earth's vibrations.

I ask all the Ascended Masters to take you to your right place.

Go in peace. Go now.



Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Matthew 7:7 and 8

Man must first begin a voluntary search and quest to discover his spiritual path. Prior to seeking knowledge of God, man may not see evidence of God. But when man, woman, or child earnestly and sincerely looks, he will be guided to the evidence and learning that he needs.

My spirit teacher Medicine Man recently brought me the following verse describing this evidence of God showing when we seek it:

Dear God,

I noticed that You are very humble, and very subtle.

You have designed beautiful sunsets,

beautiful mountains and forests,

beautiful children, and all in life.

But unlike the artists who must sign

their name to every canvas,

You left your name off.

Until we study your mysteries

and seek to know the author of your divine works,

that knowledge eludes us.

But when we seek knowledge of You,

suddenly we find your signature everywhere,

in everything.

Dear God,

I noticed that You are very humble, and very subtle.

What a blessing to discover You in all.

Each person's spiritual path is unique. Each person has chosen different life circumstances for his soul's learning and growth. Some people may be raised in a spiritual family that resonates with their minds and hearts. They may then embrace a spiritual path from a very young age.

Other people may rebel from the spiritual path of their parents, and not seek spiritual growth for a time. Then they may find a path that is more in harmony with their needs and their unique minds.

Some people have chosen parents and early life experiences that were not spiritual at all. They may discover their spiritual path at some later point in their lives. If they did not know God as a child, and discover Him later, they will gain an understanding of the duality of not knowing God, and then knowing Him.

Sometimes people seek knowledge of God through the reading and study of the ancient sacred writings, such as the Old and New Testament of the Bible, the Koran, or the Talmud.

Others seek knowledge of God through prayer. Some have found closeness with God through devotional singing, repeating verses of love and praise and honor to God. Still others seek knowledge of God through meditation.

Some students of the type of meditation where the mind is stilled are able to develop the gifts of the Holy Spirit. They can learn to feel, hear, and see the Spirit World of God. All people are able to develop these gifts if they desire, and do their part of the work.

Then there are those fortunate people who are born with these gifts of the Holy Spirit. They are able to see, hear, and feel angels and spirit teachers from infancy or early childhood.

With these beautiful gifts of the Holy Spirit, these people can ask for knowledge of God directly from His Divine Instruments, the angels, the archangels, the spirit teachers, and nature spirits.

With spiritual growth, man can develop greater and greater soul growth. With sufficient soul growth, the person will begin to merge with his higher self. His functioning and direction will come more and more from his soul.

The end result of soul growth through many incarnations is ascension. The soul, having balanced it's karma and fulfilled it's divine plan, is ready to merge with it's Christ consciousness. With this soul growth, man can become at-one with his Christ consciousness.

With further soul growth, the soul merges with the monad, an even higher aspect of soul. At this point the soul becomes at-one with the Father, God. The person's functioning and guidance is now directly from God.

Those who achieve this ultimate in man's soul growth are called ascended masters. In times past, this ascension occurred as man made his transition into the spirit world, and left his physical body behind. He or she then served God from the spirit world, or voluntarily incarnated and served God with a physical body.

Due to the unique times that we live in, people who desire can achieve ascension, and if they wish, remain incarnated to serve God in a physical body. Gradually, however, their bodies will transmute into a body of light. Instead of blood in their veins, they will have liquid light.

These ascended masters will have great healing powers. With ascension comes the knowledge and use of greater and more powerful spiritual laws than are available to the unascended human.

I am told that nine out of ten of the people ascending at this time are choosing to remain in their bodies. Earth is in for some exciting times, including mass ascensions, and these people wish to stay and serve God here.

We live in a great age. Spiritual growth is possible at an accelerated rate for those who desire it. Ascension, formerly possible only by painstaking growth and study over many lifetimes, is offered as a gift to all who desire it, ask for it, and do their spiritual work to achieve it.

When we achieve this beautiful soul growth, we will live in harmony at all times. As more and more of us achieve this, we will be living Heaven on earth.

Here is a verse brought to me by my spirit teacher, Medicine Man, that expresses the harmony possible for us.

Let's dance to the music of our souls.

Let's dance to the sounds we hear from God.

Let's dance in harmony with all of creation.

Let's sing to the music of our souls.

Let's sing to the sounds we hear from God.

Let's sing in harmony with all of creation.

Let's live to the music of our souls.

Let's live to the sounds we hear from God.

Let's live in harmony with all of creation.

Listen to the song of God.

Listen to the harmony.

Listen to the note of God's song

that only you can play,

in tune with all of creation.

What are ways then, to grow spiritually? How can we ascend spiritually into the heavenly realms while still on earth?

I have discovered two ways to grow spiritually. Here is what I have uncovered in my reading, research, and studies. And, if we wish to ascend, we must ask God to guide us on our path.

The first way to grow spiritually is through prayer. And specifically, I believe that two of the prayers that I say twice a day have contributed the most to my spiritual growth.

The first prayer is a sincere and earnest request from my heart to God, asking Him to fill my heart and soul with His love, continuously, day and night.

I learned to ask for God's love to fill me frequently from some books my spirit teachers guided me to read. They are books channeled from Jesus the Christ called The Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus. In these volumes, Jesus tells how important this prayer is. He tells how he taught this when he walked the earth, and that sadly, this important lesson was lost within 100 years of his passing. He teaches in these books that the frequent request for God's love to fill our hearts and souls will lead us to become at one with our Heavenly Father, as he did.

The second prayer that I believe has helped my spiritual growth is a request to God for more faith. We can ask daily for more faith, and it will be given to us.

The second way I have learned to be close to God is through meditation that leads to stilling the mind. When our mind is still, and we learn to let our own thoughts go, our mind becomes like a mirror. The spirit world can then impress their thoughts on our still mind. We can then receive our own guidance from our spirit teachers, angels, and God.

Prayer and meditation are the two sides of the doorway that lead us to closeness and communion with God. The doorway is located in our hearts.

First we pray, then we meditate. The spirit teachers suggest that we meditate for ten minutes, twice a day.

In the book Prayer and Meditation, channeled from Jesus the Christ and Kuthumi (who was St. Francis of Assisi), Kuthumi says that results are what count. He says that heaven does not care if we sit up straight or slouch when we meditate, but if we want good results, we should sit up straight. Then we need to learn to still our minds.

In order to learn to progress from many thoughts, to one thought, and then to no thoughts, we can learn to concentrate on one thing. I concentrate on a circular piece of burlap material, and imaging myself holding it up, turning it around, and looking at the threads. Other people concentrate on a candle flame, or any object of their choice.

Our human self is a self of imperfection. No matter how hard we try, we cannot create perfection from imperfection. How then can we spiritually grow to the heavenly realms, since we are imperfect?

There is a way to perfection. God implanted within each of us a divine spark, a part of Himself that is holy and perfect. This holy part cannot be marred by our human errors, miscreations, and imperfections.

He also put within us a divine plan. Your divine plan is something within you that is unique. It is something that only you can offer the world. Each of us has a unique divine work to do, full of grace and beauty.

How do we find that perfection within each of us? How do we discover that divine plan?

We need to reach above our human self to those holy parts we each were given. There are two holy aspects, high above us, that we can access through sincere desire, prayer, and meditation.

One divine part of each of us is called by many names. It may be called our higher self or out higher consciousness. In the book Prayer and Meditation, Jesus and Kuthumi call this part above each of us our Holy Christ Self.

When we reach this high, holy, and perfect temple of ourselves, and surrender our lower selves, we will at last become at-one with our Holy Christ Self.

We will then be at-one with Jesus the Christ, Kuthumi, and all the ascended masters. Then we will have completed our spiritual ascension.

Our thoughts and behavior will then be directed by the divine part of ourselves that is above our Holy Christ selves. This is called our Divine Self.

Our Divine Self is located even higher than our Holy Christ self. When we have surrendered our will, "thy will, not mine, God," and are at-one with our Holy Christ self, we will be at one with our Divine Self. With desire, prayer, meditation, and service, we can grow to become at-one with God.

While studying this material on prayer and meditation, my spirit teacher Medicine Man brought me the following beautiful verses. They will conclude today's sermon.

Dear God,

You are so available to me.

Every time I lift my eyes and my thoughts

and my heart to You, You answer.

Every time I stretch to reach You,

You reach right to where ever I am.

You answer.

Every time my heart expands

with appreciation and love for You,

You answer.

Thank You, God, for being so

available and attentive. Thank You

for so much love.


Dear God,

It's quite amazing to me that You are aware of me.

With billions of souls and billions of creatures,

You are quite aware of me.

Within me, I am told, You have planted a spark of Yourself,

some divine perfection that only I, reaching high to express

You through me, can fulfill.

You put within me a divine bluepring, or shall I say, a divine goldprint, a unique and loving gift to the world that only I can express.

In harmony and with love, along with others expressing their divine gifts, we each can serve Your will and Your grand design.

Thank You, God, for our goldprints.

Thank You for placing within each of us a part of You.

Please guide us, God, in reaching for our expression of Your

will, and guide us in living the love that You have placed within us.



Dossier on the Ascension, by Mark L. Prophet, c. 1967, Summit University Press, Los Angeles, CA.

The Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus, vols. 1, 2, and 3, by James E. Padgett, c. 1941, by Foundation Church of the New Birth, P.O. Box 996, Benjamin Franklin Station, Washington, D.C. 20044.



Decrees are a powerful form of communion and communication

with the Spirit World of God. In addition to the basics of prayer and meditation, decrees form a third and very special function.

The special function that decrees offer is a calling of the

sacred violet flame of the Holy Spirit. This flame clears negative karma, both for individual people, families, and larger groups. Most importantly, perhaps, decrees can help burn the negative karma surrounding our entire planet.

This is a special dispensation brought to our planet by St.

Germain, Lord of the Seventh Ray. St. Germain went before the

Lords of Karma and pleaded for this dispensation. He wanted to aid Mother Earth and those incarnated make a positive transition into the golden age of peace that is coming.

Decrees used in this manner, then, are a new gift to humanity and Mother Earth, brought to us in this century. A test group was given these decrees by the ascended masters in the early years of this century. This was a test to see if these decrees would be used well.

The test was passed, and the I AM decrees were given to the world first as the I AM Discourses, available from the St. Germain Press, and in reading rooms around the world, free of charge to borrow. Then more decrees and other information were channeled to Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet in more recent years. Many books channeled by the Prophets tell of the blessings of these decrees. Of these two sources, The I AM Discourses contain the most powerful information because the folks in charge of them have followed the cosmic law of not charging for this information, other that the cost of the publishing. Now this gift from the ascended masters is available to the wider world, to those who are receptive and ready for this gift.

For those people who wish to aid their progress toward

ascension, these decrees are especially valuable. In order to

ascend, we must complete the lessons that we came to learn in this life, balance our karma from all of our lives, and raise ourselves spiritually to the 11th dimension.

Every time we think a negative thought, or judge another

person, we create new negative karma. I believe that chanting the violet flame decrees for 10 minutes a day will erase that karma.

These decrees are extremely powerful. Saying them out loud,

alone, will offer great benefit and upliftment for each individual.

Even more powerful is chanting these decrees with other people. The power of these decrees increases exponentially with each additional person chanting. If three people are chanting, the power will be three to the third power, or equivalent to nine

people chanting alone. If ten people chant, it is equal to ten to the tenth power, or ten billion people chanting.

Imagine the world karma that can be erased by the regular

chanting in groups. The spirit world would appreciate people

setting regular times and places to chant, so that they can better serve us.

Decrees must be given from the heart, as are prayers. They

must be given with an understanding that this decree is from our

highest self, the I AM presence within each of us, to God. We

must understand that we are presenting ourselves as our higher

self, our Holy Christ consciousness, as a vessel of purity through which God's power can flow. We, ourselves, do not have this power.

If you wish to read only one book to more fully understand the beauty and power of decrees, I suggest reading The Science of the Spoken Word, by Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet. It is an

explanation of decrees, and a collection of many beautiful decrees channeled from many ascended masters.






I AM Discourses St. Germain Press

The Science of the Spoken Word , by Mark and Elizabeth Clare

Prophet, c. 1965, 1974, 1983, by Summit University Press, Box A,

Livingston, MT 59047.

Prayers, Meditations, and Decrees for the Coming Revolution in

Higher Consciousness . Also from Summit University Press.


Twenty Ways We Avoid Doing God's Will

Our task as humans is to perfect ourselves so that we remain connected to God. When we sincerely pray, think, speak and act from love in our hearts, we maintain our connection.

If we are to overcome our times of disconnection with God, it helps to identify them. Following are twenty ways that humans disconnect from their higher nature.

1. criticizing self or others

2. assuming responsibility for others when they are not our responsibility

3. giving to another our own responsibility for our own welfare

4. demanding care from another when we don't truly need it

5. spiritual pride

6. proving your spirituality by giving unsought advice

7. self-pity

8. feeling of personal power

9. feeling of hopelessness

10. seeking comfort or pleasure through alcohol or drugs

11. commiserating with others regarding negatives

12. controlling others via emotions

13. dishonesty

14. fear and guilt

15. lack of self-worth

16. considering the body as self; an overconcern with the body and it's needs

17. preoccupation with physical dangers

18. thinking that your truth is higher than others' truths, that your ministry is more important than theirs

19. A messiah complex

20. lack of a spiritual consciousness



There comes a time in our progress toward perfection where we must show our strength. We must overcome dark spirits, tricksters and impostors, and other dark energies. This was shown in the Bible when Jesus spent forty days in the desert overcoming Satan. All of us will have this test at some point.

Also, depression and anger can open the door to the octave of these lower spirits. We then have to overcome both our depression and these unpleasant and unwelcome visitors.

Since I feel the spirit entities around me, these tests are very unpleasant. Following are the techniques I use to free myself.

If you are in the test regarding these spirits, try to maintain calm. Decree, pray, and perform the techniques listed below as calmly as you can.

When you get upset, you interrupt your forward progress, and add more to your own burden. You invite more of what you dislike to come to you. If you lose it, and become distraught, you can do a MAP coning to heal your upset. These can be tough tests.

MAP coning is the Medical Assistance Program of the White Brotherhood, of which Jesus the Christ is the radiant leader. When you call for a MAP coning, the spirit world sets up a medical assistance team especially for you.

When I am feeling good, I do MAP coning four times a week, either at nap time or bedtime. When I'm upset, I call for this assistance daily.

The first time you call for a MAP coning, it is a sixty minute session for evaluation. The experts scan you, and create your team. To call them, you first need to lie down, flat on your back with your arms at your side. You must be alone, no pets or spouses next to you, as they need to work with your magnetic field. All the following sessions last forty-five minutes.

Here is how to do a MAP coning:

1. State that you wish for a MAP coning.

2. Ask for your overlighting deva of healing to connect with you for a MAP coning.

3. Ask for Pan, the nature spirit, to connect with you for a MAP coning.

4. Ask for the White Brotherhood Medical Assistance Program, to connect with you for a MAP coning.

5 Ask for your higher self to connect with you for a MAP coning.

The first time, just lie there for sixty minutes. At the end of the evaluation session, ask them for a symbol or word that will be your shortcut to calling your team in the future. Take whatever word or symbol comes to mind, and say to the Map coners that that is your word or symbol.

If you forget to ask for a word or symbol the first time, just ask the next time. Your team will be called anyhow. Using the word or symbol speeds up the process, as if you called directly into a phone extension instead of asking for an operator.

At the end of the sessions, you need to disconnect from the MAP coning.

1. Ask for your overlighting deva of healing to disconnect with you from the MAP coning.

2. Ask for Pan, the nature spirit, to disconnect with you from the MAP coning.

3. Ask for the White Brotherhood Medical Assistance Program, to disconnect with you from the MAP coning.

4. Ask for your higher self to disconnect with you from the MAP coning.

5. Then, the next time you call for a MAP coning, add your code word just after you ask for the White Brotherhood Medical Assistance Program. For example, the word "stars" came to mind when I asked for my word. So I ask for the White Brotherhood Medical Assistance Program, "Stars," to connect with me for a MAP coning.

Then ask specifically for the healing that you want. On succeeding days, you can just ask them to heal you for all the conditions you previously requested. I make a list, and read it to them. Often it is the same items that I released and recinded.

For example, I ask to be healed of my dark side, my negative ego, all dark energies, all dark spirits, tricksters, imposters, gargoyles, my discouragement, my depression, my fears and doubts, my emotional upset and stress. I have also asked to be healed of a long list of emotional and physical health problems.

If you are depressed, distract yourself with pleasant, uplifting or comical movies or books. It can help get your mind off yourself. Volunteer to help others. Seek spiritual and emotional healers. Spiritual healers can be found through metaphysical bookstores and spiritualist churches. Find support for emotional release work. This work will sent your emotions into the atmosphere so that it won't disturb you any more. Anger can keep you stuck, so find support to release it. Rebirthing or psychotherapy to do this may be needed. Do forgiveness work.

I have also gone to additional visits with Ashtar, who comes through in channel. I get love, healing, and encouragement. I also get tips on what I can do next to release and recind and heal.

Release and recind your dark side and your negative ego. This will likely have to be done again and again. Here is how to release and recind.

Light a white candle. The white is for purity. Write down a list of what you wish to release and recind. You can release and recind health issues, karma, emotional issues, anything that is not of perfection in yourself or your life.

You can also release yourself from negative karma. You do not have to live through it. You can list every person who has been important in your life. This includes parents, known or not, living or not, spouses, children, employers, everyone!

Anytime you have an unpleasant experience with someone, it may be karmic. Release and recind!

First always give your love to God, your Mighty I AM Presence. Speak sincerely, and from your heart. Ask your guides to open your heart. I do this each time, as this won't work if the heart is closed. Here is a sample of what I ask:

Beloved I AM Presence, please open my heart. I AM releasing and recinding all vows, contracts, agreements, and karma I have ever made in all lives, past, present and future regarding: (my list follows)

my dark side

my negative ego

all dark energies

all dark spirits, tricksters, imposters, gargoyles

my discouragement

my fears and doubts

I AM filling the void left with St. Germain's ascended master consciousness and dominion, Jesus the Christ's Ascended Master consciousness, Divine Love, Purity, and Harmony. And so it is. And so it is. And so it is.

Make a ceremony of this. Read the releasing and recinding decree out loud, along with your list. Fill the void with what you wish for the replacement of what you release. Put your list under the white candle. When the candle has burned down to the last half inch, again ceremoniously read your list.

Then burn your list in the flame. You can hold it there with kitchen tongs. If you don't have a safe way to burn your list, tear it up, and imagine it burning. Throw away the pieces of paper, imagining that you are discarding the ashes. Blow out the candle.

Do not keep your lists. Burn or tear them up. If you keep them, you are telling the universe that you are keeping what you recinded. Even though you write the same thing again and again, it is your work.

I have released and recinded for day after day. It takes persistance. But these decrees, along with violet flame decrees, are two ways to perfection, mastery, and overcoming of dark spirits and our lower self.

You can also use the violet consuming flame to consume the negative energy you create when you get upset. Decree for the release of your imperfections. Many specific decrees for this are in the decree books from the St. Germain Foundation.

There is a law of balance. We must put effort into our own healing and overcoming before the masters in spirit can balance that with their assistance. We have to do a measure of work to get a measure of their aid.

Gratitute and a thankful heart that God gives us the strength to overcome these problems will also help. Giving love to God and the helpers in the spirit world will help, as they will quickly return your love.

Burn sage. You can purchase bundles of sage to burn in metaphysical bookstores. Dark spirits and tricksters do not like this. Sage all over, in corners, nooks and crannies. This also counts as your work in overcoming, so that the masters can help you.

Burn muldovite incense. It has a similar effect as sage. The dark spirits don't like it.

Ask Jesus and the archangels to bind and remove the dark spirits. You may need to repeat this many times.

Pray for positive change in your life.

Say the astral prayer. You may also need to repeat this many, many times. Here it is:

The Astral Prayer:

Dear Ones,

You are healed and forgiven,

You are at-one with your own higher nature.

You are filled and surrounded with the Christ light.

You are filled and surrounded with the Christ love.

You are free from fear, pain, and the earth's vibrations.

I ask all the Ascended Masters to take you to your right place.

Go now. Go in peace.

Command as the Christ. This is a command from your Individualized Presence of God, your I AM Presence. An example:

Beloved I AM Presence, I AM commanding as the Christ that all entities, dark spirits, tricksters, imposters and gargoyles go into Your light for a healing, never to return to me. I ask all the Ascended Masters to take them to their right place. Go now. Go in peace.

I ask my higher self, my Holy Christ Self, to constantly say this decree. I ask my Holy Christ self to add this to my daily protection list. Even with this guard, when I am undergoing this test, I need to frequently say these prayers, decrees and requests frequently. Again, it is part of the work of passing this test.

You can combine the releasing and recinding, and violet flame decrees. The most powerful way to decree is as the Christ energy within you, and to ask for the healing not only for yourself but for all mankind.

Here's how I did this:

I began the releasing and recinding, as above. When I read the list, and put it under the candle, I stood in front of the candle and said the following decree repetitively, for about 15 minutes.

Beloved Mighty I AM Presence, and Beloved St. Germain, I AM decreeing as the Christ. What I decree for myself I decree for all mankind.

Blaze the Cosmic Violet Consuming Flame in its Threefold Action and the Blue Lightning of Cosmic Purity through

my dark side

my negative ego

all dark energies

all dark spirits, tricksters, imposters, gargoyles

my discouragement

my fears and doubts

my depression.

Then I continue with

Boil the Violet Flame through (my list).

Blaze the Violet Flame through (my list).

Drive the Violet Flame through (my list).

Spin the Violet Flame through (my list).

After doing all of the above techniques to rid myself of the dark spirits, month after month, I finally did the final technique that finished my test. I used this again with my next test with the tricksters and impostors.

Say to them firmly: "You have no power. You are a human creation. Only those from the Light have power. Go and never return. I AM surrounded by the host of Light." Ask your Holy Christ self to add this to your list of daily protections, and to repeat this constantly. Say it as frequently as you become aware of these unwelcome ones. Visualize yourself surrounded by the angels and ascended host of light. Try to keep your attention on the light, because if you think of the dark ones they will be back immediately.

I would not wish these difficult and unpleasant experiences for anyone else. But it is part of the path of mastery, and at some point, we must do it. And when our higher self has decided it's time for this test, there it is. We eventually will get through it. It took me over a year to pass the test with the dark spirits, the truly evil ones. Then another test with the just as annoying but not as dark tricksters, impostors and gargoyles came up.


Following are my various clearing techniques:

. I call on my "Ancient One" guides and teachers, and the Ascended Host to remove the implants, and remove the dark beings and entities.

. I call Beloved Saint Ger