by  Jeannie Alvin

C. 1996 by  Jeannie Alvin, Vista, California, USA. All rights reserved. International copyright claimed. Feel free to reproduce this material in whole or in part, provided you include this copyright notice.

To write to the author:

Jeannie Alvin, PMB # 70

993-C S. Santa Fe Ave., Vista, CA, USA 92083


NOTE: page numbers from my word processor left in TOC, as they may correspond to yours, if you copy and print this.

FOREWORD................................. 1


MY INITIAL LEARNING...................... 2

ANGELS AND ARCHANGELS................... 11



OF THE SPIRIT WORLD OF GOD............. 13

DIAGRAM OF DIMENSIONS.................... 15


SPIRITUAL LAWS.......................... 17

Note:  the following sections are on the continuation page.


YOUR KEY (DIAGRAM)...................... 27

THE POWER OF YOUR PRAYERS............... 28

BALANCING YOUR LIFE..................... 28

LIVING A SPIRITUAL LIFE................. 28



ASTRAL PRAYER........................... 32

DARK SPIRITS............................ 33

SPIRITUAL PROGRESS...................... 34


A STRUGGLE FOR OTHERS................... 35



LETTING GO OF NEGATIVITY................ 37






OR INSENSITIVE PEOPLE.................... 41

ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY................... 42


THE AURA................................. 45

DAILY MEDITATION......................... 46

LEARNING TO CONCENTRATE.................. 46

LEARNING TO STILL THE MIND............... 46


SPIRIT WORLD OF GOD...................... 47


THE DARK FORCES.......................... 49

THE COMING EARTH CHANGES................. 51



MAN'S SPIRITUAL PATH..................... 53

DECREES.................................. 57



GLOSSARY OF TERMS............................. 73

RESOURCES..................................... 76

ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................... 77


For my spiritual growth, I attended weekly classes with people whose gifts are highly developed. These people can see and hear our angels, spirit teachers and guides as well as you and I can see and hear each other. They guided my spiritual growth and development from earth, and my spirit teachers, angels, protectors and guides lead me from the spirit world of God. My thanks and love to my teachers and all of my divine help from the spirit world of God.

I have also received valuable information for this book from a number of people who have high enough soul development to channel Jesus the Christ, the archangels, and other ascended masters. Some channel Lord Jesus and offer healing. Others channel Ashtar, an ascended master.

At the end of the book is an annotated bibliography and the resource list. Also at the end of the book is glossary with definition of terms, such as angels, guides, teachers, Brotherhood of Light, Dark Forces, channeling, etc.

Each reader's viewpoints may be quite different from mine. There's a good reason for that. Each viewpoint represents a piece of the spiritual puzzle and various levels of spiritual growth. All levels are equally good and valuable.

Also, there is a veil between our world and the spirit world of God. None of us see the whole picture, and what we do see is seen dimly, through our veil. If we had the vision to step back and see the spiritual map of the entire world, we would see where many divergent beliefs fit the larger spiritual map. A friend of mine uses the analogy of a mountain. God is at the top. The many paths leading to the top may look different, but all who seek God find Him.

The contents of this book represent my current truth. Do not believe a thing I write. Take for yourself that which resonates in your heart and mind, and leave anything else.

The fundamentalist view includes a belief in Satan. The New Age and metaphysical views do not, but they are taught to avoid fear. The words are different, but the behaviors taught by both viewpoints steer them to love rather than fear, God rather than Satan. Although these and other paths seem quite different to our myopic human viewpoints, all paths that truly and earnestly seek God's truth converge in the end.

In the end section of this book, I will point out the link between the fundamentalist and metaphysical views, from a broader perspective. You may be able to see that both viewpoints, seemingly different, have some very important points in common.

By the final chapter, you may have a broader understanding of the various beliefs, and see that some of the important points from seemingly opposite views have validity. Hopefully, this will help us honor as sacred that which our fellow seekers of God's truth hold sacred, even if they are on a different spiritual level, with different viewpoints from our own. No viewpoint is better than another. No level is better than another. They are just different lessons. They all have their beauty, and their place in humanity's soul growth.



This is a book about love. It is about love between you and your relatives and friends in the spirit world of God. Love is the bond that never breaks.

This book is about the love of God. It is about the many Divine Instruments He created to serve us, the children He loves.

This is a book about Jesus the Christ, whose mission of love is to help all of us return home. It is about attaining, if we wish, his Celestial Kingdom. It is about helping Him create Heaven on earth.

God's Divine Instruments are the archangels, the angels, guardian angels, protectors, spirit teachers and guides, healers, and friends and family in the spirit world who return to assist us. They all serve us in love and devotion, to help us return home to God.

This is a book about how to discover this love, or hear more about it. And, if you wish, it is a book to teach you how to make personal contact with the love that is as close to you as your fingertips, as near as your breath.

In the first sections I will tell you just how I discovered that so much beauty and soul growth is possible. I will tell you where you can go to receive messages from your own relatives, angels and spirit guides. I will show you, in the last sections of this book, how you can nurture and develop these gifts in your own way.

The appendix contains my messages from the spirit world, from the point where my conscious contact began. They are messages from my spirit teachers and relatives in spirit. I have included them for you to see a sample. Also, many of the messages are universal, as we humans share many likenesses. If they fit a need of yours, consider them messages for you.

Prior to my making contact with the spiritual realm, I was happy and felt loved by God and people in my life. But I was afraid of the future. I felt as if I were in a boat, going down a fast-moving stream, with rocks and turns that might upset my boat. I felt as if there was no one steering this boat. I hung on for dear life. I kept hoping that someone would come who could steer my boat.

There was a time prior to that when my life was miserable, and I did not believe in God. I envied friends who had that comfort. My life had few comforts. If this describes you, and you wish for this comfort and help, I will teach you the fastest and easiest way to attain that comfort and belief in God right here.

You will have to do this as an experiment. Sincerely, from your heart, ask for God to fill your heart and soul with His love, constantly, day and night. Ask for faith and belief. A very fast way to see results with this experiment is to do this twice a day.

After I made contact, and had weekly guidance from my spirit teachers, I felt as if they were helping me steer my boat. I was no longer afraid of the future. I knew I had all the help I needed.

I was no longer just happy. I now had many days and weeks of bliss. I felt like I was living in paradise. I felt awe and wonder much of the time. This awe and wonder continues, as new vistas open in front of me.


Here is how my discovery of communication with spirit began. During the Christmas holiday of 1993, I began a spiritual quest. I read book after book. I was especially fascinated with two books featuring George Anderson, called We Don't Die and We Are Not Forgotten.

In these books, George Anderson is able to communicate with spirits who have passed on. This is of great service and comfort to the bereaved relatives left behind.

The communications showed that those who passed on had their personalities intact, and told of a full and busy life in the spirit world. There is a wide variety of service and study available. After a "vacation" to adjust, some assist children, others care for animals, or perform other tasks or studies of interest. Pets who passed on were there, too!

I thought at the time that George Anderson, the hero of these two books, was a rarity, perhaps one person in a million who could make contact with the spirit world.

Then a friend took me to visit a Spiritualist church. I discovered that the ministers and many in the congregations learned how to communicate with the spirit world of God, just like George Anderson! These are the gifts of the Holy spirit as described in the Bible in 1 Corinthians 12!

Following hymns and a sermon or lecture, messages from the spirit world are given to people in the congregation as a part of each service. The messages are always positive. According to Rev. Millie Landis, that's because you can't go to a positive source and get a negative message.

The messages are either from relatives who have passed on or the guardian angels, sometimes called spirit teachers and guides, who are trying to lift us spiritually, assist and protect us. The messages might also be from the angels or the archangels.

The messages prove the continuity of life after death, and that our loved ones and friends who pass on are not just gone. They are here to assist us! The messages offer guidance, comfort, and tips for our physical and emotional well-being!

It is important to write these messages down just after you receive them, or they may be forgotten as quickly as a dream. Frequently the messages take you across that gap in growth you are wanting, but your conscious mind is not quite ready to hold. That is why I write down all of my messages immediately after they are given, or I ask a friend to write them, and I just listen intently.

After the church service, people gather for refreshments and friendly, informative discussions. People ask questions about God, religion, or any area of their lives. It is very interesting to receive an answer from spirit to these questions!

I discovered that these Spiritualist churches exist in many areas. As time went by, I discovered that each person, each minister and teacher at these churches has different levels of soul development, with correspondingly divergent beliefs. Our job is always to figure out our own beliefs.

For longer messages in private, called readings, I take a cassette tape and tape recorder. I found it helpful to obtain a reading about once a month, and ask a number of questions. I follow all the guidance from my spirit teachers, and my life has benefitted in every way!

There is a key to discern contact with the spiritual realms versus contact with beings who have not reached God's light. Messages, books, readings, visual, feeling, or auditory contact with all from the heavenly realms will always be loving, uplifting and inspiring. They will never tell you what to do, but may suggest choices. Any contact that brings fear or any upset feeling is not from the heavenly realms. Spiritual protection is explained in detail in the section called MORNING PRAYER AND SPIRITUAL PROTECTION.

I use the name of God to refer to the supreme intelligence and creator of all that exists. Others refer to the Creator, the Divine Intelligence, All That Is, Mother-Father God, spirit, the Great Spirit, Allah, Jehovah, and many other names. To me these many names are our human expressions, our attempts to define the undefinable, of a spiritual force and love greater than our human minds can comprehend.

One of the first questions I asked when I realized that we can simply ask angels and get totally honest answers, is about Satan. I asked if Satan exists. I was told that he only exists in the minds of men. When he exists in the mind, because our mind is powerful, we can actually create evil spirits around us, if we believe it.

Jesus Himself said that nothing outside of ourself can defile us. Satan was an old, fear-based idea of one loving god and another bad, punishing god. Jesus dispelled this old idea while on Earth, but within 100 years of his passing that old and sad error crept back in, as sacred writings were recopied. I learned this from people who had long-standing and accurate abilities to contact the spirit world.

There is only one God, a loving one, and there is no evil God or spirits at war with God. An analogy is to compare God to the sun, and the absence of God to the shadows. The sun has power, and gives us light and life. The shadows are an absence of light, with a corresponding lessening of growth. The deeper the shadow the less growth will occur. There is no dark god creating the shadows.

However, there are beings in the spirit world who are not aligned with God or love. They can be highly intelligent, and some have sophisticated technologies. They do not have God's power. However, they feed emotionally off of chaos and fear. These beings will be described in the last chapter of the book, in the section called The Dark Forces.

We all need to look in our hearts for what our own truth is. I run questions about God and sacred writings through my heart. If love is revealed, I consider that it is from God. If fear and guilt are stirred up, then I consider that human error has crept in. I also honor as sacred that which another holds as sacred.

I learned that there is not a literal Hell. However, those who believe in it can create it. They can then exist in their creation for awhile after they enter the spirit life, until they are ready to move on.

There are, however, lower regions that could be called Hell regions, where murderers and others who commit vile crimes go. It will be a very unpleasant location, and like souls will surround them. It is more like the Catholic view of purgatory, though, because after much suffering, when the soul calls out in anguish, guides and angels go and offer guidance. A slow process of growth occurs, and an exit is finally achieved. These regions are described as very, very unpleasant locations.

The locations in the spirit world reflect the person's soul and character development. Imagine the difficulty for a self-centered and egotistical person being surrounded with all self-centered and egotistical people. Here on earth they may find people to cater to them, but when they are surrounded with only other self-centered people, they will not be too happy. For those people who have not been the least bit spiritual, the location to which they will be taken is not beautiful, and their spirit body is dark.

At each growth of character, after each kind act, an immediate change for the better is reflected in their home and location. God, in His wisdom, has many ways to help us learn and grow.

All of God's children learn even from the most horrendous of errors, and move into His light eventually. There is always progress in the spirit world, for all spirits. That does not mean that it is always easy or fast. People in the spirit world tell us that it is actually easier to progress here, and advise us to grow spiritually while here on earth!

For those horrendously cruel people, such as Hitler, there are loving solutions. Their souls, damaged from the horrors of such a life, are put to rest, sometimes for eons. The soul itself is highly moral, and can recuperate with rest.

After we pass on, and are greeted by friends and loved ones, our own soul judges the life we have just led. We look at every thought and deed. We are then taken to a level in the spirit world with other people in spirit of like soul development and interests.

The lives of people entering the spirit world, and situations in both pleasant and unpleasant locations are described in The Gospel Revealed Anew by Jesus, Vols. one to three. In this book, people in ugly locations in the spirit world encourage us to progress while we are on earth. They say that it is difficult for them to think loving thoughts in a horrible place.

In the books mentioned above are diary type excerpts that show people progressing to better locations. In the section of this book called AFTERNOON OR EVENING PRAYER, HELPING PEOPLE IN SPIRIT GROW SPIRITUALLY is information on how to help your friends and relatives in the spirit world progress, gleaned from these volumes.

As we progress in our growth in the spirit world, which is dependent on our desire in the spirit world as well as here on earth, we will move to more and more beautiful homes. These are the "many mansions" of which Jesus spoke. The more love of God you have developed, and the more loving service you have given, the brighter will be your soul, and the more beautiful location and home will be yours to enjoy.

In these volumes, the Celestial Kingdom of Jesus is described. People are encouraged to pray frequently for God's love to fill their hearts in order to progress from lower areas of the spirit world to these beautiful realms. These fascinating three volumes taught me that Jesus's main message was for us to become "at-one" with God by asking God to fill our hearts with His love.

I learned that the gift of communication with spirit is inborn within all humans. We can all learn to communicate if we wish. It is not necessary for our soul growth. Asking for God's love and offering service to others is all we need for soul growth!

If we want spirit teacher or angel contact and guidance, it is ours if we desire and ask for it. However, we must do our part of the work in this area of growth.

Classes for spiritual development to receive the beautiful gifts of the Holy Spirit are available at most Spiritualist churches. Classes as well as communication opportunities with the spirit world are also offered in metaphysical bookstores, libraries, and spiritual/psychic fairs.

Ask your guardian angels to guide you to the right class for you. It is helpful to be in a group of people who are developing spiritually, with an encouraging teacher who can see your progress.

The following information on the Bible was gleaned from books and classes for spiritual development, with teachers who can clearly see and hear our spirit teachers. The teachers and angels in spirit witnessed events throughout history. When we ask our spirit teachers and angels about the Bible, this is what they tell us.

The sections in the Bible that discourage our direct communication with spirit were not from Jesus or the prophets, or God. These discouragements of our direct contact with God and Jesus and the angels were added later by men interested in control of the population, both government and church leaders. When we communicate directly with God and the angels, as Jesus did, we can learn anything our heart desires about our lives now, Biblical times, and our friends and relatives who have passed on.

The book Communication With the Spirit World of God, by Johannes Greber, tells how the early Christians met in small groups of six or eight in their homes, and grew in their spiritual development. They developed the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and saw, heard and felt angels and spirit teachers.

The Catholic priests began to gain power in the early centuries after Jesus came. Some of these pre-medieval priests discouraged people from communication directly with God by using fear so that their power and influence would grow. And grow it did, as we can see by the wealth and influence the Catholic church and other churches have had over the centuries! They became big business empires.

These pre-medieval priests re-wrote lines of the Bible, and removed some books entirely. The original texts are in the Vatican, and in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

By Constantine's time, the Catholics were the most powerful of the Christian groups. Constantine saw that the Christians were willing to die for their faith, while the worshipers of the old pagan faiths merely considered their religion a social event.

When Constantine aligned the state religion with the most powerful religious community, both the government and the Catholic religion benefitted, and gained in strength. The Catholics gained Constantine's sanction for their version of the Bible for the state religion, versus the sacred writings that were being used by various other groups.

In this way, Constantine gained political power and stability by aligning himself with the most powerful Christian group. You can verify this history yourself by looking in encyclopedias for the Councils of Nicea and the Councils of Constantinople.

In 325 A.D., Constantine I, the emperor of Rome, held a council of 318 Catholic bishops. At that time, the Nicene Creed was adopted. This creed, formalized 300 years after Jesus Christ's passing, said that Jesus was the same as God. In addition, these bishops defined the Holy Spirit as a separate spirit entity, and created the Trinity.

Through the centuries there have been many sincere priests and ministers with a calling to serve God who taught their congregations what they were taught. They did not realize that they were taught some errors.

These old errors were passed on to protestants. They were formalized into protestant dogma at the Council of Trent in 1545 A.D., the time of protestant reformation.

At the 1st Vatican Council in 1870, the pope was declared infallible by his own bishops! This created much dissent from some of the bishops. Some Catholic churches in Germany and surrounding countries left the Catholic church at that time.

Jesus came as a humble man, to show that all men can do as he did, if they follow God's laws. Jesus and God are at-one. The Holy Spirit is a name for the saints and ascended masters, angels and guides from the heavenly realms. They are all in attunement with God's will.

To decide for yourself what parts of the Bible are true, spirit guidance is to only read the words that Jesus himself spoke, often printed in red. Ask your angels and guides to help you interpret the meaning behind His words.

Just because errors are now hundreds of years old, put into the Bible and into churches and creeds by men motivated by power and greed, does not make them correct. An error is still an error, and is not converted into truth, just because of long tradition.

As you read the paragraphs above, you can see that some of these errors are more than 1700 years old. That does not make them true. Do your own research. Check these things out for yourself, if you wish. You can go to the library and find historical accounts of the councils of Constantinople, and the councils of Nicea and Trent.

I do not believe that Jesus came to create millions of different sects, each one arguing that it is the only right one! He deplores this all too human misbehavior. He attends all churches, when any two are gathered in His name, as He promised.

God is not denominational. He is everywhere.

The different churches serve various levels of spiritual and soul development. Our spiritual needs as infant souls are different from our needs as baby, young, mature, or old souls.

My spiritual teacher "Miss" helped me realize that my spiritual path was no more "right" than any other path. She explained that I get great meaning and insight from my spiritual garden, and enjoy the blooms of the flowers I find there. And my fundamentalist friends, my Indian friends, my Buddhist and Muslim friends get great meaning and insight from their different gardens, and their different spiritual flowers in bloom.

It is suggested by those in the spirit world that we appreciate versus criticize the belief systems of others. Mary, the mother of Jesus, in the book Mary's Message to the World, said that we should appreciate the beauty of the differences in various religions, and see the common core truths that are shared.

All churches will thrive if they teach what peoples' souls are longing for. That is how to be close to God, and to ask for His love to fill our hearts. The Holy spirit, the Comforter, will then immediately begin preparing our hearts to receive this love.

Your soul is an eternal aspect of you, cast by God eons ago. Your soul will live eternally. After much soul growth, you will reunite with your higher self. Your higher self is an aspect of your soul. Your soul wants to learn all that there is to learn, so many lives are needed.

Many people know of the sequential lives we live, by reincarnation. There can also be parallel lives, where our soul divides into as many as twelve bodies at once. Our entire soul is not in our bodies. The part that is not is called our Higher Self, and is in tune with God.

There is denial of reincarnation in the Western world. Many references to it were removed from the Bible. However, if you look at Matthew 11:14, Jesus says to the disciples of John the Baptist, " And if you are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come." He is saying that John the Baptist was the reincarnation of Elijah.

A teacher was speaking of reincarnation to a group of people. A man in the gathering said that he did not believe in reincarnation. The teacher said, "That's okay. You didn't believe it in your last life, either!"

Why does reincarnation exist? Some people on earth separated themselves from God, in our very distant past. God created a plan for us to return to oneness with Him. He put a veil around our world, and we must reincarnate until we have reached that oneness.

Some people on earth are not those who separated themselves from God. Some come from higher planes of existence to help bring the knowledge of how to return to God to humanity. These people are born in the ordinary way, and most have amnesia about their mission. At some point they wake up and begin to develop their spiritual abilities.

Many beings from heavenly realms are living on earth right now, because this is a very special time. Frequently they have chosen the most difficult of lives. Then when they heal, they can show many others how to heal. These people are volunteers. They chose to come here.

We can think of our soul as a beautiful pearl necklace, and each life as a separate pearl. I have been told I am a middle aged soul, having lived about 1500 lives! I have friends who are old souls, having lived more than 3,000 lives. Many people on earth have lived fewer lives. Since our soul must live in sequence from baby soul to infant soul, and so forth, this explains the variations in religious beliefs and behaviors in one more way. Infant, baby, and young souls do not perceive the world as older souls do. Those reading this book are probably middle aged or older souls. Younger souls often prefer fundamentalist beliefs.

Ashtar, an ascended master who comes through a channel, told me that there are three other lives of my soul being lived in various parts of the world right now. I am told that I will meet my twin flame late in my life. A twin flame is a person from our soul who is living a parallel life. They are our mirror image. I felt my twin flame recently during a meditation where we asked our twin flames to come.

The difference from a twin flame and a soul mate is that a twin flame is a being from our same soul. A soul mate is a being from another soul with whom we have physically mated in many lives.

Our soul is highly moral, and records our every thought and action. At the end of our life, our own soul judges every thought and deed. We see the harm we have done, and then we see the good we have done. We see if we learned our lessons. Our own soul sends us back to earth for lessons if needed.

Our spirit is the part of our soul that incarnates in our physical body to learn lessons. We usually choose three main lessons per life. We usually are not told or aware of these lessons until we complete them. There must be hundreds of lessons for our souls to learn, since we return to earth lives so many times. The giving and receiving of unconditional love, and patience are two additional lessons we are always learning. Your spiritual body, also called your etheric body, is the electromagnetic sum of all of your lives, and all the lessons you have learned.

Our souls were made with a longing for God so that we will seek Him. The true church exists in our heart. It is the only place that God looks. We need only ourself and God. It is not necessary to go to church for soul development.

We may find like minds and fellowship in churches, and enjoy singing and praising God together. Some churches have a high level of the love of God present, and the sermons are uplifting. Also, the power of prayer and spiritual development is enhanced in groups, and churches are groups. It is a nice option, if we wish.

The early Christians, being of like minds and open to the beauty of spirit communication, frequently began to see and hear spirit. They meditated in order to still their minds and contact the spirit world.

Instructions on how to communicate with spirit in the Bible have been lost, as various books were dropped from the Bible by those long-ago priests who wanted to gain power.

They discouraged communication with spirit, and added wrong teachings of guilt and fear so that people would come to them, rather than speaking directly to their own angels and guides!

Jesus saw, felt and heard angels and people in spirit, and encouraged meditation and communion with God, and communication with the angels. He said, "Go into your closet." That meant to go within and be still, to meditate.

Churches that teach fear and guilt are retarding spiritual growth. In many books transmitted from the spirit world, spirits who served as ministers preaching fear rather than God's love express their regret.

Then they have the long job of teaching the love of God, and removing the fear from all those whom they have hurt by their erroneous teaching. This is not an easy job, since many of those they taught may be in the same unhappy location in spirit life. These people in spirit frequently don't care to listen to ones who told them that they would be in a happy place because they believed that the name Jesus would save them. They see that he and they are not in a very nice place. They see that the sins that priests said were forgiven were not! We cannot escape personal responsibility! Our thoughts and deeds, and the love of God that we have in our souls create our good or unhappy starting place in the spirit life!

Jesus the Christ is described as a divine hierarch. There are many levels of souls growth beyond the ascended masters. He is from a dimension far closer to God than the dimension of the ascended masters, of whom He is the radiant leader.

There is no magic in Jesus's name that will save you from the consequences of your wrong actions or negative thoughts. Believing in Him is fine, He exists and He loves you. He keeps His promises. When any two of us gather in His name, He will be there. He is at-one with the Father, God. However, the only thing that will "save" you and elevate your location in the spirit world, is to pray frequently for God's love to fill your heart. Then you will join Jesus, and live in his Celestial Kingdom.

Strive to become "at one" with God, and give service to your fellow men. It will not help you as much to become filled with God's love and then ignore your fellow human beings in need. The higher you grow in spirituality, the more you must give.

If you only pray to Jesus, and not to God, you will receive Jesus's love. But it is not in the same amount as God's love. It is God's love that alters your soul. It is fine to honor and love Jesus, and pray to God in His name.

Jesus is also a very powerful healer, and will come to you for healing at your request. He heals with God's love. He will also answer your other requests, if it is possible. Some conditions in our life are lessons that we chose to learn before we came to this life. We need to learn the lesson before the condition can be removed.

The term 'psychic' always meant something laughable to me, a way to spend a little money for fun. My first introduction to the use of psychic gifts in a serious and beneficial way was when I read of George Anderson's work. 'Psychic" is actually a kindergarten term for an expansion of the conscious mind. Psychic abilities are an expansion of consciousness relating to the physical world.

A medium is the term for someone who has expanded his consciousness even beyond the physical world that the psychic can reach, to the spiritual world. He has the ability to be an intermediary between the souls of people in spirit, guides, spirit teachers, angels and humans.

A medium can communicate with the spirit world of God. When these abilities are well developed and used for the highest and best good of all, it is an accomplishment of beauty, awe and grace.

All mediums have developed their psychic abilities and more, while all psychics have not developed the ability to communicate with spirit. Psychics are not necessarily spiritual, although they may be. Mediums are spiritual by definition, as they have contact with the spirit world of God.

I discovered that "like attracts like," and if our thoughts and behavior are good, we will attract similar spirits. Negative or fearful thoughts and behavior attract lower, less educated spirits. Excessive use of alcohol and drugs, and violent and criminal behavior attract the least educated of spirits.

Mediums can only give you messages within the limits of their spiritual development. This development will limit the level of people in spirit and angels that they attract.

In the section of the book called ASTRAL PRAYER, I teach a prayer that will take these lower, less educated spirits away from you, and sends them into God's light for a healing, and then they are taken to their right place. It is called the Astral Prayer.

In addition, you can demand that all the spirit beings around you step into the violet flame. This is a flame of the Holy Spirit. All of those beings from the light of God will gladly comply, and will be healed and energized. The darker spirits will not be comfortable with this demand, and will leave.



The word angel means messenger. They are messengers from God. The angels were created to protect God and Jesus. Since we are also the much loved children of God, they protect and guide us, too.

Angels and humans both emerged from the heart of God. They chose the angelic realm. We chose the human realm.

Angels and humans are evolving together. Our lives are intertwined. We need the angels, and they need us.

We each have twelve angels that have been with us in lifetime after lifetime, since our souls and theirs were cast from the heart of God. I asked Ashtar the names of some of mine. I was told that a Randy, Suzanne, Ziah and Ra-el are some of my angels.

When I was very upset twice recently, Ra-el enfolded me in his wings to comfort me. It worked! I soon felt much better!

I feel Ra-el's presence as I write this book. He is guiding me.

Due to the latest emanation from the Creator, we will become much more aware of angels. In the future, angels and humans will have much closer contact. All humans will be aware of their angels, and work closely with angelic guidance.

Angels do not have free will. They must do what God and Jesus tell them to do. Part of their job is to be ministers and helpers to us, when we listen. They often speak through our hearts and our conscience. We know what is right.

Angels must strictly follow God and Jesus's orders, and follow spiritual laws. There are beautiful books recently channeled from the angels, listed in the bibliography.

In the book Ask Your Angels are stories of angel encounters by three people, the authors. According to the authors, humans exist to be conduits of spiritual energy in our physical, material world. Angels, on the other hand, exist to be conduits of material energy into the spiritual realms. Exercises to contact your angels are included in this book.

Three other angel books are Angel Answers, The Angels Within Us, and Talking to and Understanding Your Angels. These books offer the contact with angels that is part of humanity's growing spiritual awareness.

Angels cannot help us or even enter our world unless we ask them. They must strictly follow the spiritual law of non-interference. More spiritual laws are discussed in the section called SPIRITUAL LAWS. If we see a trouble-spot in the world, we can ask that angels be sent. When we ask for them to be sent, they have permission to go.

The angels love us unconditionally. They do not expect us to be perfect, as angels are. They love us for our humanness. They would like for us to accept their love and our humanness.

One of my favorite angel stories is something that happened recently. I was in a gift shop. I had no money to spend on extras. I saw a beautiful little brown teddy bear, with a tiny face, long legs and big feet. My heart opened, and I said to myself, "When my abundance comes, I'll be able to buy little things like this."

A friend of mine in the apartment complex rescued usable items from the dumpsters. He brought me what he didn't need. I took his bags unopened to the collection for the battered women's shelter at my church.

One day he had just told me to look through the bags, and take what I needed. Twenty-four hours after seeing the little brown teddy bear, I opened my front door. I saw three large bags of dumpster-rescued items, brought by my friend.

One bag was open, and I could see white plush. I pulled it out. It was the same teddy bear, with the same winsome face, long legs, and big feet that I had seen in the gift shop. Only this gift from my angels was a white teddy bear with a red ribbon across his chest, and angel wings sewn with gold thread.

If you get goosebumps when you read something or hear something, that means that spirit is confirming it. I get goosebumps when I read my angel story.

The archangels are more highly evolved than the angels. There are many archangels. The ones assigned to the four directions of the earth are Michael, Rafael, Uriel and Gabriel.

The archangels are available for personal help when we call them by name. They are involved in the upliftment of humanity.

There are seven archangels that serve and protect the earth, and bring various attributes of God to serve the evolutions on earth. These are Michael, Gabriel, Rafael, and Uriel, Jophiel, Chamuel, and Zadkiel.

Archangel Michael, by election, is the Prince of all the archangels, and leads legions of the angelic host in serving God's will. Archangel Jophiel brings us God's wisdom. Archangel Chamuel serves us by bringing God's love. Archangel Gabriel brings God's purity, and archangel Raphael brings God's truth. Archangel Uriel brings God's peace, and archangel Zadkiel brings God's freedom.


Spirit guides are with you to help you help yourself. They will never tell you what to do, but will offer help thinking about your choices. The choices they suggest will all lead you to more spiritual growth.

We all have at least three guides. These are a joy guide, a protector, and master guide who is with you your whole life. The joy guide is an adult in the spirit world who is projecting as a child. He or she tries to guide you to pleasure. The others project as you would remember them in your shared lives.

"Miss," for example, is my guide, and she will be with me my whole life. She brings me wisdom, more than the eye can see. We shared a life in the 18th century as close friends, like sisters. This was the life where I was wealthy and spoiled.

My joy guide, Mikey, projects as a five year old in dungarees. He is a feisty redhead. He was my brother in a life in about the fourteenth century. There were four brothers, very close. I was Samuel, there was Adam, Bill, and Mikey. Mikey lost a foot in a plow accident as a child. Due to the love and care given to him by all of the brothers, he is serving us in spirit as our joy guide, in our various lives. Bill, another brother in that life, is my protector.

As we grow and develop, we need different teachers, just as we do in junior high, high school, and college. So different spirit teachers are requested by our master guide as we need them. They come, teach us lessons, and then may go.


Where is earth in relation to the spirit world? When we leave our bodies when we dream at night, and after the death of the physical body, where do we go? After this section is a diagram of the various dimensions of the spirit world which surround the earth, and the heavenly realms.

Criminals, drug addicts and those with no regard for others' lives, are taken to the first and second dimensions when they pass into the spirit world. These are called the lower astral realms. They could be called the hell regions. There are many, many sublevels to provide for all the variations of people.

Also, those who die with no spiritual growth may be in these lower dimensions. They remain there, living in misery, until their souls cry out in anguish for help. Then beautiful guides go to assist them. They progress slowly to higher dimensions.

We on Earth live in a realm that the spirit world calls the third dimension. Because we live in the third dimension, we perceive that everything has a beginning and an end. It is difficult for us to perceive eternity, which has no beginning or end. It is hard for us to perceive that our soul existed before our conception, and will exist forever.

Those who pass over suddenly or by accident may be in the fourth dimension, until they are ready to go into the light. Sometimes they are confused and don't realize that they are dead. When they ask for help, a guide is instantly there to assist them, and help them go where they belong.

There are ways to help friends or relatives who died by accident, and who may be in the fourth dimension, or even the first or second dimension. Ashtar says that our prayers and intent will help them to move into the Light. Also, see the section called HELPING PEOPLE IN SPIRIT GROW SPIRITUALLY.

Spiritual realms are those from the fifth through the eleventh dimension. Our spirit teachers and guides can come from any of these dimensions. The information from a spirit teacher on the fifth dimension may vary from that of an ascended master. For example, those on the fifth dimension may not know of parallel lives, but an ascended master would. People in spirit continue to learn as they evolve.

To become an ascended master, we must have learned the many lessons of earth life, have balanced our karma, and become a master of our mind and emotions. We must have an intense dedication to serve God, and then pass spiritual tests, called initiations. Once we pass six initiations, we ascend. After that, reincarnation is voluntary. The book The Complete Ascension Manual, by Joshua David Stone describes these initiations in detail.

We are guided to knowledge for our level of soul development. God is on the twelfth dimension. Jesus, Buddha, Ashtar, and the other ascended masters are on the eleventh dimension. Jesus descended to the eleventh dimension from a level far closer to God, to give us the special gifts He brings from God. All of the ascended masters are still growing to become closer to God.

According to The Complete Ascension Manual, by Joshua David Stone, if you imagine a ten inch ruler, with God at inch number ten, the ascended masters are only at the three-fourths of an inch mark! Most of the people on earth would be at the one fourth of an inch mark.

Heaven starts at the fifth dimension. Each higher dimension is an accomplishment of soul growth. If you look at the diagram on the following page, you will see that the third dimension, our earth, is surrounded by mischief makers from the first and second dimensions, and the souls in need of guidance in the fourth dimension! That is why we need to ask for protection and insulation from negativity daily.

You can visualize the distance between the eleventh dimension and God as ten times the distance between the first dimension and the eleventh dimension. Yet God is with us personally as we make contact from our hearts.

We humans can range in our spiritual growth throughout the full spectrum of the dimensions. We can grow spiritually and raise our dimension while in the body all the way to the eleventh dimension. This is ascension. Elijah and Jesus, in the Bible, reached this level, and ascended. Those in the Bible who performed miracles were accessing the higher spiritual laws that their high spiritual growth made possible.

We can reach these higher dimensions while on earth, with a commitment to soul growth. The books on ascension refer to this growth. Also, being in the presence of an ascended master, especially Jesus, who comes through a person who channels the ascended masters, aids your spiritual upliftment.

These people who channel the ascended masters can be found in many areas. I suggest searching in metaphysical bookstores for information on where to go for this high-level channeling.

God, on the twelfth dimension, is above all of the dimensions.


GOD ---12th dimension











Ascended masters realm begins here-----11th dimension

----------------------------------------10th dimension

----------------------------------------9th dimension

----------------------------------------8th dimension

----------------------------------------7th dimension

----------------------------------------6th dimension

Heavenly realms begin here--------------5th dimension

Souls in need of guidance...............4th dimension

The earth - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3rd dimension

Lower astral regions....................2nd dimension

Hell regions............................1st dimension


The final sections of this book offer the basics of spiritual development for the gifts of the Holy Spirit. There is nothing to fear, as you can and should ask your guardian angels, guides and teachers for protection from lower, less educated people in spirit, and to assist in your development.

As a part of my morning prayer, I ask for protection, and to be surrounded by the white light of Christ, and the violet flame of the Holy Spirit. I ask that my guardian angels let only those from the light, and who offer service for my highest and best good to enter that protected field. I also ask them to insulate me from all that is negative. I as them to place a mirrored shield around me. This sends negativity back to the sender.

Asking for this protection and insulation becomes more important as you progress. That is because your sensitivity may increase as your spiritual gifts open. You may need to have this barrier of protection from other people's negativity.

Secondly, mischievous and less educated people in spirit might enjoy scaring you by projecting the face of a satanic looking being, or some other acts of mischief. Just because people pass into the spirit world does not make them holy. If they liked to lie and scare people here on our plane of existence, they are the same when they pass over, until they decide to grow. Sometimes people in spirit take centuries before they decide to grow!

When you ask for the white light of Christ and the violet flame to surround you, those beings in spirit from the light of God experience this as a healing and energizing power. Less developed beings in spirit are uncomfortable and immediately leave. I suggest that you ask for this protection twice daily, morning and evening.

In the section of the book called ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY, there is a more complete description of ourselves as electromagnetic, chemical beings in an electromagnetic universe. There are scientific explanations for the protective forces of different electromagnetic fields around us.

I began classes for my spiritual development, which includes learning spiritual laws, concentration, meditation for stilling the mind, and communication with spirit. I learned that there are corresponding spiritual gifts for each of the physical senses. There is clairaudience, which means hearing spirit voices, clairvoyance, seeing spirits or images brought by spirit, or clairsentience, feelings and sensations brought by spirit). There is clairessence, an inner knowing. There is clairodorence, scents that can be smelled.

In addition, there are other gifts, such as healing, prophecy, art and more. Each gift has its own rewards, and is as advanced as the medium's development, intentions and motivation. No mediums are perfect, as there is a veil between our world and the world of spirit.

Our job when approaching mediums and books inspired and channeled from spirit is to separate the wheat from the chaff. That is part of our spiritual growth. One medium or book may be perfect for you, while others are best for the next person.

When I began to build my bridge between this world and the world of spirit, I had to learn to quiet my mind. I discovered that my conscious mind is very unruly, and wanders. In spiritual development, we can learn to control the wandering mind. Then we can still our mind, and listen for the messages from our loving guardians in spirit.

I became able to feel and distinguish the presence of more than twenty of my teachers and guides, and various relatives and friends who now live in the spirit world. I feel their presence, as well as the presence at times of God, Jesus, Mother Mary, and the archangels. They frequently teach me spiritual lessons and help me live a happier and more fulfilled life. I have been eager to develop these gifts, but have been lovingly told not to rush things by my spirit teachers.

Here is one message from my spirit teacher "Miss," regarding just that. "Move gently and slowly in bringing these things into your life, because once you master them, they will be of the most high."

As people grow spiritually, and in the development of their mind and talents, they attract more angels and spirit teachers. The more growth for which you strive, the more spirit help you will attract. It pays to follow God's laws and strive for the highest and best good for yourself and others!

We never should criticize another's spiritual path or expression of spirit! One person may be a traditional minister, another may channel their guardian angels, another may feel spirit and develop their own signals. One may prophesize, giving messages from angels, in a quiet, reserved manner, while another may transmit these messages with excitement, or hand rubbing, or jerky movements. God has not appointed any of us, even the ministers and teachers, as vice-president under God of how God's power should be expressed! We can remember to give unconditional love, rather than criticizing another's spiritual path or expression of spirit!

There are many books available that are transmitted from the spirit world in bookstores in the metaphysics section, or in metaphysical bookstores and libraries. These books come via automatic writing, to a person in trance, by clairaudient (the hearing of spirit) writers, or inspired (thoughts transmitted by spirit) writers. All of these are gifts of the Holy Spirit, and can be highly accurate.

When you go into one of these stores or libraries, notice what attracts you. Your spirit teachers will guide you to the books you need.

An interesting set of books is the Messages From Michael series. When asked if there are any other creatures with souls on our planet, the spirit entity Michael replied that whales and cetaceans also have souls. This puts "Save the Whales" in an entirely new light! My suggestion is to avoid "gloom and doom" books. They are fear based. Find the positive books.

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